Author Topic: Thrusday, May 28, 2015  (Read 1327 times)

Offline wrancher

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Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:18:19 AM »
Good Morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2015, 06:29:09 AM »
Wow! .60 more of rain. I remember just weeks ago praying we wouldnt be in a drought. We are in a 150% more precipation for the month. It is unreal. We should have hay to hay. Awesome. Now it is getting to the point when are we going to be able to get crops in ground. My list today is finish planting tomatoes and peppers on walkout where I can. I need to pick rhubarb and put in my full freezers. I guess that is  a good problem to have. Cleaning out walk in cooler is also on list today. I am sure there will be more weed pulling as I still havent sprayed. The only thing I have left to do on camper is pump out antifreeze and then I can start loading it mainly just need food and some clothes. I want to come up with a system to put kids clothes in as right now it isnt working. I think I need to get those plastic drawer systems that I hate. I need to take measurements. I dont want something permanent so when we want to resale I want it in new state.  Well my desk is full and driving me insane. I have to finish it TODAY along with get stuff ready for wedding Saturday.


Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2015, 07:51:36 AM »
Good morning!

And Janice, hahaha!  We are in the same "boat", if you'll excuse the pun.  I've lost count of how many years we've officially been in drought, but 5 or 6, and now we have filled the lakes in 3 weeks.  Our "water" lake is officially full as of this morning, after being down to 27% just weeks ago.  The lake that was at 14% is now past full.  Though all this is certainly not without cost to the many who are dealing with flood damage and even some lost lives.

More rain on the way today and tomorrow, so trying to think of what to get done indoors.  There is always plenty, don't get me wrong, but I am apparently an outdoors kind of gal and usually prefer the gardening work.

Am kicking myself this morning.  About midnight last night, I realized I forgot to "check out" my Azure Standard order.  Most of it is stuff we can live without another month, but I had two 50 lb bags of the zeolite for use as kitty litter on that order.  Can't buy that locally, so will have to substitute something else, which is both more pricey and also less good at odor control.  And most kinds aren't compostable as the zeolite is (once solids are removed).

Got my Aldi trip done yesterday, though I may need to run back at some point for an item or two that would have been on my Azure order.  White beans, for instance.  We are OUT.  And my kids love white beans.  I saw Aldi had Great Northern ones in 2 lb bags yesterday.

Well, better get a move on.  Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2015, 08:19:16 AM »
Goooood Morning Ladies!! (and all who follow!)

Sounds like you are both in the middle of the rainy season that you have needed so badly!  Hope you get what you all need and not too much.

Today is one of my two days off.  It's my birthday. (the other being mother's day)  ;)

So, I have a load of laundry going! LOL!! 

Later hubby & I are going to a little beach town locally to just kind of stroll around for the afternoon.  Then, we are going out to dinner, the two of us, to a nice restaurant downtown in our city.  Just a low key day.  I'm not big on the focus being on me, so the more low key the better!

We have a nice sunny warm day, so I am thankful for that.  They have kind of been few and far between.

College son is home for the summer now, so he is slated to mow my back yard today.  Nice to have another pair of hands around to do those kinds of chores.  He is a willing soul, and I am grateful for that. 

Guess that is all for me today.  Hope all of you ladies have a blessed day!

**And to all of readers -- check in!!  Yes, we DO want to know about your "mundane" day!!!!   :D ;D ;)
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
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Offline wrancher

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Re: Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2015, 09:42:06 AM »
« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 09:43:05 AM by wrancher »

Offline wrancher

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Re: Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2015, 09:46:01 AM »
Pam I was trying to change color to red and get creative but I guess it didnt work. You get the picture! Enjoy your day!

Catherine  I still havent ordered from Azure but want to try it.  Do you get produce from them? We dont have bountiful baskets anymore.


Offline Shelly

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Re: Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2015, 11:28:37 AM »
Good morning, for 30 more minutes  ;D

Today is a busy day.  I'm going through all 4 kids' clothes and culling what doesn't fit anymore.  We've also got the babies 4 month dr appt this afternoon. Then there's the regular housework that needs done.  I'd like to start going through my books today and see what we don't need anymore.  We'll see if that will happen or not.

