Author Topic: Tuesday, June 7, 2016  (Read 738 times)

Offline wrancher

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016
« on: June 07, 2016, 06:47:47 AM »
Good Morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Tuesday, June 7, 2016
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2016, 07:00:47 AM »
It is always funny looking back at what I post in the mornings. Usually that is only a portion of my day as Ross gives me a 1,000 other things to do. Yesterday I kept busy keeping the corn guy filled with fertilizer and seed. Of course they would never run out the same. Then Ashley and I ran loading chute back over to our rental place. We ran a few errands in town but by then the hardware store was closed to get the door handle we needed then picked up more seed. We ended up moving cows to our farthest place we move cows by horseback yesterday instead of Wednesday as it was cool yesterday and it is suppose to really warm up this week. All I got done for the yardwork was watering probably 1/2 yesterday. I have to finish seeds today. Hopefully I have fewer interruptions. My list seems to grow closer to my time of leaving for a week instead of getting smaller.  We are getting anxious to start haying and Ross has a couple more fields to spray and plant.  Ashley and Lane had to leave about 4AM for a branding. They are gonna be so tired when they get home. They are gonna see some really neat country today in the breaks.  Beautiful.  Thank heavens the planter guy is done and will be moving on.  His son came along and we ended up watching him. He was so annoying! I usually love having kids around but even my kids were like when is he leaving?! Better start my servants before my husband comes back in and gets me off on something not on my list!!

Coffee time

Offline Alice

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Re: Tuesday, June 7, 2016
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2016, 07:59:38 AM »
Janice, I die everyday when I read your list of things to do. I can't even grasp all that you do in a day.

My hubby is going back to work today after his hip replacement. He wonderful at home helping around the house during his recovery but now it's time go back to work. He rarely started dinner before I came home so I won't be missing that but I will miss him being home when I get home from work. That's OK, I can handle it all.

We caught up on the laundry yesterday so maybe we can hold off until Saturday. We also keep up on the house cleaning so that's good too right now. We're teaching our college kids a bit about cooking so when they move into their apartments in August they can get by without take out. I do not want them ordering take out when they can make things at home. I taught my son to clean up after himself while cooking so that he doesn't have a pile of dirty dishes after dinner is done. Even something as simple as making rice (a seasoned rice with salsa and spices) using regular rice (not instant) can be done easily. So he made that last night after his class was done and hopefully he can now remember the ratio of rice to liquid. My daughter made risotto on Sunday night with instructions so now she can make rice also. Crockpots will be their friend this year too. All they really need is a saucepan, a skillet and a crockpot for cooking. Maybe a roasting pan too.

Tonight we're having hamburger BBQ on english muffins since I don't have buns. I think I'll toast them first though. Maybe a salad to go with it. I have nothing else. I don't think I can shop until Saturday. But Saturday they are closing our street all morning for festivities in our area and they have a 5K run and a parade.

Married to Henry
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2 cats

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Tuesday, June 7, 2016
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2016, 08:27:18 AM »
Good morning!

Got lots done yesterday!  Love days like that.

Right now I'm watering the lawn and will soon be looking up some recipes for marinades.  I decided to grill a bunch of meat to have in the fridge for lunches.

I got all the laundry done yesterday.  Just have a load of towels to fold and put away.  So today I'll do ironing.  There are a few things that need mending so I'll do that too.  Also need to do some yard work.  I'm working on going through the house and getting stuff purged, organized and put away.

Jordan's at football right now and Alex has soccer practice tonight (last game is on Saturday).  Supposed to be mid to high 80s today and cloudy.  That'll be nice. 

Dinner tonight is grilled huli huli chicken, hawaiian macaroni salad, rice and fruit. 


Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Tuesday, June 7, 2016
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2016, 08:43:14 AM »
Good Morning Ladies!

Sounds like you all have solid plans for your days.  Mine have been altered a little bit.  I got a call from my college son last night.  He is going to sign his apartment lease Friday and needs a check for that.  We had planned to meet up this morning to get him that, but he was called into work.  I will drive down to meet him this afternoon once he gets out of work.

We are in a bit of a cold snap today, so I have soup going in the crockpot for dinner.

Not too much else happening for me.  Working on some computer research for hubby. 
Need to plan for the weekend.  We are going out of town, so need to make sure I am prepared for that.

Also need to call for a haircut appointment. 

Hope everyone has a great day!!
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