Author Topic: Monday, May 27  (Read 1680 times)

Offline gaggleofseven

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Monday, May 27
« on: May 27, 2019, 07:17:25 AM »
Good morning, everyone! We woke up to SUNSHINE!! I can hardly believe it! I don't think it will last all day, but I'll sure enjoy it while it does. We had a great time watching the Indy 500 yesterday with the kids. What an exciting finish!!

Not too much on the agenda today - trying to keep things simple and relaxing. I have most of the laundry caught up, so I'll wash a load or two, then spend some time planning a small quilt project. My neglected sewing machine stares at me silently, wondering why I don't give it attention anymore!! ;) Something is out of whack when I don't have time for crafting. It was such an important part of my life for many years.

Dinner tonight is currently undecided. Maybe hamburger patties or a taco salad. Whatever sounds good at the time! I'd like to drop 10 lbs so I'm trying to plan meals more carefully.

Have a great day!
There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy!

Offline Alice

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Re: Monday, May 27
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2019, 09:01:39 AM »
Good Morning, Jennie!

We woke up to a nice cool morning and the sun is shining here as well! 

We did a ton of sorting with my daughter this weekend and the trash bin is full as well as the recycling boxes. I did a ton of laundry this weekend and got that all folded and put away this morning. I have a load ready to go and I'm looking at my winter jackets deciding if I want to wash them or not. The problem is that it is thread bare and if I wash it it might fall apart. I've got the clothes all switched  out to summer things and the winter clothes all put away.

I decided to buy my herb plants instead of seeds this year. I was not going to do flowers but decided to do a few petunias anyway. Just needed that pop of color! I planted those this  morning and everything is in pots since I don't have a garden. The lawn needs to be mowed but it is very wet from the morning dew. Will  need to wait til this afternoon.

I have some hamburgers and hotdogs and brats to grill this afternoon. There is some leftover pasta salad and garlic bread so I won't be adding anything to the menu. It's just the two of us for now and our son comes home from his weekend of work later today so I want some food for him. He was asked to work today with holiday pay and double time so that was a no brainer, he decided to work.

That's it for me today.

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats