The Hearth > Managing a Household

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Good Morning

I was going to post how nice it was suppose to be today. It feels like -24 brr So ready for spring! Somehow it is to be 39 above today so plan on burnng garbage. I need dh to empty our big burning barrel but pry wont happen for a while. Same ol same ol here. Feeding extra hay during cold weather. Time consuming and expensive. I plan on just straightening house after chores. DD is still home sick. Other dd brought home a liquid medicine for her to try as she was having a hard time swallowing pills. See if I can get myself motivated this evening to iron.  I will only have little kids as the olders have church school. I a

It's a cool, dreary day.  The wind is blowing and after being teased with 70 degrees the other day, today feels extra cold to me.  I truly don't think I could live where it really gets cold!

As soon as Emily is out of the shower, we're running some errands.  I need to pick up some dog food and some flour.  We'll probably run by the library while we're out too.

My chickens have gone crazy. They are trying their best to escape the run.  My barred rock hen has turned mean and is pecking all the others.  I've got 2 in insolation because she pecked them so bad they were dripping blood.  My favorite hen got out on Monday and I found her dead.  The barred rock was out too and I think she killed her.  I've taken the mean one out and now she's allowed back inside only to sleep in a cage all by herself.  I turned all the others loose yesterday and let meanie in because she was acting like she needed to lay.  Well, she gets in the nesting box and starts eating an egg. >:(  I really want to get rid of this hen but she's Emily's pet. :-\ 

Well, I've rambled enough.   ;)  Time to get off here and get busy!  Have a great day!

Good morning,

I cleaned my desk off yesterday. Good thing because I saw the card they sent me back in Jan. telling me to renew my driver's license by my birthday. Yikes! That is Sunday and we are supposed to have a big storm coming in Fri. through Mon. So I just made a special trip to town. That is done. The card said to bring my SS card, voter registration card, birth certificate, and marriage license. So I drug all that out and took them with me. Well, guess what, they no longer require all that stuff. Well, why send a card saying they do?  ??? The clerks had no answer for me.  >:(

I talked to the home this morning. MIL is still in bad shape, but hospice is supposed to be there this afternoon and hopefully they can start managing her pain a bit more. Kevin is kind of blue. I think he knows her time is getting close. We plan to visit tomorrow and spend quite a bit of time with her this weekend if weather permits.  :'(

I got my eggs pealed yesterday but never did get the deviled eggs made, nor tuna salad. So I will be doing that today. I have a bit of hamburger left, so I may also make up a pot of chili. I might wait on the chili till tomorrow to have something prepared for the weekend.

Cheryl, sounds like you have a rogue barred rock. I wouldn't put her back with the rest of the hens. Let her take her chances outside. Sounds like she deserves it.
Janice, I hope you dd feels better soon. I think we all are looking forward to spring this year, for sure.

Everyone have a great day.


What a week it has been already! Hubby has been sick and regular Dr was closed yesterday for meetings so we went and hr away to his work clinic then they forgot to fax his script to walmart so we I ended up going 5 hrs later to pick it up then today the gravel guy came and we thought we were getting 12 tons,3 loads of 4 ton but instead it was 3 loads of 12 ton so the price tripled Im bleeding $$$$$. I so want a Dr pepper and bowl of ice cream right now lol but im trying to avoid both.
On a good note we found a store yesterday that sold everything who would of guess since it was called A to Z, it reminded me of those dent and ding stores Susan was always talking about. I got 4 boxes of granola bars that were a month past sell date 4 boxes for $1 and the Pep Farm Christmas cookies that hubby loves that the date was only Feb 18th for 90cents a box woohoo, got a loaf of bread too I just with they had fruit and veggies. I didn't buy much bc some stuff was about 6 months past and I wasn't sure how good it would be. How far back would you go?

I sure hope buying and having carpet installed goes better.:)


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