Titus 2 Homemakers

The Hearth => Managing a Household => : Cheryl October 20, 2014, 06:43:26 AM

: Monday, October 20
: Cheryl October 20, 2014, 06:43:26 AM
Good morning!

Where is everyone today?

I've had my coffee and now I'm just reading the boards before getting started on my day.  I need a haircut but don't know if I want to bother with it right now.  I also need to pick up a few items at the grocery store.  Other than that, I have nothing exciting planned for today.  I will do some housework, put supper in the crockpot, get Emily started on her school work, and maybe get outside this afternoon and finish raking the front yard.

: Re: Monday, October 20
: 4kidsmom October 20, 2014, 07:59:08 AM
Good morning!

The last few days have been a bit hectic because DH is out of town (left Wednesday, will be back Thursday).  So I'm flying solo.  It's not so bad in the summer but right now we have 3 kids in sports (although Alex just finished his soccer season) so that means a lot of running around to practices and games, as well as school and youth activity runs. 

Today I have the twins til 4:30 because they don't have preschool but their mom got hired as a permanent aide (previously she was a sub). 

Today I'm going to put away the laundry I did on Saturday.  I have a few errands to run, which I will do after dropping Alex off at school.  The family room and playroom need to be organized and tidied, which I will do before the twins arrive.  I need to check and pay bills and balance the checkbook.  I'll look over my menu and pull out anything I need from the freezer.

: Re: Monday, October 20
: bobbie78 October 20, 2014, 08:04:14 AM
Morning, Cheryl!
It's a chilly, rainy and dreary Monday here. It was 36 when I woke up. Going to be a good day to get some housework done. I dont have much to do, just a load of dishes that did not get done last night due to me being lazy. :(  We had the inlaws over for dinner and after preparing it and not feeling well yesterday during the day, I just wanted to relax. I need to clean the bathrooms, too. And vacuum, which is everyday! lol
I'm working on the menu for the next couple of weeks and even trying to get ahead and go into November.  We have ate practically every meal from home this month. I think we may have gone to dinner once. I'm pretty proud of that. I wont deny that sometimes I get tired of cooking and cleaning it up and just want out of the house. But I think we've been doing pretty well!
I may make some cookies today. I have some diy cookie mixes put together in ziploc baggies. All you have to do is add the wet ingredients. I'm thinking about a batch of sugar cookies.  Anyone see the Pioneer Woman's new show on Saturday? Those angel cookies she made looked great. I dont really need them but they do sound good.
I havent seen Winona post lately. I am not trying to be nosy, just praying all is well!  I havent posted much myself recently. But I try to read everyday!
Hope the rest of you have a good Monday.
: Re: Monday, October 20
: mooremama October 20, 2014, 09:57:47 AM
Good morning  :D

I had to have an upper endoscopy this morning due to some Crohn's issues and am still very woozy. Even though they use Propofol for the anesthesia, which is suppose to be a quick recovery drug, I am very sensitive to it and it takes me the rest of the day to get over it. Ugh. I hate this woozy, drunk feeling.

I do have 2 loads on the line, the house straightened up and dishes soaking. I need to add barley to the leftover chicken tortilla soup from last night and get it ready for Sam's lunchbox. I think that is going to be about all I accomplish today.  ???

I hope everybody has a great Monday.

: Re: Monday, October 20
: MissMandy October 20, 2014, 10:02:00 AM
Morning Ladies!

Just back from yoga and the gym.  I've had my breakfast and cleaned up the Bed, Bath, and Beyond flyer that Grimm decided to tear up while I was gone ::).  He's out on the front porch chewing on a bone and I've settled in to my usual routine - Dr. Phil and NSA work.  The rest of today holds floor cleaning, unloading the dishwasher, making the bed, swishing the bathrooms, and maybe one load of laundry.  Tonight is ballet, and I think Jean might be home late, so dinner will be something in the Crock*Pot.

Saturday afternoon we visited a friend's winery and farm for a little date day.  It was so fun!  Wine + livestock = fall fun! (photo attachments) ;)

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
: Re: Monday, October 20
: bobbie78 October 20, 2014, 10:28:21 AM
I love your hat, Mandy! Looks like you had a fun time! Great pics!

Hope that woozy feeling goes away, Beth!

Merilee, I also have laundry that needs put away from the weekend! Feels good to have it all washed though!
: Re: Monday, October 20
: auntotiti October 20, 2014, 11:53:51 AM
Good morning,
I was up way to early, so laid down for a nap...
Laundry to finish up, general cleaning.
Looks like we may get some rain, which I would love, we are so dry here.
Chicken noodle soup for dinner.

Beth - hope that woozy feeling quits.  Evan is a doll!
Wishing you all a blessed day.
: Re: Monday, October 20
: greyhoundgirl October 20, 2014, 02:39:20 PM
Good afternoon!

Finally getting some coffee today...need it because I am "whupped".  We left Thursday morning on our camping trip but just went to the wildlife refuge about 20 miles from home.  I believe God brought us the idea to change to that last-minute, because Saturday afternoon Earl got a text that our old lady kitty, Simba, was very ill.  Maddy and I came home that night and picked her up.  She was pretty stiff and very pitiful.  We are thinking she may have had a stroke, based on her symptoms.  Constantly dilated pupils (improving), can't walk, wasn't eating or drinking at first but is now with help, low potassium levels, low body temperature (can't regulate it well), and so on.  We know she has improved since we got home, but didn't see her the first 24 hours (no reception where we were camping) to see how bad she was.  I have an appointment to take her in tomorrow and will see what the vet things.  Obviously, we won't make her suffer if she can't walk eventually, but since she seems to have improved a lot so far we want to give her the chance and help to hopefully recover.

