Author Topic: Grow light setup  (Read 2157 times)

Offline 4kidsmom

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Grow light setup
« on: January 11, 2017, 09:24:28 AM »
Hi gardener friends!

A few years ago I bought a grow light.  I haven't actually used it, partly because I've had no success with a garden.  But we've changed things around in our yard and I am hopeful that a garden will do better now.

I'd like to try my hand at starting seeds.  I have a space in my laundry room that I think will work for a grow light.  It's got a hanging rod so I can adjust the height of the lamp.  There's a window that faces east and gets morning sun for about half the morning.  Will this cause a problem?

Any great gardening websites you can recommend with advice on using grow lights?  Any advice you have for me?


Offline Rooney

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Re: Grow light setup
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2017, 03:26:42 PM »
Some of the grow lights we use are the adjustable ones on the stands and some are ones that my hubby made into adjustable lights that hang from the greenhouse rafters.  The ones on the stands are the ones that we use for seed starts.  The only consideration to make IMO when using grow lights, is what type of light to get (with full spectrum lights supposedly being the best, but more expensive).  The ones we use for starts, I am wanting to say is just the T-5 lights?  Might want to google that one to make sure. ???

The main thing to do is make sure starting soil is good, is kept damp, covered, and warm until the seeds pop up through the soil. Since you are doing this inside your home you won't have to worry about having propagation mats under the plats for warmth.  Did you get the covers that go over the starting plats?  If not you can just cover it with the same thing the seeds are started in as a top.  It works just as well.  As the starts get taller, you will want to raise your lights as they do.  As for the window, I would only think that would give a little extra light, which would be a good thing. 

There are some good youtubes out there on it.  Just type in grow lights for seed starting indoors. 

This is just what we do, others may have better instructions on this for you, but hope this helps anyway.

Offline Rooney

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Re: Grow light setup
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2017, 11:49:09 AM »
Merilee, did you have any luck with trying out your lights?