Author Topic: Thursday , October 23, 2014  (Read 1742 times)

Offline wrancher

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Thursday , October 23, 2014
« on: October 23, 2014, 06:24:57 AM »
Good morning
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 06:25:54 AM by wrancher »

Offline wrancher

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Re: Thursday , October 23, 2014
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2014, 06:51:31 AM »
Started the daily with Wednesday instead of Thursday. Ugh. On tap for today is more hay hauling imagine that. We should really be able to go today Ross will help me after calf chores.  Which we got another load of calves last night that my bil hauled down.  We will feed these for another guy.  I have some exciting news! I get to go to the city tomorrow by myself and get a haircut and supplies. Ha. Big news around here. Lol. It has been about 5 or 6 weeks since I have been to the city and feel like a hermit.  Ross and lane went out about 5:30 and started loading a guy with safflower seed.  Another load of calves may come in tonight if they get some bought. I am anxiously awaiting November 4 when we will sell some of our calves.  I need to start finishing my bookwork in the evenings but we haven't been getting in till late.  By the time I come in and get supper, help kids with whatever, pickup and whatever else then I am tired. I'm such a wimp. I need sleep. I would rather get up early. I have had my shower and helped with homework but haven't started the laundry and dishes. Lingering here with my coffee instead.  Very few opportunities to do this so I am taking full advantage. 

Coffee time...

Offline Cheryl

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Re: Thursday , October 23, 2014
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2014, 07:04:20 AM »
Good morning!

Janice, enjoy your coffee time! :)

I've had my coffee, but that's about it so far.  I need to get busy but after yesterday, I am sore and tired.  I had planned on getting in the closet and throwing out some things I don't/won't wear, but it ended up being an all day job where I cleaned everything out and got rid of a lot.  After going through all of our clothes, I was able to bag up 3 huge trash bags of unwanted items.  We took them to the drop box last night so they are out of the house.  It seems I'm on a never ending mission to simplify and declutter.  Hopefully someday I'll have it the way I want it.   ???

Today I will get Emily started on her schoolwork, take care of the animals, fold and put away the laundry I did yesterday, sweep the laundry room, check pantry to see what I might need in way of groceries this week, move my plants inside so the frost doesn't kill them tonight, plant more lettuce, and make salad dressing.  I'm probably forgetting something else I need to do. :)

I need to check the menu to see what we're supposed to have for supper too.  Oh well, guess I better get started on my list.  Hope you all have a great day! :)
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline mooremama

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Re: Thursday , October 23, 2014
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2014, 10:20:58 AM »
Oh well I as going to say "good morning" but I missed it by 8 minutes.  ::). So...Good afternoon  :)

We just had some excitement around here. We have our total yard fenced in with a gate at the driveway. Some scrawny, shady looking guy just opened our gate and came waltzing in the yard like he owned the place and banged on our front door. Sam jerked opened the door and the guy turned pale as a sheet and started stuttering as he backed off the porch. He said he was wanting to know if we needed our trees trimmed. Sam let him know right quick that our trees were none of his business. The guy high tailed it off our porch and got into a white Camry loaded down with other guys. Sam called Aaron, who is on duty, and Aaron looked the guy up on his computer, and the guy has warrants for breaking and entering and larceny! The guy was knocking on our door to see if anyone was home is what we figure. Whew, I'm glad we were home and I'm glad Sam handled that. Wow! Sam is still in warrior mode, pacing back and forth.

I feel like I have done a full day's work this morning. I made 4 loaves of bread, changed all the beds and done 3 loads of laundry and hung them out, cleaned the kitchen, scrubbed the shower, and have homemade chicken noodle soup simmering for lunch. I'm pooped.

The rest of the afternoon will be taking care of the boys, folding the laundry as it comes off the line,vacuuming the floors and watching the road to see if that white Camry comes back.  :o

Gotta scoot,
Beth in western NC
Wife of Sam for 27 years,
Mother of Aaron (26) and Caylon (24)
MIL to Bo
Nan to Lainey Beth (7), Stephen Holden (3) and Samuel Evan (2)
Furmama to Bonnie and Jake
Barnyard Mama to 2 goats, 3 turkeys and oodles of chickens.

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thursday , October 23, 2014
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2014, 11:53:31 AM »
Good afternoon!

Yesterday was very emotionally exhausting, and somehow my whole body just ached as well.  Took a muscle relaxer before bed and slept like a log.  That's not always the case so I was grateful.  However, I heard Earl's alarm at 5:55 (he gets to sleep in now, post-Army, lol) and thought I'd sleep a few more minutes as he gets the shower first most days.  Next thing I knew, it was 7:07 so I started the morning a bit behind.  Got all the kids off to school and then Max and I went out to hike.  My house needs loads of work after neglecting it mostly the past two days, but my soul needed to recharge and the mountains do that for me.  We had a nice short hike with several people we know along as well, then used the rest of a Chick-Fil-A gift card, a free drink card (from the calendars), and $4 to buy lunch to bring home.  I'm having a little computer time now and Max is watching Phonics Farm, then I will get to work till time to get the 3 middle kids in 3 hours.

My dad has a theory that distance stretches is something we've kind talked about and joked about over the years.  You know how if you go someplace a couple of hours away for a day or weekend, it feels like you were gone longer than you really were when you arrive home?  Sometimes I really think he is right.  Last week at this time we had just set up camp...feels like forever ago.

