Author Topic: Tuesday March10th 2015  (Read 721 times)

Offline Linda

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Tuesday March10th 2015
« on: March 10, 2015, 04:43:26 AM »
 Good Morning, going to be another beautiful day in Kansas.. i am soaking up all this warmth and sunshine, cause i know winter isn't over for us yet..
Gotta work for a while this morning, then will get my miles in.. after not walking this winter it takes me a while to do my 3 miles.. and sore.. oh!lol... just have to get use to it again... and keep adding alittle more each day.
If i get in a really go to the store mood i would like to go get some potting soil... We picked up lettuce seed and several different type herbs and i would love to get them started indoors.....may just plant a tomato seed or two just to get them started early so i can have a real tomato and not one from the
Don't have a clue on dinner yet,
have a awesome day everyone.Linda

Offline wrancher

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Re: Tuesday March10th 2015
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2015, 07:08:50 AM »
Good morning

We are also soaking up the sunshine. I too know that winter will still give us something just as we start to enjoy it. 

Today we sell calves in the afternoon.  Morning consists of chores outside and inside. Nothing new and exciting

 We are getting a different chore pickup as we are tired of putting so much into it every month.  I want to order some extra heavy duty floor mats.  We won't get it till next week if we are lucky as it has to get box off and we put a bale bed on.  We can pickup bales and feed them out in pasture as it unrolls them. Pretty handy.  Not very pretty though. I guess you call it practical. 

.better go check my cows


Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Tuesday March10th 2015
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2015, 08:07:45 AM »
Good morning,

Just sitting here having my cup of coffee and needing an energy boost this morning.  I hiked yesterday, not long but fairly challenging, just about 4 miles but with some boulders and lots of wet rock thrown in.  Then came home,ate an early dinner, and went to work until 8.  So I'm dragging a bit today.

So far this morning, I've gotten everyone to school.  Mallory needed to be early, not for violin today, but because her class is going to a basketball game in Oklahoma City, and had to get their bus early.  Maddy needed to be early, though she usually is, for a vocal music competition they are headed to today.  She was a little disappointed that it ended up being today because that meant she had to miss a field trip to the art museum in OKC which she was excited about.

Today, I work noon to 4, so need to get a few things done in the next 2.5 hours before I leave.  Filling up vitamin containers, washing towels (they're in), and folding a load of darks fluffing in the dryer are priorities, as is figuring out dinner and thawing appropriate meat.  Other than that, I need to read my Bible chapters (still going on the chronological read-through method) and have John Grisham's Gray Mountain onhand to read as well.  Mallory has a violin thing where she is judged today after school, so Earl will pick the kids up and drop her off for that, pick up Max, then go back for Mallory.  In the meantime, I'll get off work, go home, and start dinner.

Hope you all have a wonderful day today!

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Tuesday March10th 2015
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2015, 08:09:41 AM »
Good morning!

A beautiful day here too.  I am thinking it'll be a good day to get the garage cleaned up!

Today I'm going to finish laundry and work on ironing.  I need to clean the microwave and the stove/oven.  Shouldn't be too hard as I did a major cleaning just a few weeks ago and they are still looking pretty good.  I have some bills to pay and that should pretty much take care of the must-dos.

In addition to working on the garage, I'm going to work on the office.  I also need to run to the store and get a new vacuum.  We've had ours for a few years now, I think, and it's lost it's suction.  We've checked it carefully to make sure there aren't any blockages and we just can't find why it's not suctioning.  So, new vacuum!

Have a great day!
