Author Topic: Thursday, Nov. 14  (Read 2069 times)

Offline Alice

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Thursday, Nov. 14
« on: November 14, 2013, 05:50:14 AM »
My how time does fly! Mid-Nov. already!

Weather pattern is cool, windy but not cold enough for any long lasting snow. Getting lots done and I see the end nearing for raking up the leaves.  Hopefully by the weekend it will be all done. Not much else going on and that's just the way I like it.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

« Last Edit: November 14, 2013, 05:51:51 AM by Alice »
Married to Henry
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Offline Cheryl

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Re: Thursday, Nov. 14
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2013, 06:41:57 AM »
Good morning!

November is a hard month for me.  Twenty years ago my brother was killed at work.  He was the manager at a meat market in Birmingham, AL, and the store was robbed.  The cashier pushed the panic button and when my brother came up front to see what was happening one of the robbers shot him.  This happened the day after my 27th birthday and we had his funeral on Thanksgiving day.  This time of year will always be tough to get through. 

I'm not posting this to be a downer to anyone, just explaining why I really can't enjoy the season. :'(

Ok, on a brighter note - it's a beautiful day here, sunny and supposed to warm up a bit.  I think I'm going to let Emily take her school books and work on her lessons at the library, then maybe have lunch out somewhere.  We need to pay a couple of bills and finish buying a gift for an upcoming baby shower.  After that, I want to work on making some ornaments for our Christmas tree and I need to finish sewing a gift. 

Have a great day, everyone! :)
Cheryl in Alabama
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Offline mooremama

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Re: Thursday, Nov. 14
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2013, 07:06:38 AM »
Cheryl,  I am so sorry about the loss of your brother.  That is so sad.

Alice,  I agree, November is flying by and so is 2013!!

Today is a chilly, sunny day. It was 22* when I hung clothes out this morning.  My hot dishwater sure did feel good  ;) 

So far this morning I have everyone fed, dressed and 3 people out the door with packed lunchboxes.  I have 3 loads of clothes on the line, all the beds stripped and remade, breakfast dishes washed, the animals fed and watered and supper preps started.  So far so good!!

The rest of the day I hope to do a deep cleaning of my bedroom and possibly mop the kitchen floor.  Aaron is going hunting this afternoon so I'll have Holden.  I hope to have all my chores finished by then because wrangling him is pretty much all I get done.  :D

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. 

Supper tonight is potato soup and garlic/cheese biscuits.

Beth in western NC
Wife of Sam for 27 years,
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Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thursday, Nov. 14
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2013, 08:38:52 AM »
Good morning!

Just sitting here playing around at this point...need to get busy.  Yesterday, I had a burst of energy and rearranged and deep cleaned the living room.  It's a challenging room to change up because it only has 3 walls to start and one of those has the door and a double window in it.  Plus we have a large sectional sofa.  But, we got it looking a little different and decluttered.  And there is now room for the Christmas tree in front of the window when we get to that point.

Today, well, I'd like to work on Maddy's/the homeschool book room.  We have our big bookcases and a desk with a bookcase in there and it's just plain crowded with all that plus Maddy's loft bed, the printer, and the recliner, plus the books need to be gone through.  Not feeling terribly energetic today but I may jump in and do that anyway.  So tired of clutter and stuff and it is a never-ending battle.  One child has "lost" her math curriculum so I'm thinking it will turn up if I do that room next.  :P

Dinner tonight...hmm, need to get on that.  Meant to menu plan yesterday but did the living room instead.  We are going to a Shoebox packing party tonight and need to leave about 6:40.  Earl has class again tonight as well.  I'll think of something.   ???

Cheryl, so sorry about this sad anniversary for you.

Alice, cool here as well.  We didn't hike today...I was feeling wimpy.  :P

Beth, sounds like you're off to a good start for the day.

Have a great day, everyone!

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thursday, Nov. 14
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2013, 09:13:21 AM »
So, before I got off the computer, my dad calls me on his cell phone.  He says he and my mom are flying into Dallas this weekend and would we be able to come down and meet them if they get us a hotel room.  So, maybe a change of plans.


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Re: Thursday, Nov. 14
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2013, 09:18:16 AM »
Good morning ladies. 

I am nursing a hurt back and sitting here wondering how I am going to get out of this chair in a few minutes when the oven timer goes off.   :o

Its a nice day here but it is starting to cool off a bit.  Its been almost Spring like the past few weeks.  One day we got 5 inches of snow and then its been in the 60's and 70's since then.

Today, the boys both have math quizzes and we have some science review and some reading.  We are working our way through Magyk for our read aloud and I got Brandon a new book from the library that I had heard good things about.  Its called Michael Vey, Prisoner of Cell 25  I hope he likes it.  Getting my boys to read is a struggle but I have to admit that I didn't enjoy it until recently either. 

