Author Topic: Wednesday, October 8  (Read 1900 times)

Offline mooremama

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Wednesday, October 8
« on: October 08, 2014, 04:17:15 AM »
Good morning.  :D
Beth in western NC
Wife of Sam for 27 years,
Mother of Aaron (26) and Caylon (24)
MIL to Bo
Nan to Lainey Beth (7), Stephen Holden (3) and Samuel Evan (2)
Furmama to Bonnie and Jake
Barnyard Mama to 2 goats, 3 turkeys and oodles of chickens.

Offline mooremama

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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 04:28:16 AM »
Hello.   ;D

I just tried to get a peek at the lunar eclipse but of course it's cloudy AGAIN.  Ugh.  I'll be glad when we're back to clear skies. 

My doctor's visit went well yesterday.  We are thinking that an apple peel is the culprit of all the pain.  ???  With Crohns, I am not suppose to eat hardly any fiber at all.  I closely monitor my intake of all high fiber foods.  I normally peel all my fruits and veggies before eating them but on Saturday Holden and I shared an apple while we were riding in the truck with Sam.  I didn't have a knife so I took 3 or 4 bites that had the peel on it and hurt for 3 days.   >:(  I won't be trying that trick again.  So anyway, I have 2 medicines that I will be taking for 10 days and he is wanting to do one test just to "check things out" that is scheduled for the 20th.  All the cramping is gone and my stomach area is just very very tender now.  That'll work....anything is better than intestinal cramping.

Since I have no excuse for sitting in the recliner all day, I guess I need to come up with my to-do list.  ;D

Let's see.....
~Laundry, including dog blankets,  if the clouds clear
~Vacuuming that I didn't get to yesterday
~Finalizing menus and shopping lists for Friday's trip to town
~I have Holden and Evan today

I'm sure there's much more than that but I haven't had my coffee yet so I can't think.

My coffee pot just beeped so I'm heading to the kitchen. 

I'll check back in later.  :-*

Beth in western NC
Wife of Sam for 27 years,
Mother of Aaron (26) and Caylon (24)
MIL to Bo
Nan to Lainey Beth (7), Stephen Holden (3) and Samuel Evan (2)
Furmama to Bonnie and Jake
Barnyard Mama to 2 goats, 3 turkeys and oodles of chickens.

Offline Cathie

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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2014, 04:44:48 AM »
aww Beth, I am glad the Dr's went well - so sorry about that darn apple peel being the little thing to cause so much pain.  I do hope you are onto a full and speedy recovery - no fun!!

Enjoy your day  :-* :-*

I decided yesterday to throw 2 very small steaks I had in the crockpot and we had that with cheese quesadillas and rice yesterday so dinner was yummy  ;)

I have errands to run and I "need" to make a menu plan before I leave so we will see what happens

Have a great day everyone

Offline Cheryl

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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2014, 05:03:47 AM »
Good morning.

I've been up since 4:00 going out to look at the moon.  We have a lot of cloud cover here too.  I'm sure the dogs think I've lost my mind, standing in the yard staring up at the sky. :D

I think I'll have my coffee before I give the kitten his bottle.  He's a demanding little thing and is starting to stay awake for longer periods of time.

I have laundry to do, but need to check the forecast.

I need to get to work on a bucket of peppers I picked yesterday.

My bedroom is starting to become a drop-off point for things needing put away, so I need to work on clearing that today.

If I have time, I want to empty my pantry and reorganize it.  I think Tony was looking for something in there and moved things around and left a mess. 

Have a great day, ladies!
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2014, 07:34:14 AM »
Good morning!

Finishing up my breakfast and getting ready to head out to my Bible study, with the other Beth Moore (on video).  It's been a great study so far, on 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  As an introvert, I don't especially like going to the group part considering there is only one person there that I know, but it has been worth it to see the videos.

After that, will work on some of my list from yesterday.  Made a call about a financial issue that ended up taking an hour and 50 minutes yesterday.  As I was getting off, I realized that Max's music class was yesterday as well, so there went my plans.  Chiro appointment at 2:15 so lots to fit in today.

Have a great day!

Offline wrancher

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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2014, 07:54:54 AM »
Good morning you lively bunch

Today is more running around in circles and hoping to accomplish something at end of day!! My mom is coming to work on kitchen or something that we have made a mess of. She talked about cleaning the cleaning supply closet out. I have to be gone when she is here as it would stress me out. It will be worth it when it is all done.  She will leave by noon.  Ross and I are headed out to feed calves and he will go plant wheat (hopefully done today). And I am going to row bales.  We are gonna brand some calves tonight


Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2014, 09:31:07 AM »
Good morning!

