Author Topic: Tuesday, November 27, 2018  (Read 1218 times)

Offline Alice

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Tuesday, November 27, 2018
« on: November 27, 2018, 09:20:08 AM »
Good Morning (Is anyone still on or has the forum dissolved?)

Just checking in and found NO posts since Nov. 12. Did I miss something?

We had an incredibly busy 4 day weekend.  Two kids home and one brought her fiancee so we had a five adults for the weekend. We entertained on Thanksgiving and cooked that 25 lb. bird. Lots of leftovers to freeze and reheat. Friday, we entertained again with having good friends over for leftover casserole and an afternoon of games. Saturday was a rather quiet day for us and so was Sunday. All the kids left so we were alone again until Sunday evening when our son returned home from his weekend work out of town. Busy season now starts at work and with all the Christmas celebrations it will be a very busy month.

We did our errands Friday morning so that was done for the week. Now I really have to buckle down and get through the holidays. I love them, but they are short due to being so busy with work and stuff. We don't spend a lot for Christmas gifts because it was always so financially stressing. It's a lot better now but the kids are all grown up so they buy what they want. It's really hard to buy for adult kids. And now we are adding a fiancee to the mix. And one kid lives out of the country. I want to do something this year but not sure what.

I also have a freezer that somehow got packed full. Most is family food but our son makes all his lunch sandwiches for his weekends away so he uses a a good portion of the freezer for his sandwich wraps and calzones so that he doesn't have to make them every week. He just makes several dozen at a time and freezes them. That works well for him and I say "good job" for planning our your meals instead of buying fast food.

Now that winter is here, we will do a lot more freezer meals so I don't have to go out to the store as often. I hate shopping in the winter, lugging my heavy cart through the snow to my van. So tonight we'll have IP pork chops and oven fries. I'm also making creamy wild rice and turkey soup for the fridge for a quick lunch this week. I have stew meat in the freezer for beef stroganoff sometime within the next week or so. I had made a turkey salad for sandwiches but when I showed my son, he decided it was fair game for his lunch this week so that is now gone. I have a couple of big pieces of white turkey meat in the freezer for another meal perhaps during Christmas. We also have a ham in the freezer my son received from work.

Last Wednesday, we didn't know that my daughter's fiance was arriving by 5 pm and I didn't have supper ready. I reached deep into my pantry and found 4 cans of chicken noodle soup and made grilled cheese to go with it. Not my best meal but everyone seemed to like the simple meal before Thanksgiving day.

We got all the bedrooms and linens cleaned up and ready for the next group (same people but next month) plus my daughter from out of the country is coming home for Christmas. Busy, busy. We put up our Christmas Village last night with two 18 inch Christmas trees. Then Catzilla trotted into the Villa and made herself at home inside the Village.

So that's it for our update. Tell me about your week.

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats