Titus 2 Homemakers

The Hearth => Managing a Household => : wrancher December 16, 2014, 05:52:04 AM

: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: wrancher December 16, 2014, 05:52:04 AM
Good Morning
: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: wrancher December 16, 2014, 05:58:10 AM
Getting ready to head to city with my mom for the day Christmas shopping and few errands. This is my last chance to get it all done. I need to take Ashleys fruit deliveries for her. She has early morning practice so I will take kids in to school as I go. I need to get things also for my annual crafting day with friends. We drink wine (not that much) and eat , craft and just get together. I just finished my neighbors Christms letter so I will leave that off for her on my way. No exciting news here.

Coffee time..
: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: Cheryl December 16, 2014, 07:04:13 AM
Good morning.

I'm only hoping today turns out okay.  I had to take the kitten to the vet yesterday afternoon and he ended up having surgery for an intestinal obstruction.  He made it through surgery and was doing fine last night.  The vet is supposed to call me this morning and give an update.  I'm sick just thinking what this is going to cost.  Prayers please. :'(
: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: gaggleofseven December 16, 2014, 07:06:40 AM
Good morning!

I haven't been posting regularly, but I've been reading every day. It's cold and gloomy today, so I'm doing some cooking and baking to warm up the house.

I found a quick and easy quilt pattern to try, so I'll be using some of my fabric stash for that this afternoon.

Dinner tonight is tuna salad sandwiches, chicken noodle soup, and lemon cupcakes.

Janice, your craft day sounds fun. What types of projects do you make?

Cheryl, so sorry to read about your kitten. I understand about the worries of the cost. Praying it will be reasonable.

Have a wonderful day!

: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: pamgonzo December 16, 2014, 07:12:47 AM
Good Morning to all!

Janice: I hope you have great success on your shopping trip today!  I feel like I am really behind the 8 ball this year too.
Cheryl: Hope you get good news from the vet.  Praying for you and your family.
Jennie: Good to see you.  Hope your baking shoos away the gloominess.  Have fun with the quilting!

I got all my shopping wrapped up yesterday along with grocery shopping.  I think I should be covered until after Christmas.  I need to get a little bit of candy for stockings, but I can run to Walgreen's or something to grab that. 

Today is going to be focused on laundry and de-cluttering.  I usually do laundry over the weekend, but since I knew my college son was coming home yesterday, I waited.  He single handedly doubled the laundry pile!  Glad I put it off!

It seems like a lot of clutter has accumulated in the past weeks.  Probably since I have had to do so many other things of late.  I want to get it all sorted and put away.

Hope everyone has a great day, and gets everyone gets their to-do list completed!

: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: mooremama December 16, 2014, 07:27:59 AM
Good morning.

It is a drizzly, chilly, blah kind of day today.  I think it's suppose to start clearing up around noon though. That will be good. 

Today is a crazy day around here.  Aaron has class from 8-12, Holden's speech therapist is here now and will be here until 10, Evan will be back from his father's at 1:00, Sam goes to work at 2:30, I will go pick Lainey up from school at 2:45 and then Lainey and Evan will be here all evening so Caylon and Bo can finish Christmas shopping.  Whew....there's a lot of coming and going today.  :o

I have gotten Holden dressed and fed for Miss Annie's visit, vacuumed the livingroom and kitchen/dining room and then mopped the kitchen/dining room too.  The dishes are done, yesterday's laundry is folded and put away and I have remembered to get the breakfast sausage out of the freezer for supper tonight. 

Supper tonight is sausage gravy, scrambled eggs and homemade biscuits.  I may open a jar of my canned apples too. 

Gotta scoot...I hear Holden giving Miss Annie a hard time.  I think it's time for an intervention  ::)

: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: auntotiti December 16, 2014, 09:03:21 AM
Good morning,
Having coffee while thinking of what I need to accomplish.
It is cold here, rained yesterday, supposed to get some more most of the week.
Have some gifts to wrap, debating ordering more from Amazon. Basically could call it done and just might.
Got some baking done yesterday, more to do.
Malyna is coming next week so will save carmelitas making for then...
DH working ot tonight.
Thinking of making a tortellini soup recipe I saw on FB.
Have a blessed day ladies.
: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: MoWin December 16, 2014, 09:24:33 AM
Good morning,
   It turned cold yesterday afternoon. It is only 27* right now. It was 56* at this time yesterday. You just got to love Missouri's fluctuating winter temps. LOL I will be back to crocheting today. I have all 4 of the boys scarves done except putting a short fringe on them. Do you think boys will like a short fringe, like a couple of inches, or should I leave them plain? I still need to make a couple of ruffle scarves for the girls. I also need to make a couple more little crocheted purses for the girls. The ruffle scarves take such little amounts and are so quick, I figured I'd better add something to the girls' gifts. LOL  I still need to make mom a ruffle scarf. Hers will take longer because I will do more crocheting on it. It is aqua with shiny sequins on the bottom.
   Speaking of mom, would you say a prayer for her? She should be an outpatient as I type. They are trying to shock her heart back into rhythm. We had a long talk last night. She apologized profusely for being so nasty to me and I have forgiven her. I made the decision that the rest of my family need to step up and help out with her. I am tired of having to do everything. We have a large family, why should I have to be responsible for everything? So my nephew and his wife took her down for her procedure. My sister-in-law has also been helping her get her new meds straightened out. So hopefully things will start working better with mom's care. I just can't do everything.
    Oh Cheryl, I am so sorry about your kitten. I will pray that the bill is reasonable.
    Beth, hope you day goes smoothly. Hard to get much done with all the coming and going.  ;)
    Pam, have a good decluttering day.  :)
    Jennie, have fun with the quilt. I have done no quilting since August. Maybe after Christmas. LOL
    Janice, have fun Christmas shopping.