Dinner tonight will be bacon and egg salad on lettuce.
Wife to Trevor for 16 years and SAHM to Maisie (4) Liam (4) Aedric (1) Harold (1)

Offline Rooney

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Re: Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2015, 11:49:14 AM »
Hi everyone.

Pam- Happy Birthday to you!!!  I gotta say, those birthday plans sound absolutely perfect to me. :)

Janice-  You can get produce from Azure.  Most of the times it is in very good condition.  The times it hasn't been, I have taken pictures of it and they have been very good about crediting me.  But....if you do order produce, they have changed one thing on it recently, if it has a "note" beside it that says it may not arrive in good condition (because it is the end of the season for that particular fruit or veggie), if you still order it, they won't credit you if it shows up spoiled.  Seems fair though, since they are telling you ahead of time.

Catherine- I always forget something I really need on my order as well. :P  Wow, that zeolite is good for just about everything!

Nothing special on the schedule for the rest of the day, or week for that matter.  We are under the rain cloud here at least through the weekend, but it actually looks more like for the next week and a half or so by the extended forecast.  I guess I would be one of those with the "mundane" days.  Well, maybe not mundane, more kind monotonous.  Lately I haven't been posting much on the daily because I have been feeling like it is mostly just "same thing, different day," ya know?  Don't want to bore you kind ladies to tears everyday with my endless household chores. ;)  We have been super busy over the last week with home maintanence and home improvement projects, so been to Home Depot and Lowes quite a few times lately.  Replaced the toilet up in the upstairs bathroom, got new screen doors all around that need to be installed still, got a cute little bench-type thing for our bathroom and put that together, been fighting one of the washing machines that wants to say NO to washing about every other day and doing lots of organizing and touching up on unfinished projects.  I am keeping Steve busy.  Also trying to get more stuff planted out in the greenhouse.  Our neighbors that we get the super-good "dirt" from, have a for sale sign at the end of their driveway. :P  Want to go get at least a couple more loads before they sell. 

Just had to stop in the middle of posting and hand out lunch that was finished and hubby stopped by to pick up a mower and trailer.  Wish he could stop by more often on lunch.  Now off to finish school,  school and more school.  And need to get some more stuff out of here for yard sale, if we ever get a clear weekend to do it.

Have a good day all and have a wonderful birthday, Pam!

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2015, 02:52:02 PM »
Thank you gals for the birthday wishes!

Had a great day and even stopped at the nursery and got my container garden hooked up! Yay!

Linsay: your day sounds nothing mundane at all!  I just know that is a big reason people don't post, (myself included) because they feel like their day isn't interesting since it is chores and more chores, but sometimes someone else can get inspired by what you are doing!
I can't tell you how many times I have remembered of a job I need to be looking into doing because someone else mentions it!  Or I have been motivated to get something done because I had told you ladies I was going to do it!  LOL!

Have a great evening all!!
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
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Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2015, 06:47:28 PM »
Well, while on the computer this morning, I saw a call for volunteers at the Refuge where we hike.  We loaded up the kids, hit Aldi for lunch supplies (bought for about 40 people) and cleaning supplies, then to a moving place for moving boxes, tape, and markers.  At the Refuge, they were delayed due to a delay in the insurance adjuster arriving, so they routed us to the home of one of the firefighters who works out there.  He and his family were at a funeral in Arkansas this weekend when their house flooded.  They came home to this mess, along with their dogs missing, presumably washed away in the raging creek.  We tried to help best we could, sorting and boxing their household goods that were strewn around the yard to dry.  Earl helped load a large trailer and towed it to a storage space offered to them, filled twice with their furniture and the packed boxes.  I helped later in the day removing sheet rock and soaked insulation...what a huge and heartbreaking mess.  I am emotionally spent and it's not my home.  On the way home from their home tonight, torrential rains started.  They live about 30 miles outside of town so I don't know exact conditions there at the moment, but our town is flooding again due to the intense rains.  Roads closing right and left...we saw cars already stranded on our way home.  Please keep these people and the many others in their shoes in your prayers.


Offline Rooney

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Re: Thrusday, May 28, 2015
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2015, 11:58:23 AM »
How WONDERFUL that your family was able to be such a BLESSING to this family in need!! :) :)  Hoping you aren't getting flooding near your home.