The Hearth > Managing a Household

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Good morning!

I am having the rare day alone at home!  Tony's at work, Emily's at a sleepover, and I am all by myself. :)  What do I do when I have the house to myself?  I can beans.  I am canning pintos and black beans.  I really love having these ready to go on the pantry shelf.  It seemed like I could never remember to soak them when I needed to, so I started canning them.  So convenient and good. :)

Have a great day! 

Good morning.
Had a rough night last night. I ended up in the Emergency room. I have been having stomach problems and had an awful attack last night with chest pains and stomach ache. They checked my heart (which is fine, praise the Lord) and they gave me a GI cocktail and some other meds through my IV. I feel somewhat better. The doctor believes I have an ulcer. So he told me to keep my appt with the Gastro doc in April and he gave me some new meds to take every day until I can see that doctor. This now makes 3 pills I take for my stomach :( 
We are getting ready to be hit with a nasty snow/ice storm. So, I need to stock up on groceries today. I dont really feel up to going to town, but Chad is going with me and we will get it all taken care of!
My niece's birthday is today and this evening is her party. I'm hoping I'll feel up to going. Also praying the snow storm holds off until afterwards.
You ladies have a nice day! Cheryl, enjoy that alone time!

Good afternoon,

It has been quite a day. We got up and it looked like the predicted storm could be here at any time, so Kevin offered to take me to get groceries. Now I love Kevin, but when he goes with me to the store, I need my running shoes on. LOL So, we made a quick trip to St. Joe, cut through Savannah, then filled up with gas and headed to Oregon. Whew!

I got some veggies at Aldis, then jar lids at Walmart. We bought 50 lbs of Pontiac Red potatoes in Country Mart. We may not be able to plant them till April, but we have them bought. Pontiacs are always the first seed potatoes around here to sell out. Kind of shocked me that we bought 50 lbs, though.  :o I guess Kevin plans to eat lots of tators. LOL

My Baker's Creek seed order came today, but the herb books did not. Looks like they are back in St. Joe after their country wide tour. LOL

We are supposed to have some heavy snow coming in and the wind is horrible, so we visited Kevin's mom today. Oh my, she is not good at all. I felt so bad for Kevin. He sat beside her for a long time, holding her hand. She kept saying, 'Kevin, it hurts so bad.' It was rough for both of us. They have her on morphine now, so she goes in and out of awareness. She called Kevin, 'Wayne' (her deceased brother) on one of the times she woke up. I thought she was getting better, but after today, I don't think she has long left. It is so sad to see this lady who has meant so much to me in this kind of shape. Please continue to pray. If she has to continue to be in this much pain, I hope the Lord calls her home soon. It is just terrible!  :'(

I want to do something, but can't settle down to do anything. I feel like I am in limbo. Maybe I should try to quilt for a while. I bought some comfort food today, so weigh-in next week won't be pretty.  :( Everyone have a great day.



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