    You all have a wonderful day!

: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: greyhoundgirl December 16, 2014, 09:43:43 AM
Good morning!

Having a rough morning here, quite honestly.  Better now though I just feel a bit down today.  Hormonal, I think.  Started the day with Morgan unable to find her uniform shirt.  Plus she is outgrowing both her uniform pants and keeps losing the clasp on one pair (I bought a new one and sewed it on tightly myself, yet she still lost it again) and can't snap the other pair herself.  Two of the four shirts she does have look terrible.  They were the cheap $4.99 kind from Academy and have not held up well.  Light stains though I have treated repeatedly and they are pretty pilled.  I am thinking we will somehow have to buy new uniforms for her over Christmas break.  Anyway, I lost my temper and feel badly about that, but also know she needs to keep up with things better.  Micah has shirts from the same place but the boys' kind are made from a different fabric and seem to hold up better.

Today is mostly at home, well, the early part.  Max has music class at 2 PM.  Mallory's play is at 6:30 tonight but I need to get her there around 6 and be there myself to get a decent seat.  Earl has class so will miss this one, too.  :/  I've got cube steaks in the crockpot and will make mashed potatoes and a veggie to go with it.

Still need a shower as Earl took a bath this morning so I didn't have time for my shower.  That irritates me.  :P  Not that he gets baths but that he does them in the morning when others need the bathroom.  I will get over it.  At least till the next time.

Winona, glad you are getting some help with your mom.

Pam in CA, glad you all are getting some rain.  We have a chance tomorrow.

Beth, your dinner sounds yummy!

Pam, way to go on getting your wrapping done!

Jennie, good to see you on.  Baking sounds pleasant...maybe I should attempt some.

Cheryl, I hope Mr. Kitty is doing okay today and that the bill is lower than expected.  What is his real name?

Janice, have fun shopping with your mom!


: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: Cheryl December 16, 2014, 10:58:52 AM
Catherine- the kitty's name is Stormy.  He's the one in my picture.  I'm supposed to pick him up this afternoon if he keeps improving.  Let's just say I'm thankful for an emergency fund, even if this almost drains it.  I almost fainted yesterday when the vet quoted me a price of $2500 if they found the worst case scenario when they operated.  I'm so glad it wasn't that bad and he didn't need his intestines re-sectioned.
: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: greyhoundgirl December 16, 2014, 11:40:43 AM
Catherine- the kitty's name is Stormy.  He's the one in my picture.  I'm supposed to pick him up this afternoon if he keeps improving.  Let's just say I'm thankful for an emergency fund, even if this almost drains it.  I almost fainted yesterday when the vet quoted me a price of $2500 if they found the worst case scenario when they operated.  I'm so glad it wasn't that bad and he didn't need his intestines re-sectioned.

I feel like an idiot...I remember him getting his picture made.  Guess I tune out the avatars.  Poor little guy sure has had a rough start in life.  He is fortunate to have such a loving family.
: Re: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
: Rooney December 16, 2014, 01:11:41 PM
Hi girls.

This will be short and sweet for me as I just lost my entire post somehow. ???  In a nutshell, I did another "power wrapping" session last night.  Two more of those and I will be finished.  I am finding it hard to believe that I spent half what I normally do with all the wrapping.  Anyway, it is kinda fun, I have been working my way through the Gilmore Girl seasons while I wrap.  Now I remember why that is my favorite show ever!  For today, there is laundry and a bunch of ironing after finishing school up.  Dinner tonight is simple.  Spaghetti and a veggie for the kids.  Leftover bbq chicken and a salad for us.

Something weird.  Zach came in with CHIGGERS!  IN DECEMBER!! :o  How does that happen?! ???  Well, he has them all over and has systematically managed to spread them to the next oldest five.  He did this back in the spring as well.  We are pretty sure he got them packing in some firewood.  We have had many cold nights though, so it is really weird. 

Cheryl, sorry about the vet bill.  Almost as much as for a person. :P

Catherine, does Morgan have to have her uniform bought from a specific place?  If not, Old Navy has some really cute stuff.  They have a school uniform section.  Mine are super hard on clothing as well and I buy their uniform line for church/anywhere they need to look sorta dressed up.  They have a mixture of polos, cartigans, and dresses.  They also have skirts and jumpers and pants and polos for the boys along with button-ups.  You probably already knew this, just thought I would mention it because their prices are low and most times even on sale on top of that.  They hold up fairly well.  Might be easier to swallow ruining something cheaper. :)
Just saw where you said they were $4.99.  Old Navy is a little higher.

Kids are ready to get goin' again.
Have a good day.
