Titus 2 Homemakers

The Hearth => Managing a Household => : wrancher February 11, 2015, 06:29:07 AM

: Wednesday, Febrruary 11, 2015
: wrancher February 11, 2015, 06:29:07 AM
Good morning
: Re: Wednesday, Febrruary 11, 2015
: greyhoundgirl February 11, 2015, 06:59:06 AM
Good morning!

I  miss you ladies and checking in but time is at a premium these days.  Not on the computer much.   In fact, I  am typing on my phone while waiting for the Azure Standard truck.  Then will take the kids for doughnuts, then to respective schools, cat to vet, have  maybe an hour at home, then head to work.   Crossfit this evening.  Trying to give this job a fair chance.  I like the work and my coworkers, just not the time constraints.

Better run.
: Re: Wednesday, Febrruary 11, 2015
: 4kidsmom February 11, 2015, 10:02:06 AM
Good morning!

Today there's no school for Alex (kindergarten) because of parent teacher conferences.  I will still have the twins today.  My day is pretty normal.  I will do some laundry, some picking up, revamp my menu a bit to use up as much food as I can, and Alex and I need to work on his valentines.  There's no school on Friday due to teacher comp day so the party is tomorrow.  It's a short day so it'll only be 2 hours, so pretty much all they're going to do is pass out the valentines.  I think they may make mailbags for the valentines too, if they didn't do that yesterday.  Since these are kindergarten students, they're going to have a reading exercise by reading the names on the valentines they pass out then read the names on the mailbags.  So that's going to take awhile.

For fun, I'm going to work on making valentines.  I haven't made valentines for years--my valentine to my family is usually a really nice dinner.  I'm still going to do that (no desire to go out on a Saturday Valentine's Day, and Friday isn't likely to be much better) but I thought I'd like to make valentines this year. 

I've been doing pretty good with my scrapbooking project.  I don't think I've explained that goal yet, so here goes.  I have a foot-high stack of pages that have been mostly done for YEARS sitting on a bookshelf in the office.  My big goal for this year is to make some major progress on scrapbooking.  Partly to use up stuff, partly to clear out clutter, and partly so we can ENJOY the pictures.  So my immediate goal is to get the almost-finished pages finished and into the albums.  I've been doing pretty good with that.  I'll try to finish a few more pages today. 

I think I'll also work on cutting up more blue jeans into squares.  A sewing goal is to make more fabric shopping bags.  I have the .99 cent ones from the grocery store but they're starting to rip and fall apart so I need to make more.  I'm going to cut up old/worn out blue jeans into squares then sew the squares together to make a big piece of "fabric" then use that to make the bags.  So again, baby step 1 is to cut the jeans into squares.  I'm using my rotary cutter and 6 inch quilting square so it is actually pretty fast.

This afternoon I have the usual drop off and pick up, with the addition of picking up a friend's son.  He'll be here for about 2 hours then his mom will pick him up.  Tonight the teens have church group.

I have no idea at the moment what dinner will be.  I have some acorn squash I need to use so that plus whatever else I can think of and can find to use up.

It looks like a lovely day outside!

Have a great day!

: Re: Wednesday, Febrruary 11, 2015
: Cheryl February 11, 2015, 10:13:34 AM
Good morning, at least for a little while longer.

My day started out interesting.  I had just finished my shower when my neighbor showed up at my door explaining that she was trying to catch a pot-bellied pig. :o    Emily and I went out to help in the pig roundup, but it's still loose.  It's roaming around everybody's yards and I only hope our dogs don't try to catch it, even though she's a lot bigger than both of them.

I have laundry on the line and it's a beautiful day.  I would love to be out in it but I have things to do inside for now.  As soon as Emily finishes her school work we'll be going out to enjoy the day.  The weather is supposed to turn cold this weekend so better enjoy it while I can.

Have a great day!
: Re: Wednesday, Febrruary 11, 2015
: MissMandy February 11, 2015, 10:27:16 AM
Good Afternoon!

I had a great yoga session at the gym this morning (even got praised for one of my poses!), and I'm back home now.  I've had my breakfast and popcorn, and done a bit of NSA work.  Nothing major on the schedule today, just more computer work, making the bed, going over the floors.  Boy, I feel like I type the same things every day ;D!

Merilee - Lately I've recently been working hard on my scrapbooks as well.  I keep chronological albums, and I've only just finished 2009 :o!  In addition, I've also got our wedding album (we were married in 2010), a Christmas album, and a mini (8x8) album for Grimm's breeder still to do.  Oh well, it's all in good fun!

Dinner tonight is taco salads.

Have a great day!

: Re: Wednesday, Febrruary 11, 2015
: wrancher February 11, 2015, 11:05:53 AM
The chore pickup is still broke down so I hope to finish the few things I need to do for accountant. I am glad to be almost done for the year with that part. I want to take my neat receipts machine and attach some of the important receipts to last years quickbooks. This way if I ever need to find a receipt later I will have it without going thorough all those files.  Today is church school day so I get little kids from school and take Allison back in for practice. I also need to deliver some eggs to a lady and I want to make her a dish. She is going through cancer right now and cant go to work. Yesterday was my birthday so a neighbor brought me over a cake and a bag of gifts. My mom got the kids after school since we were at accountant.  She also baked a cake and gave me a can of frosting. HA She is like her you go I ran out of time.  I got ashleys window replace in her car yesterday and today she we get oil changed then she can take my suburban the next day and get my oil changed.  I am anxious to actually get my house cleaned and get a little organized before this weekend. Thrusday is games, Friday we bangs vaccinate heifers and games, and Satday and sunday we are gone for tourney. Last traveling tourney of the year.