Anyway, in between there, while we were gone, I went out Friday and helped more with the trail work.  The area we were working on had a lot of erosion damage, so we were filling in areas and sorting and hauling rocks for that.  I'd have super great shoulder muscles if I did this stuff often, lol.  Saturday, I went hiking again with the gal here from Maine and our friend Mrs. Teddy.  We went off trail for that, only 3 miles but a HARD 3 miles, steep uphill and very steep descent.  My thighs and glutes were letting me know about it the next day.  We went up Mt. Lincoln to see the old Bonanza mine, one of the larger mines that was in this area in it's day.

Yesterday, I went back out  to the campsite while Maddy stayed with Simba.  Earl decided to go ahead and pack up and come home and we did that while I was there.  I think it was the best move.  Today has involved lots of laundry.  Got the camping dishes and stuff washed thoroughly so they can be packed away again.  A friend of our family had been given $250 in gift cards to Chick Fil A (he gets this kind of stuff a lot in his job) and gave each of the seven of us a $10 one.  So, we went and used some of those for lunch out today.  What a fun treat!  I LOVE their Cobb salad with avocado lime Ranch.  Mmm.  It was not in the budget to eat out, so remembering those was wonderful timing.

Dinner tonight is grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup (Campbell's) that we didn't get around to eating on our campout.  And we'll use the last of the S'mores ingredients and make them in the oven.  Kids go back to school tomorrow, and Earl to work.

Mandy, I also love the hat.  I've been looking at hats more now that I have really short hair. 

: Re: Monday, October 20
: bobbie78 October 20, 2014, 11:40:13 PM
Aww, Catherine, praying for Simba. Please let us know how she is.
: Re: Monday, October 20
: greyhoundgirl October 21, 2014, 11:42:39 AM
Aww, Catherine, praying for Simba. Please let us know how she is.

Thanks, Bobbie.  She is not doing well today.  I have an appointment for her at 3:10 originally meant to discuss treatment options, but I'm afraid it may instead be the Rainbow Bridge appointment for her.  So upset.  We have had this little girl (she's only about 6 lbs) for 16.5 years, since she was a tiny 8 week old kitten.  She used to sleep in Earl's combat boots.  But I can't let her suffer if this isn't treatable.  I appreciate your prayers.
: Re: Monday, October 20
: MissMandy October 21, 2014, 11:58:42 AM
Thanks, Bobbie.  She is not doing well today.  I have an appointment for her at 3:10 originally meant to discuss treatment options, but I'm afraid it may instead be the Rainbow Bridge appointment for her.  So upset.  We have had this little girl (she's only about 6 lbs) for 16.5 years, since she was a tiny 8 week old kitten.  She used to sleep in Earl's combat boots.  But I can't let her suffer if this isn't treatable.  I appreciate your prayers.

Oh Catherine...my heart just hurts for you.  I know you will make the best decision for Simba, even if it's not an easy one for you.  Sending love and prayers to you today.

: Re: Monday, October 20
: Rooney October 21, 2014, 12:02:42 PM
So sorry Catherine.  Praying for you to be at peace with whatever decision you have to make. (HUGS)
: Re: Monday, October 20
: pamgonzo October 21, 2014, 12:51:27 PM
Sending strength & prayers for you and your family Catherine.

Hoping Simba can get some help.
: Re: Monday, October 20
: wrancher October 21, 2014, 01:24:06 PM
I'm so sorry for you guys Catherine. Sending prayers... I meant to ask you about Simba this morning and I got interrupted.  Thinking of you guys...
: Re: Monday, October 20
: greyhoundgirl October 21, 2014, 04:13:24 PM
Thank you, ladies.  We did not have her put to sleep today.  It may have been the kindest move, I don't know.  But Earl and I both had a gut feeling that we want to try other measures for a week first.  If no improvement then, we will probably do it at that time.  We really think from reading that she has had a stroke and the vet agrees it is a strong possibility (can't be sure without an MRI or CT scan and that is not in the budget at this time) based on her neurological symptoms.  If that is the case, it is possible that she will show improvement over time.  She received fluids today, as well as some meds and meds for at home.  I really have appreciated her prayers.  She has been with us so long that we feel we need to give her every plausible chance to come out of this.
: Re: Monday, October 20
: Cheryl October 21, 2014, 04:46:00 PM
I will keep praying for you and Simba.  I know this is tough on all of you.  According to the vet, my 11 yr old cat should've been euthanized 7 years ago.  I wasn't ready to give up on her and I'm thankful for every day we've had since then.  I hope you get to enjoy many more days with your kitty. 
: Re: Monday, October 20
: greyhoundgirl October 21, 2014, 04:56:17 PM
Thank you, Cheryl.  And the vet even referenced our Ellie girl who almost died in February as a "miracle dog" (same thing, with her liver so full of tumors, they didn't expect her to make it long at all...here we are 8 months later and she seems very happy still).  He is a very kind man and almost started crying today.  Simba has no signs (on labwork) whatsoever of diabetes or kidney issues, which is in itself quite a feat for a cat her age.  She has always been a healthy, happy little cat aside from her "kitty Crohn's" type episodes.