Author Topic: Friday, December 26, 2014  (Read 1128 times)

Offline wrancher

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Friday, December 26, 2014
« on: December 26, 2014, 06:50:15 AM »
Good morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Friday, December 26, 2014
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2014, 07:10:24 AM »
We had a great Christmas. On Christmas eve we did chores, went to a funeral in another town. We came back to my mom and dads and had Christmas with my family then went up a block to Ross' moms in the evening. Yesterday we went over to neighbors and had lunch and played cards.  Today is Megan's 20th birthday.  I will make a cake and clean up this house. I need to get things ready as ross is having a hunting party tomorrow for some of his friends and they will bring their boys.  Allison and I leave tomorrow for her basketball tourney this weekend.  Her 1st game is at 12 but we need to be there an hour early.   Need to do some massive bookwork.  I got ross a keurig so we have been going through the coffee.  I need to get those refillable cups.  Well need to get everyone moving faster.

Coffee time...

Offline Linda

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Re: Friday, December 26, 2014
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2014, 08:40:57 AM »
Good Morning Janice.....sounds like a nice time.. have a nice day.

Trying to talk myself in to getting off the couch and getting busy... i sit down earlier and now i am all nice and warm and don't want to move.

 Started taking the tree and decorations down last night, it will probably take me the rest of the week to put it all away..I never realize how much i got out till i go to put it up.  Had a great time with both my boys being here on Christmas morning...been along time since that has happened...

Today i have some cleanup to do then may head to Walmart to see if there are any good after sales... Love Linda

Offline MoWin

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Re: Friday, December 26, 2014
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2014, 10:23:09 AM »
Good morning ladies,
    We had a good Christmas, although not as we had planned.  :-\ We spent most of it in the hospital with our son Jon. He went to the ER on Christmas Eve with bad pain in his right abdomen. He had to have an emergency operation yesterday to remove his very inflamed gall bladder. He is only 26, but I guess these things happen.  :( The important thing is that he should be just fine and released today.  ;D After most of the day in the hospital, Kevin went home to let poor Buddy out. I went with Jon's fiance, Kim, and her kids to Lawrence to join the rest of our family for a celebration. So I got to see all of our family, just not together, but it is all good. Just want our boy healthy. He has always been very healthy, so he has not been a good patient. LOL I am sure everyone will be glad when he gets home. He doesn't do 'sick' well. LOL
    I was so tired last night when I finally got home, that I fell asleep immediately and never woke up till 9 this morning.  :o Kevin and I are taking it easy today. It is hard on us old folks when one of our kids has to have surgery! The stress took it out of us, so we just plan to relax today. Kevin is playing a game on the computer. I think I will relax with a book or maybe look at the knitting course on Craftsy that our daughter Cath bought for me. Hmmm, I guess I will just go with the flow. Do what I want today. You all have a great day.

Linda, I hope you get all your decorations put away in record time. LOL Glad you got to have both sons home with you yesterday.
Janice, happy birthday to Megan. Have fun at the basketball tourney!

Winona in northwest Missouri
Wife to Kevin
Mom to Carolyn, Cathryn, Isaiah, Hazel, and Jon
Grandma to Ashton, Ava, Noah, Izabella, and Maddison
Furbabies: Aeris, Buddy, and Callie

Offline MissMandy

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Re: Friday, December 26, 2014
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2014, 12:12:01 PM »
Oh, Winona!  That is most certainly NOT what any of you asked Santa for for Christmas!  I'm glad that he was taken care of and that all seems to be well now.  Rest up, lady, you deserve it!

Mom and I hit Target and Walmart this morning to stock up on next year's gift wrap and tags.  I made out like a bandit with some really cute stuff, and I also picked up groceries from Walmart.

We've had a wonderful Christmas so far!  Christmas Eve morning we hosted a birthday party brunch for our dog, Grimm (yep, you read that correctly ;D).  We had a sheet cake from Costco, ham and rolls, blueberry croissant bake, and a mimosa bar, and ended up having about THIRTY people show up!  It was a fun way to celebrate the first year of Grimm's life as well as Christmas Eve.

After a quick rest, we head to church for the 7PM contemporary service.  Our music director had lost her voice, so Jean and myself and one other guy ended up leading all of the songs for the service.  We were able to come home for a short bit after that service and before the 11PM traditional service where we had to sing again, this time with the choir.  Whew - we were TIRED when we finally crawled in to bed around 1:30!

We woke up yesterday and enjoyed a yummy breakfast of leftover ham with eggs, and opened gifts from each other and 'Santa'.  Then after showering and dressing we headed over to Mom and Dad's to celebrate and have a meal with them.  We're headed back over there this afternoon to have more Christmas when my brother, SIL, and nieces arrive.  I predict that tonight will be another night I'll be glad to collapse into bed!

Nothing major is going on tonight or for the rest of the week, just cleaning up and packing up Christmas.  The weather is clear and unseasonably warm (50's), so that's nice!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday time!

Mandy, wife to Jean, furmama to Irish Wolfhound Grimmauld (Grimm), living in the mountains of Virginia.  Childless by circumstance and loving it! ♥

Offline sbdriver

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Re: Friday, December 26, 2014
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2014, 12:51:15 PM »
Hi ladies glad to hear everyone enjoyed their Christmas even you Winona with the unexpthroughected hospital trip for your son. Glad he's doing ok!

Our Christmas was good here, a little subdued due to the kids dad but we all made it through.

Was thinking about taking the tree down today but think I'll just take it easy and relax today and maybe tomorrow get it done.

Mandy I haven't had to buy paper for 3 years now lol but need more..... don't want to deal with the crowds today though so maybe tomorrow I'll check lol.

Have a great Boxing Day everyone!!!
Many hands make light work

Offline Rooney

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Re: Friday, December 26, 2014
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2014, 01:57:25 PM »
Happy Day After Christmas everyone!

So glad to hear how wonderful your holidays were! :)

We are entering into what is always the most quiet week in our home all year round.  Everyone is playing contently with whatever fun stuff they got and are even SHARING WILLINGLY!  This will continue until the new wears off. ;)

We had a good time around here.  Christmas Eve afternoon, we had company and a brunch. Later had a big dinner.  We did the gift thing as well.  Christmas Day was laid back as usual.  We got up late and did gifts from Dad and Mom. (We don't do the Santa thing)  We played board games with the kids into the evening.  We played trivia pursuit. (I may have never mentioned this, but I LOVE trivia)  I was thrilled when Jake asked for the game.  We teamed up on Mom or Dad teams.  They got SO excited when someone got a question right.  Too fun!  The kids got a bean bag toss game, so we played that with them as well.  Lots of fun family time.  They are in the living room playing Twister right now.  That should be interesting. :)

Our tree was on its last leg.  We bought it half price ($75) right before we got married.  This year it gave up.  Eden pulled on it and it went half way over, so we decided it would be best to take it down right then, so it didn't fall all the way over on us.  Hey, that is definitely the earliest it has ever been taken down!

Winona, so sorry to hear about Jon's trouble over the holiday.  Hope he is on the mend quickly.

Mandy, you are one brave soul to venture out to Target and Walmart the Day after Christmas.  I only did that ONCE!

Janice, Happy Birthday to Megan! :)

Laurie and Linda, glad to here you had a good holiday with your families. :)

Hubby went into the office for a while and will be back soon.  Looking forward to starting an early weekend with him.

Have a great day.
