Author Topic: Friday, January 4, 2019  (Read 1595 times)

Offline Cheryl

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Friday, January 4, 2019
« on: January 04, 2019, 07:53:26 AM »
Good Friday morning to anyone dropping by! 

Everybody’s disappeared again it seems.  I know I have been scarce around here too.  The holidays and aftermath throws me so far off track.  My routine is messed up with the changes, Emily not having school and Tony not working.  Hopefully now things are getting back to normal.

I have been doing a deep clean/purge/declutter in my house.  I thought I had pretty much donated everything I wanted gone, but for the past week we have really been looking at things in a different light and I have been able to toss a lot more. 

Our house is small, we don’t have storage space, and my mood is really affected by dealing with the too much stuff, not enough house problem.  I’m feeling a lot better and can finally say the end is in sight!

Well, guess I better get back to work.  We are having homemade pizza tonight so I need to get the dough mixed up, the cheese shredded, and the vegetables cut.  Hope you all have a great day and check in.
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline Rooney

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Re: Friday, January 4, 2019
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2019, 10:13:10 AM »
Hi Cheryl,
I haven't been around either.  Covered up with school, then we were sick over Christmas and now we are all sick today again with fevers and cough. Hubby and I are the only one's without it, but it is inevitable we will be sick too with the littles coughing out into the air.  Winter just started and this makes me ready for spring. 

We were needing groceries last night, but everyone was already feeling bad so hubby had to go by himself.  I felt sorry for him because it is difficult to maneuver  2 or 3 carts through the store alone.  That reminds me, I know you girls shop at Aldi too, and sometimes shop for a couple of weeks or a month at a time.  Have you ever had problems with the management because you had 2 carts of items before?  We did and had to send in a complaint.  They are leaving us alone for now, but that just seemed really weird to me because of all the big families that choose to shop Aldi.  The manager made a scene in front of the store with hubby, just because we were purchasing "a lot" (a week or so of food for us).  He said we messed up the cashier's "numbers".   Who ever heard of a store not wanting you to buy their  products?  A week after this they put up signs all over the store saying they could limit the products if they decided to.  Anyway they aren't bugging us for now, just wondering if anyone else has had this happen?

It is supposed to be warmer and sunny this weekend.  I have been walking and running on the farm as much as I can to get outdoors.  Hoping not to be sick this weekend, so I can take advantage of the warmer, sunny weather.  Back to taking care of the sickies for me.


Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Friday, January 4, 2019
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2019, 10:51:28 AM »
Hi Everyone!

I too have been missing in action around here.  I don't think I even opened my laptop for about 2 weeks.  It's the only way I access this site, so if I'm not on it, I'm not here.

Our Christmas was nice.  Weird, but really nice.  We went to my parents' on the 23rd with 2 of 3 sons and one fiancee'.  It was nice, but my Mom can really get to me.  She is on the verge of narcissistic, and that gets under my skin.  There were a couple of instances of it that pushed me to my edge.  She was putting on a show for son's fiancee.  Too much drama for me!
Christmas eve day we had out Christmas here.  Our son and dil who live in NC weren't here, so that was different.  Not all of us being together.  That is new.  It's okay.  I understand, now that they are grown and building their own families. It's just odd feeling.  On Christmas day, it was just hubs, me and our youngest son.  It was just a quiet day with not much going on. 
It was a nice Christmas, it just felt really weird.
We stayed home for New Years.  We usually do.  It just isn't my kind of holiday.  We were invited to a couple of events, but eh. 

I am trying to get back to a healthy feeling for myself.  I've gotten off track with food choices, and lack of exercise.  Hubs & I got gym memberships for Christmas, so I have been trying to come up with some kind of schedule for myself.  We go together once in a while, but I need to be going on my own as well. 

We drove our college son back to school Wednesday.  It is about a 7 hour drive from here.  We left early, and made really good time.  We were going to spend the night in the area, and head back on Th, but since we dropped him off by 2:30, we just drove home.  It was a long long long day.  I did all the driving since hubs needed to work in the car.  I was fine, but yesterday I was really feeling it.  I was so tired!  Went to bed at 8:30 last night!  I feel much better today!  It is amazing what a good nights sleep can do!

My bestie from HS is in the beginning of her cancer treatment.  They did some tests that showed chemo would not be effective, so she is on some kind of hormone pills for 3 months and then her mastectomy.  Hopefully this will be what it takes to get her well.  She is struggling with the feeling the meds are giving her, but is thankful she isn't having to go through chemo. 

Not that much else is happening around here.  Looking forward to son and dil's visit coming up later this month.  Although according to my mother, they are coming solely to visit her and my dad.  ::) 

We are getting some sunshine here today.  It seems nice.  We don't see much of the sun during the winter months. 
Today I am finishing up laundry, did a 25 minute yoga workout, and have pepper steak going in the crockpot for dinner. 

Hope you are all doing well!  I will try to be more present here!  Here's to an amazing 2019!!

Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline Cheryl

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Re: Friday, January 4, 2019
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2019, 08:00:57 AM »
Hi Cheryl,
I haven't been around either.  Covered up with school, then we were sick over Christmas and now we are all sick today again with fevers and cough. Hubby and I are the only one's without it, but it is inevitable we will be sick too with the littles coughing out into the air.  Winter just started and this makes me ready for spring. 

We were needing groceries last night, but everyone was already feeling bad so hubby had to go by himself.  I felt sorry for him because it is difficult to maneuver  2 or 3 carts through the store alone.  That reminds me, I know you girls shop at Aldi too, and sometimes shop for a couple of weeks or a month at a time.  Have you ever had problems with the management because you had 2 carts of items before?  We did and had to send in a complaint.  They are leaving us alone for now, but that just seemed really weird to me because of all the big families that choose to shop Aldi.  The manager made a scene in front of the store with hubby, just because we were purchasing "a lot" (a week or so of food for us).  He said we messed up the cashier's "numbers".   Who ever heard of a store not wanting you to buy their  products?  A week after this they put up signs all over the store saying they could limit the products if they decided to.  Anyway they aren't bugging us for now, just wondering if anyone else has had this happen?

It is supposed to be warmer and sunny this weekend.  I have been walking and running on the farm as much as I can to get outdoors.  Hoping not to be sick this weekend, so I can take advantage ofthe warmer, sunny weather.  Back to taking care of the sickies for me.


Lindsay, it’s good to hear from you!  Sorry you are sick, but hope y’all are on the mend.

To answer your question about Aldi, I have never seen any of the ones I go to limit purchases like that.  The only signs I have seen posted are on butter, milk, and eggs.  Those are during the holidays when those items are on sale, typically limit 6 per customer.  Sounds like the manager of your store has a problem.

Pam, sorry to hear about the family drama.  That’s why I avoid my mother-in-law when I can. ;D
« Last Edit: January 05, 2019, 08:04:51 AM by Cheryl »
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn