The Barn and Fields > Preparing for Winter and Disasters

Prepping your pantry for winter

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Thank you, Alice.
I have a Kitchenaid.  The reason I asked about the bread machine is because I have an old shoulder injury that flares up if I knead dough by hand.  I can't wait to try your recipe but I need a couple ingredients first.

   We have some prepping done, but not like I planned earlier in the spring. It has been a really tough year for us. First MIL getting sick and us losing her, having to pay half her funeral costs, Kevin turning 60, his job being phased out. Yep, just rough. Since I am only part time, I don't make much. Kevin gets unemployment, but that isn't much either. So we are doing the best we can. I have a few jars of relish canned, some green beans, and lots of potatoes and peppers dehydrated. Wednesday is the only day I have off in 10 days, so I hope to pick the rest of the peppers and either dehydrate or chop for freezer. Tomatoes did not do much this year, so no sauces.
   We made the decision to not keep most of the chicks and no ducks. I think I am keeping 4 or 5 pullets and a rooster. I am kind of sad about the ducks, but I hope to find them a good home. We will not be keeping rabbits. I will never go through that again. If I ever mention raising meat rabbits again, someone please slap me upside the head.  ::) It is just costing too much to feed everything. I have a bunch of roosters to butcher, but not sure when I am going to find the time. Really not looking forward to that either. I have lost my nerve for butchering. Don't plan on doing it any more. Butchering deer that we have harvested is different than butchering something we have raised.  :'(
   Alice, I am so sorry about your husband's job. I know how that feels. Praying he can find something else, soon.

Cheryl have you tried letting your bread machine mix the bread dough for you then putting it in your pan and baking in the oven? Thats what I do as I have no strength in my wrists now due to 2 surgeries. Hope this helps  :)

Looks like old (but good) habits really die hard! My freezer is almost full to the brim! So, I ended up getting enough fresh veggies from Mom and Dad's garden to freeze for the winter. We also have been buying some meat on sale, I have made peach jam and froze enough for more this winter. Same with strawberries--made some jam and froze enough to make fresh jam this winter. We bought a large bag of flour to continue making our bread and now we're filled up!

It's getting cool here and it sure is nice to pull something out of the freezer without having to leave the house. We have had such good meals with our freezer stash! We've had creamy chicken soup, pumpkin apple streusel muffins, homemade pizza, homemade chicken ravioli with basil butter sauce--all from stuff in the freezer!

So prepping the pantry is a good thing, ladies!


Alice, that is quite a blessing isnt it? I like it when I know I have a stocked pantry/freezer.  Feels nice and cozy to me. I know...I'm quite weird lol. We havent had a lot of money to stock up much. But, I have been scouring the ads and have been able to get more for my money! Canned veggies went on sale for .38 a can. So I got several cases.  I have been getting green peppers and tomatoes out of the garden, so what I dont use for salads goes in the freezer. I also went to Sams and stocked up on rice, flour, sugar, etc.


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