I still need to meal plan for the remainder of this week and first part of next, hopefully only shopping for milk, cream, and a couple odds and ends to fill in gaps for the next week.  School lunches are what are getting to me.  Also need to feel my supplement containers for the next week...skipped the last couple of days only taking bare essentials since I didn't get them filled up on time.  A little decluttering of hotspots, kitchen cleanup, and a load of laundry.

A friend from the homeschool group is having a vocal recital tonight of various classical pieces.  Earl has class so I won't attempt taking the little ones, but am hoping to take Mallory, at least. 

Beth, how scary about that guy!  Hope he doesn't come back, either.  Glad you all have dogs, too.

Janice, enjoy that day to yourself tomorrow!  You sure deserve one, with all that you do.

Cheryl, bet that felt good to get all that decluttering done!  How's little kitty boy?  One of the rangers had his new puppy (red heeler) in the visitor's center this morning and we got to meet it.  Little animals just bring joy (and work, I know) in their sheer enjoyment of the moment.  :)  Brought a smile to my face, for sure.


Offline mooremama

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Re: Thursday , October 23, 2014
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2014, 12:46:01 PM »

I'm glad we have dogs too. They were snarling and lunging when Sam opened the door. That might have been part of the reason the guy was pale and stuttering. Lol

I wish they had been out when that guy pulled up to the gate...he wouldn't have waltzed right in. Bonnie has somehow hurt her foot so she was laying in her bed and Jake was in here eating so they were "off duty" for a few minutes and look what happens.  ::)

Bonnie is a pit mix and Jake is full pit and they are very protective of us, especially when the kids are here. They go into full out guard dog mode. Then as soon as the danger has passed, theyre back to being docile, laid back dogs that allow the kids to pull, poke, wrestle and ride them without blinking an eye.

Beth in western NC
Wife of Sam for 27 years,
Mother of Aaron (26) and Caylon (24)
MIL to Bo
Nan to Lainey Beth (7), Stephen Holden (3) and Samuel Evan (2)
Furmama to Bonnie and Jake
Barnyard Mama to 2 goats, 3 turkeys and oodles of chickens.

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thursday , October 23, 2014
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2014, 02:07:15 PM »

I'm glad we have dogs too. They were snarling and lunging when Sam opened the door. That might have been part of the reason the guy was pale and stuttering. Lol

I wish they had been out when that guy pulled up to the gate...he wouldn't have waltzed right in. Bonnie has somehow hurt her foot so she was laying in her bed and Jake was in here eating so they were "off duty" for a few minutes and look what happens.  ::)

Bonnie is a pit mix and Jake is full pit and they are very protective of us, especially when the kids are here. They go into full out guard dog mode. Then as soon as the danger has passed, theyre back to being docile, laid back dogs that allow the kids to pull, poke, wrestle and ride them without blinking an eye.


Love that!  Ours are the same way, especially old Ellie.  Really, probably if the person actually made it in the house, they would be licked to death.  But from the outside, it looks like they might be bitten to smithereens based on the barking, growling, and raised hackles.  I let them think that, lol.

Offline mooremama

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Re: Thursday , October 23, 2014
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2014, 06:00:45 PM »

Me too! People are usually scared to death of the breed and then to have the dogs lunging and barking just confirms it in their mind which is fine by me.  ;D

The only person I think Jake might actually not like is the water meter reader guy. He has a long pole with some type of scanner on it and he reaches over our fence to scan the water meter and Jake can't stand him or his pole. I try to have Jake in the house when I know the guy is coming by. Jake is just a little too aggressive towards him.  :(

Beth in western NC
Wife of Sam for 27 years,
Mother of Aaron (26) and Caylon (24)
MIL to Bo
Nan to Lainey Beth (7), Stephen Holden (3) and Samuel Evan (2)
Furmama to Bonnie and Jake
Barnyard Mama to 2 goats, 3 turkeys and oodles of chickens.

Offline Cheryl

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Re: Thursday , October 23, 2014
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2014, 06:51:08 PM »
Beth, I need dogs like yours.  Ours are a couple of bozos and I know at least one would run the other way if someone approached him.  The other would be wagging his tail while barking. ::
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline bobbie78

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Re: Thursday , October 23, 2014
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2014, 04:21:19 AM »
My Jade is a pitbull, too. Our neighbors are kind of afraid of her and I like that. I want them to be. Not that they are all bad people but you cant trust many these days. In all reality, though, they should be afraid of my chihuahua, Punkin. She would bite them before Jade would. lol
~Bobbie from southern Ohio. Living life with my partner, Chad and two furbabies Punkin and Jade.

Offline mooremama

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Re: Thursday , October 23, 2014
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2014, 06:35:19 AM »

We had a toy poodle, Domino, that was waaaay more vicious than our pits. He would bite you in a second and did not tolerate kids well at all.

Beth in western NC
Wife of Sam for 27 years,
Mother of Aaron (26) and Caylon (24)
MIL to Bo
Nan to Lainey Beth (7), Stephen Holden (3) and Samuel Evan (2)
Furmama to Bonnie and Jake
Barnyard Mama to 2 goats, 3 turkeys and oodles of chickens.