Author Topic: October 3, 2014  (Read 848 times)

Offline Rooney

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October 3, 2014
« on: October 03, 2014, 11:32:09 AM »
Good afternoon!

Where is everyone today?  I am never on here before Janice. :)

It is pouring down rain at the moment.  Kids are finishing up school for the week.  It has been so pretty outside that they have been going out in the late afternoons to run off some of that energy they have.  I wish they could just give their excess energy to me, maybe then I could get everything done. ;)  So I guess with the rain, they are inside today.  That means mama will not get near as much done as she has been on Fridays.  On the agenda for the rest of the day is ironing hubby's clothes for work plus all clothes for appointments next week.  I also need to straighten a bit in the kitchen and give the bathrooms a once-over.  Laundry is about caught up, so just need to fold and put away.  I am getting ready to (here in a few minutes) finish touch-up painting in our bedroom.  It doesn't need much, since we don't bang our toys against the walls or color on them like the kids. LOL :)Dinner tonight would have been bbq chicken and a couple of sides, but I ran out the the yummy bbq sauce we have been using.  It is so good.  It is made by Woodstock Farms.  Both the hickory and the original are good, so I made sure I put more on my order, so maybe next week.  So I guess it will be regular baked chicken (not quite as yummy). ;)

Our weekend will be spent mostly at home.  Hubby needs to get the chimneys cleaned out because we will have to start using the one in the greenhouse this weekend or the fish will not make it.  They do have heaters in their tanks, but if it dips down in the 40's at night, that isn't enough.   Also, we are going to be repairing the kids bathroom ceiling.  We have had a slow hot water leak that just made itself apparent to use recently by a bowing ceiling.  So he will fix that leak and put the new ceiling in.  We are needing to replace the flooring in their anyway, so it looks like that bathroom will be getting a much needed facelift in the next week or so.  New paint will also be going in there.  I am thinking of changing the color, but I don't know, that just takes longer because you have to primer first.  Other than that, some work in the green house calls, but is kinda fun to work on as a family and we can go out there even if it is raining. ;)

I hope that everyone has a good Friday afternoon.

Offline wrancher

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Re: October 3, 2014
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2014, 07:37:42 PM »
I am just getting around to posting. Long days. Trying to get some stuff done before being gone tomorrow for football jamboree, hunters safety course and holy smoke bbq at church that we serve at. Ashley will stay home and rake and we will all be back at it on Sunday. Needing more daylight  hours in  a day!! Ashley is babysitting tonight. Raising money (hopefully they pay this time, if not last time she babysits for them) for a FCCLA trip to salt lake city.

Have  a great night