Today is continuing to work on yesterday's list.  I often get really ambitious and write down way more things to do than I have time to do them.  But that's OK--at least they are written down and I won't forget them.

Yesterday I decided to vacuum the living room.  I have a bagless vacuum.  I emptied the container and vacuumed the living room really well.  I couldn't believe how much dust, dirt, hair and "fluff" I vacuumed up.  I emptied the container again and vacuumed again and again, the container was full of dust.  Yuck!  I'm thinking I need to plan to vacuum every day and then on the weekly cleaning days, do the  "deep" vacuuming of using the crevice tool to go around the edges of the baseboards and the furniture.  I don't even have pets!  It's no wonder so many of you list vacuuming as a daily chore. 

This morning I'm going to run to my grocery store to buy meat.  Wednesday mornings is when they mark down meat and I've gotten some pretty good cuts for pretty good prices.  I buy as much as I can, then use my FoodSaver to freeze it all.  I've always said my big freezer is one of the best things I've bought for my house. :)

Better get going--need to make my regular shopping list and I want to be out of here in 30 minutes!


Offline sbdriver

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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2014, 11:01:23 AM »
Morning ladies  :)

Well half my work day is done already lol. Went and fueled my bus after my runs this morning.

Our Thanksgiving is on Monday so a day off but I also have Friday off as well. We are leaving to go see our friends tomorrow night after work and coming back Monday evening so a nice long weekend for us. We store our camper up there so we have a place to stay when we're there as well. May go fishing on Saturday, it's a good hike to get to the river so see how the weather is. A 40 % chance of rain on Sat.

I really have to get out and get my flowers cut down but my back has been bothering so much lately I don't want it to get worse.

Have a good day ladies!
Many hands make light work

Offline Rooney

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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2014, 11:31:35 AM »
Hi ladies!

Just got back from my dental appointment.  The first of three for me.  I will be sooooo glad when it is all over and done with.  Got the kids fed, again, when we got back.  Then got two loads of laundry going and the dishwashers running.  As for the rest of the day, we will finish up school and then head to my son's chiro visit at about 5:30 or so. I think I will feed the kids supper before we leave and Steve and I will just eat when we get back.  Less drama that way. ;)  There has been more than usual of that lately.  Must be the weather change. ???  Eden got one of the little see and say toys yesterday for her birthday.  They have been using it nonstop.  I believe I have heard enough pig oinks and E-I-E-I-o's to last me quite a while. :)

Merilee, I bought a Foodsaver about a year and a half ago and have yet to be brave enough to try it out.  Is it very difficult to use or clean-up?

Janice, could you send your mama over here to give my kitchen a once over?  I could use a little help with the closets as well. ;D   Lucky lady to have all that help!

Cheryl, our room is the drop off point too.  Right now it holds not only the bedroom furniture, but a crib, pack n' play, baby swing, recliner and a treadmill.  I just make a path and hope for the best! ;)

Have a good day girls,


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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2014, 12:32:44 PM »
Good morning (whats left of it  ;)  )

We just got back from the dentist.  Poor Brandon had 3 fillings done.  Was supposed to be 2 but a sealant was lifted and had a cavity under it so they fixed it too.  Trevor had his exam and cleaning and had no cavities.  So grateful that we all have dental insurance now!

So, since we were gone a lot of the morning, we are having a light school day.  I am going to have coffee with the hubs soon too and then its back to chores at home and then to the gym for Trevor's swim practice and me to work out.  Feeling good since I have been working out.

Dinner tonight.. I have no idea yet.  Needs to be something fast and easy.. we have church this evening  :)

Beth - glad you are on the mend!

Merilee - those bagless vacuums are kind of traumatizing, LOL.  We have a Dyson Animal and I am floored at the dust and dirt it picks up.

Cathie - hope the menu planning went well!

Offline Rooney

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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2014, 02:27:38 PM »
Good morning (whats left of it  ;)  )

Was supposed to be 2 but a sealant was lifted and had a cavity under it so they fixed it too. 

Erica, Brandon got a cavity under the sealant! :o  So glad you posted this!  We had them put on Zach last week, and they were trying to have them put on everyone , but I put it off.  Glad I saw this now, before doing it with the other 5 that are old enough. I asked for BPA free with him.....but still, I don't know.


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Re: Wednesday, October 8
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2014, 03:09:04 PM »
yes, he did.  It had lifted and we didn't know it.  I still think they are a good thing though.  They have probably saved us a lot of issues so I'll take this one.  Now that we have insurance, we can actually go twice a year instead of once.