We were supposed to go to dinner with my inlaws tonight for my son's birthday that is coming up but my husband is working out of town.  He was supposed to be back today but the work truck broke down and he won't be back in time so we rescheduled to next Thursday.  So, tonight it will be breakfast for dinner.  Easy and enjoyable!

Cheryl - I am sorry about the loss of your brother.  Losing a loved one at this time of year never loses its sting.  I will pray for you today.

Beth - you are amazing!  That's work for an entire day!  I say sit and read a book when the kids nap  ;)

Catherine - when do you think you will put your tree up?  I ma thinking of next weekend.. the 23rd but Trevor is asking for this weekend.  We'll see how my back is.  Not sure I want to deal with the puppy and a tree yet either, LOL

Have a blessed day, everyone!
« Last Edit: November 14, 2013, 09:19:17 AM by shedrinkzcoffee »

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thursday, Nov. 14
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2013, 09:42:36 AM »
Erica, not sure yet.  Usually, I wait till around Thanksgiving.  Last year I just wasn't in the mood at all but this year I am more so.  But, I have pumpkins all over the dining room table and our "give thanks" banner on the dining room wall, and those rooms are open to each other.  Guess I could have a different holiday theme in each, huh?  :D

When I got these blue and brown striped curtains and blue throw for the couch, I kept my old khaki and red striped curtains and red throws in a tote in the garage, so when we decorate for Christmas, I usually switch those out.  It makes it look more warm and cozy and festive very inexpensively.  I have a few gingerbread themed decorations and that color scheme works perfectly together.  That sounds a lot fancier than I am...I still haven't rehung the pictures in my living room from when we painted a year or more ago, lol. 

Offline MoWin

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Re: Thursday, Nov. 14
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2013, 09:55:05 AM »
Good morning,

It is warmer today, but still windy. I posted from my pad yesterday, so if anything was wonky, that is why.  :D

I forgot that today is Noah's birthday. :-[ How could I do that? I felt pretty bummed about it, but talked to Haze and she said not to worry about it, just call him after he gets out of school. She and her ex are going out for supper together with the kids for Noah's birthday. I think it is nice they can get along for the kids' sakes. Our sweet little boy turned 8 today. I spent his first week of life with him and his parents. He is so special to me.  :-* I plan to tell him his card is delayed.  ;)

I got a pair of place mats all cut out for mom's Christmas gift. She hinted big time that she needed another pair as the ones I made her about 5 years ago are getting worn.  ;) These are a quilt as you go, so shouldn't take long to sew up. I am making headway on gifts since Kevin will have 3 weeks off starting Thanksgiving week.  :o I can still work on stuff with him home, but it isn't as easy. I am trying to get things done down to handwork. I can work on that while we watch tv.

Speaking of tv....I have been quite bummed this week. My knee is better and I wanted to get back to my exercise videos. I put Richard Simmons' Sweating to the Oldies in and our DVD player died about 2 minutes into the routine.   :'( So I have been riding my stationary bike for exercise, but it kills my behind.  ::) I hope to pick up another DVD player this weekend. I love to watch all my Christmas DVDs between Thanksgiving and Christmas! 8)

Alice, I think our leaves are about gone too. We have had lots of wind this week to take care of the scragglers.  ;)
Cheryl, so sorry for the sad memories of this time of the year for you. Hang in there.
Beth, you are busy as usual. Enjoy your afternoon with Holden. He is at that age where it really is like wrangling them. LOL
Cathy, what a nice surprise to get an unexpected trip and visit from your parents. I hope it all works out for you.
Erica, so sorry you hurt your back. Rest it girl, every chance you get. My FIL always said for a hurt back to do 5 minutes of ice followed by 15 minutes of heat, repeat. It helped me when I hurt my back when Hazel jumped off the stairs into my arms. I could hardly move. Back pain is rough. Get well soon!!!

You all have a great day.

Winona in northwest Missouri
Wife to Kevin
Mom to Carolyn, Cathryn, Isaiah, Hazel, and Jon
Grandma to Ashton, Ava, Noah, Izabella, and Maddison
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Offline wrancher

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Re: Thursday, Nov. 14
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2013, 10:20:50 AM »
Good Morning

In from doing chores with Dh and he is off to neighbors to help with preg checking. I am doing dishes, laundry,etc. before I head over to rental house to clean windows. ugh They are really dirty.  I also have a room of stuff to haul out of there. I will take it all in baby steps. My friend had a baby boy so now that is that last shower I will have. Not sure when I will have it as they arent even out of hospital yet.  So Will leave around 3 today as DD has away game. Need to stop at a store on the way and buy DS a pair of bogs. That is all we wear around here anymore. We love them. This feed store in another town sells them way cheaper. DD took my laptop back to college as hers is broke down. Fed ex will come and get her old one today so anixous to have mine back. I think I will get my other DD a laptop for Christmas and really the only reason is for homework as we all have to fight for computer time. Wow enough rambling

Thinking of you all today
