Titus 2 Homemakers

The Kitchen is the Heart of the Home => The Cook House => : Cathie January 16, 2014, 07:01:53 AM

: Menu Plans
: Cathie January 16, 2014, 07:01:53 AM
do you follow a certain plan or wing it

I am under the wing it category -- not so good for me I think a lot can be changed if we plan better.  I have been looking at PH menus plans - http://theprudenthomemaker.com/index.php/menus/winter-menu (http://theprudenthomemaker.com/index.php/menus/winter-menu)
: Re: Menu Plans
: Cheryl January 16, 2014, 07:16:35 AM
I have an inventory of my pantry and freezers.  I base my menus on these items. 
: Re: Menu Plans
: Cathie January 16, 2014, 07:33:19 AM
thanks for answer Cheryl
: Re: Menu Plans
: Proudmama January 16, 2014, 09:37:39 AM
I plan out my menus.  I generally stock the same general foods in the house and just go from there.  I don't make the same exact meals every month but do have some general repeats such as spaghetti, pancakes, etc.  I plan anywhere from two weeks to a month at a time.  I try to make a few new recipes each month.

: Re: Menu Plans
: Cheryl January 16, 2014, 10:45:56 AM
I should add that at this time I have to plan.  Money is so tight right now that I've inventoried every thing we have to eat and I sit down with my list and plan my menus using items we have on hand.  I start with a meat and add veggies from the freezer or home canned ones.  Some days we may only have beans and cornbread or rice or a soup without added meat.  Once I've got my menu for the month made, I make my grocery list for the things I need like fresh fruit or produce, milk, etc.  This has been working out well for now, but I'll be glad when I can add more variety to our meals.
: Re: Menu Plans
: shedrinkzcoffee January 16, 2014, 11:16:09 AM
I menu plan using Plan to Eat.  I plan all 3 meals on there and it works well.  It makes my grocery list for me too, which is awesome!
: Re: Menu Plans
: Cathie January 16, 2014, 11:21:47 AM
I menu plan using Plan to Eat.  I plan all 3 meals on there and it works well.  It makes my grocery list for me too, which is awesome!

Thanks Erica.
: Re: Menu Plans
: Cathie January 16, 2014, 11:22:12 AM
I plan out my menus.  I generally stock the same general foods in the house and just go from there.  I don't make the same exact meals every month but do have some general repeats such as spaghetti, pancakes, etc.  I plan anywhere from two weeks to a month at a time.  I try to make a few new recipes each month.


Thanks Denise
: Re: Menu Plans
: Cathie January 16, 2014, 11:22:36 AM
I should add that at this time I have to plan.  Money is so tight right now that I've inventoried every thing we have to eat and I sit down with my list and plan my menus using items we have on hand.  I start with a meat and add veggies from the freezer or home canned ones.  Some days we may only have beans and cornbread or rice or a soup without added meat.  Once I've got my menu for the month made, I make my grocery list for the things I need like fresh fruit or produce, milk, etc.  This has been working out well for now, but I'll be glad when I can add more variety to our meals.

Thanks Cheryl
: Re: Menu Plans
: greyhoundgirl January 16, 2014, 12:32:35 PM
I had gotten into the habit of winging it or only doing a week at a time this past year.  Then decided to go back to a month a time in December and January.  I'm still undecided as to what works best.  For January, I planned a month's worth of meals and bought ingredients for them, and then each week when I'm doing other planning, I have picked off of that list for the upcoming week, based on what we have going on and trying to plan for nights when we'll have been gone during the day or need to eat early or whatever.  So kind of a hybrid style, lol.

I also purchased Plan to Eat with their special right after Thanksgiving.  I like the program, but have not yet gotten into using it for actual menus because all my recipes aren't in there.  I have been adding new things, but things I've made for years and don't need a recipe for aren't.  :P  So I can't just pick those to add to a menu.  I guess I could just add those titles without bothering to type the whole recipe in.  I may try to start writing out measurements and directions so I have something to refer the girls to for cooking.
: Re: Menu Plans
: Proudmama January 16, 2014, 12:58:50 PM
I don't necessarily have what I have planned for each night.  It is more of a list of what meals I can make with what I have for the number of days I choose - either the whole month or a week or two.  And sometimes, other things come up or I decide to make something not on the menu so I save it for another time.

Even when I don't write down a menu, I do keep track in my head what I could make with what is in the house because I am weird that way.

: Re: Menu Plans
: shedrinkzcoffee January 16, 2014, 02:13:31 PM
I had gotten into the habit of winging it or only doing a week at a time this past year.  Then decided to go back to a month a time in December and January.  I'm still undecided as to what works best.  For January, I planned a month's worth of meals and bought ingredients for them, and then each week when I'm doing other planning, I have picked off of that list for the upcoming week, based on what we have going on and trying to plan for nights when we'll have been gone during the day or need to eat early or whatever.  So kind of a hybrid style, lol.

I also purchased Plan to Eat with their special right after Thanksgiving.  I like the program, but have not yet gotten into using it for actual menus because all my recipes aren't in there.  I have been adding new things, but things I've made for years and don't need a recipe for aren't.  :P  So I can't just pick those to add to a menu.  I guess I could just add those titles without bothering to type the whole recipe in.  I may try to start writing out measurements and directions so I have something to refer the girls to for cooking.

Catherine - on days when my recipe isn't in P2E I just click that spot and add what I am having as a note so it wills it in and I know what I am making.  I may try to get some added once we get back from Ohio.  Maybe take an hour once or twice a week and type some in.

That said.. I am switching up tonights dinner.. missing one item for what was planned and don't want to go get it, LOL