Author Topic: Wednesday, March 22, 2017  (Read 800 times)

Offline 4kidsmom

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017
« on: March 22, 2017, 09:12:17 AM »
Good morning!

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Wednesday, March 22, 2017
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2017, 09:16:48 AM »
Good morning!

Steady rain was falling when I took the teenagers to school early this morning.  The storm has passed and now it's bright and fresh!  We are supposed to get more rain this afternoon. 

Today will be a short day at school because it's the end of term.  Then we have spring break, so no school till April 3.  Yay!  I'm excited to have a week of not having to get up at 5:15 am to take the teens to school for seminary and football workouts. :)

Today I'm just going to work around the house.  Laundry, ironing, picking up, sorting through boxes of stuff and getting that stuff put away, seeing what I can send to the DI, tweaking the menu and shopping in the freezer.  The kitchen floor needs to be mopped--there are some sticky spots.  I've got a few bills to pay and the checkbook needs to be balanced.  It's birthday time (three birthdays in 4 weeks).  Christie's turning 18 and Jordan is turning 16.  So I want to spend some time on party planning and getting some things made. 

Dinner tonight will be spaghetti, green salad and garlic bread.


Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Wednesday, March 22, 2017
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2017, 11:39:47 AM »
Good day Merilee (and any who may follow)

It is afternoon already.  I went to weight watchers this morning, and then walked and lunched with my friend.  It was nice to get back to my routine.  Seems like over the last couple months, there have been interruptions here and there. 

After lunch, I stopped at Sam's Club to pick up cheerios.  That was all I really needed, but I am low on milk so I grabbed a gallon, and then the bananas were a good price so I got some of those too.  Seemed funny when I put my purchases on the belt.  Looked like I was buying breakfast! 

Now I need to see what else I can get accomplished today.  The sun is shining, so that is helpful to my attitude/mood, but it sure isn't warm out.  Around 29*.  (It is Spring, right????)  I do believe this might be the end of these kind of temps though.  I am hopeful!!

Guess I should figure out dinner.  I made dinner last night after hubs said he would be home.  Then, while it was simmering, he texted that he wouldn't be home after all until later.   ???  So, I ate alone, and he ate once he got home. 
Oh well...
When I was younger - like when the kids were home, changes to plans were so much easier to handle.  Maybe because with kids, I half expected things to come up, and I would just roll with it.  It is harder for me now.  I think because it's just the two of us, so my expectations are more of "stick to what we said we would do".   It's not an angering thing for me, just seems that I am less open to changing things all the time.  Sometimes it's not in either of our controls, so those situations are easier for me.  I guess I am just getting old!!  :D

Hope everyone is having a nice day!
Off I go to be productive!!  Somehow!  ;)
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline Alice

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Re: Wednesday, March 22, 2017
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2017, 12:52:11 PM »
Yup, it's afternoon here already. I woke up refreshed after having had a good night's rest two night's in a row. But all of a sudden, I feel exhausted! I just have to push through until I get home from work.

Well, the spring renovations are hitting us full force. We moved from our lovely home (out in the far country) to a bit more in the city but we had done so many fixes on the other house and now we're starting over again. How about a out dated electric panel, and how about fixing a not-up-to-code gas line from the house to the outbuilding as well as not-up-to-code electric? We lost our 220 volt out there due to something not right with the buried electric wire. We have to get that fixed since we decided we aren't going to move after all. It burns a bit knowing we did all these renovations in our other house.  Well, the thoughts are spending upwards to $100,000 more for a different house or spending $20,000 for renovations. At least we know we took care of things that could potentially be dangerous if left undone.

OK, dinner is something but it depends on if I have a piece of steak in my freezer or not. I have old potatoes that need to be used up and if I have everything I'm looking for I'll make Lomo Saltado. It needs fresh tomatoes and red onions but all I have are canned tomatoes and yellow onions. Too bad, that's what we get!  We are still plowing through more freezer stuff. I used up a bunch of stuff again last night. I had no idea how stuffed my kitchen freezer was! My son finds all the leftovers for a midnight snack. I didn't buy any snacks for him because we don't use snacks at home with just me and hubby. So he doesn't have much choice. There are baked beans for a snack or leftover chicken drumsticks, or scalloped potatoes.

We haven't done much of anything special for him other than out for dinner for mom and dad's anniversary on Monday. On Tuesday the same grandparents took him out for breakfast and conversation. On Tuesday afternoon he went to work. In between all that he has been doing homework and applying for jobs.  I hardly think we need to do anything more with him as he has been busy already. At least he is home having a wonderful restful time.

That's it for my day!

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats