The Hearth > Managing a Household

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

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Good morning! 

I got on early to see if we got paid...wasn't sure how all that would work out with Earl's school money being due on the 1st which is Sunday and his regular check due tomorrow.  But it's all in there today, yay!   I already set up bills a couple of days ago but wanted to be sure to have enough for groceries and Christmas shopping to take advantage of any great online sales we find and purchase a few things locally on Saturday.  I was also thinking of getting a haircut today but am not sure if I will.  But the place is running a special where you get 4 haircuts for $40, which saves $3 on each one.  So I'm thinking of buying one of those cards as I need my hair cut fairly often with it so short.

Other than that, I will keep plugging away here at home.  I have a kitchen counter over away from the cooking area that accumulates junk.  I have it mostly unburied but there are still a few odds and ends to find homes for.  I have typically put the pies over on that area for Thanksgiving so it will be nice to have that space tomorrow.  I have the crust made for my pumpkin pie but need to make the ones for the cherry and apple pies yet and then make the fillings.  A bit of picking up to do elsewhere in the house and then I'll mop tonight, probably after the kids are in bed so it stays reasonably clean.  Not sure exactly what to do about setting the tables.  I don't have any tablecloths but they would sure look nice with the china.  Hmmm.  I have a piece of burlap down the center of my table with a large pumpkin in the middle and two tiny ones on each side.  Maybe I'll do the same on the card table with just a medium pumpkin in the middle of the burlap.

Dinner tonight is taco soup.


Good Morning Catherine and all who follow

Kids get out at 1:30 today and DD got here from college last night. YEAH Looking forward to this! Although work is involved. DH and I fenced yesterday with neighbor after chores and DD and Dh will go finish. THey dont have as much to do but will take a while. I get to stay home after I check cows. YEAH YEAH I dont know why staying home and doing housework and bookwork sounds exciting but maybe because it is warm in here. It is the little things to make me happy. Then we will go to city to MIL s for Thanksgiving and then back to projects that need done  like move cows around. I think I will sit up Christmas stuff while DDs home to maybe send some Christmas decorations back with her. I plan on going into town today to get license for vehicles to get dds on hers before she leaves. I also would like to maybe get her oil changed. I have this idea to take family pics tomorrow as someone can take pic in MIls yard with all the pine trees We will see

Have a great day


Good morning friends.  :D

I am so scattered feeling this morning.  I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed and that's not a good thing.  :D

Lainey is out of school today thru the weekend, Evan is in a "I'm not going to sleep" mood so he's ill as a hornet, it's rained for 3 days straight so Holden hasn't been able to go outside and run off any energy so he's bouncing off the wall, I have guests coming for Thanksgiving tomorrow and haven't even got my "time line" planned out for feeding 18 people.  ARGHHHH  :o  Deep breaths, deep breaths.....naptime is in 45 mins and at least Holden will lay down.  I"m not so sure about Evan. 

Both boys got up at 5:30 this morning so it's been a long day already.  I've had to take Lainey to the doctor's office for a follow-up urinalysis due to a UTI and we ran by Food Lion to pick up a few things that I forgot when I went to Aldi.  I would have spent more on gas than I would have saved if I would have drove to  Aldi so Food Lion it was.  Blech.  :)

I guess I need to get up from here and get busy.  Supper tonight is white beans, slaw and corn bread. 


Good morning, ladies. Beth, just'll all be ok :)

We had our dinner yesterday. It was quite relaxing. Tonight's dinner will be leftovers. I've got to get a cake, 3 pies, macaroni salad, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes made for my sisters dinner tomorrow. Oh, and pistachio salad. I got a wonderful good nights rest last night. That very seldom happens for me. I feel great today and ready to tackle the day. In case I'm not on tomorrow, you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow what a day already, kids are going crazy and I had to run by the Dr and get abbys had splinted and wraped she fractured it hitting her brothers knee so now we are waiting to get a call to see when the surgeon can do a consult. After Dr we had to get a few things at walmart and they were busy so I told them to be little ducks and they said they were turkeys instead and walked in a line behind me making turkey noises it was quite a sight lol. Came home got kids lunch and beans in oven for dinner waiting washer to be done. Is it nap time yet? lol have a great day everyone.


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