Titus 2 Homemakers

The Hearth => Managing a Household => : pamgonzo January 12, 2017, 08:20:32 AM

: Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017
: pamgonzo January 12, 2017, 08:20:32 AM
Good Morning!
: Re: Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017
: pamgonzo January 12, 2017, 08:34:36 AM
Hello Ladies!
Hope all of you are safe and warm out there.  We had rain overnight, and then dropping temps.  So.....ICE.  Our world is covered in ice.   :P  Thankfully for me, I have nowhere to be.  Sadly, hubby had to make a 60 mile trek south for work.  Waiting to hear that he arrived safely.  Wish he would not have gone.  Praying for safety for him.

I will be doing some projects around the house.  The laundry that I was going to do yesterday was derailed by wedding planning.  Trying to find a reception venue.  Found one that is beautiful, but major major expensive.  Think we have a photographer set up. Waiting to hear confirmation on that. 
So, laundry today for sure.  Need to clean my oven.   :-\  Not excited about that, but maybe I take that on today.  Anybody have a sure fire "easy" way to clean an oven? 

Not sure what else I will get to.  I have a gift basket to put together since we will be seeing the recipients tomorrow for a concert.  Will be glad to get that off my to-do list.  (the gift basket, not the concert!)

I have not been sleeping well as of late.  I guess I have too many projects in my brain.  I slept in this morning, so I am getting a late start on my day.  My brain is not focusing on what I need to do today.  Other than laundry.  Oh, and I need to color my hair today.  The gray is creeping in again!

Hope everyone else has a great day and clearer minds!
Stay warm if you are in the freezing zone, or dry if you are in a rainy zone, or just appreciate the weather if you are in a sunny zone!
: Re: Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017
: Alice January 12, 2017, 09:04:27 AM
Got a call from dad this morning and mom is in the hospital with gallstones. Just after she started feeling better from her face pain relief and now she has this. I guess surgery is on the agenda for later today or tomorrow. Please pray for them!

Hubby and I are both sick so we can't go be with mom and dad. I'm at work today but I'm going home shortly. I even took yesterday off but I just feel rotten. Hubby has chicken noodle soup going in the crockpot so we'll have soup today. I really need to sleep, I'm so tired.

: Re: Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017
: pamgonzo January 12, 2017, 09:40:54 AM
Oh Alice - so sorry you are not feeling well.  Chicken soup will be just what you need.  That and some rest. 
Hope you can get some. 

I'm sure your mom is in the best of hands to take care of her. 

Will be praying for all of you to heal and feel better.

Take care.  Keep warm and safe!
: Re: Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017
: 4kidsmom January 12, 2017, 09:50:06 AM
Good morning!

Another cloudy, damp day.  It's rained already and supposed to snow later today.  We'll see. 

Today's the end of term so it's a short day.  Kids all have dentist appointments this afternoon.

Yesterday in the office I cleared out an entire file drawer.  About half of it was preschool stuff that I passed on to a homeschooling mom.  With Nathan in kindergarten, I don't need it anymore.  Most of the other half was magazine clippings and other similar stuff.  All of it went into the recycling bin.  I can find that kind of thing online now so no need to keep the papers (yay, Pinterest!).  Some of the projects I had saved I don't even remember clipping out.

I also went through the warranties binders and took out the papers for things we don't own anymore.  I did a major purge awhile ago so there wasn't that much to take out.  I sorted through a stack of papers that need to be filed and put them into individual file piles (education, medical, warranties, etc.).  I'll get them put away today.  I have another pile of to-be-scrapbooked stuff so that needs to be divided by person, then by year. Then those will go in the files until they can get scrapped.

I've got a pile of art projects from one son that need to be photographed, then the papers themselves can be thrown away.  I've mentioned before about Project Life (by Becky Higgins).  I don't know if I've mentioned that she has an app now!  I love it because I can slide pictures from my camera roll or Dropbox into one of the templates, choose from decorative cards for the journaling, then export to my phone, and upload to Costco for printing.  So I can take pictures of all the art projects then use the app to make a page and not have to keep these oversized papers.  Very excited about that.  Same thing for science fair project boards--just take pictures of the board then chuck the board itself. 

Better get going on the day so I can get a few things done before going to pick up Nathan at school.

: Re: Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017
: wrancher January 12, 2017, 10:50:35 AM
Good morning ladies!

Nice and cold out! Woke up to -1 feels like -18. We are suppose to be in for warmer temps but I wont hold my breath. Lots of snow and ice. The main gravel road keeps drifting in and it is long and deep in about 8 spots. ugh Long Winter!!

I am in from chores earlier than usual. Thank Heavens! I need to do more than my usual 4 loads of laundry and dishwasher every meal.  Tomorrow Allison and I leave for her tourney on other end of state. 4hours away. Megan will come down as it is only 45 minutes from her and she can get her stuff she forgot over break and stay with us in motel.  Allison will try again for her drivers permit tomorrow on our way.  She missed 1 too many the last time. If she wouldn't have changed 2 of her answers she would have been fine. 

I need to make up some meals for when I am gone. 1 night but we wont get home till 11pm or 12 on Satueday. Needing to print of 1099s and finish all my bookwork for the year. Ugh  I kinda like to do it if I have everything else done but usual have other projects I also need to do. 

Nothing exciting on the Ranch. Just feeding cows lots of hay and getting a sore back breaking ice in water tanks for cows.  I only have 3 tanks.  Ross has 7 tanks.  I cant wait for summer. At least nice temps and no snow or ice.

Off to do a cooking marathon

: Re: Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017
: pamgonzo January 12, 2017, 11:38:46 AM
Merilee: sounds like you are making great progress!  Good for you!  You may have motivated me to purge some things and do some reorganizing! (you MAY have!)   ;) 
And, yes - totally yay for pinterest!!! 

Janice: Hope the tournament goes well this weekend.  Nice you can see your college girl! Good luck to Allison on getting her permit!  Your weather sounds downright unlivable!  You must be quite strong to get through that!  I would be holed up inside like a little baby!  LOL!
Hope you make progress on all the projects you have going on!
