Author Topic: September 28, 2013  (Read 5116 times)

Offline Rooney

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Re: September 28, 2013
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2013, 09:14:39 PM »
I had a retained placenta in my first birth, so maybe that hindered the after birth pains? That, and I couldn't get Caleb to latch onto my bare breast. We had to buy a nipple shield, but he essentially went 3 or 4 hours without breastmilk. Logan was latching on within half an hour of birth.

I have some lavender and white fir in my box for the after pains, but I get the impression it's mostly something to grin and bear.
I am sorry to say that the afterbirth nursing pains do get worse each time.  Last time I thought I might actually need something for the pain, but I did just what you said, grin and bear it. :)  Those oils that you are using for the birth, do you have a list of them and what each one does?  If you do could you PM them to me whenever you are not busy sometime?   Are some of them just for waterbirth? 

I'm a very unsuccessful water birther. ;) I had a pool set up with Caleb, and it really did help with the back labor. But it wasn't deep enough for me, and I wasn't progressing like I should have. My midwife wanted me to go to the bathroom, and then I wanted to go to the bed, not the pool again. I ended up having Caleb in the bed, with them pushing on my hips because he was "stuck". (My sister-in-law ran into the same problem during her birth that was 12 days before Caleb, but since she was at the hospital, they just resorted to a c-section.)

With Logan's birth, I had all the intentions of having a water birth. After 1.5 hours of labor, I called my mom and sister to come help set up the pool. They didn't have the right wrench to unhook the laundry hose, my mom went out to buy one, but it was too small... and by then, I was too busy pushing Logan out. ;D He was born 3 hours after my contractions started.

So with this baby, not going to do anything "water birth" this time. We're very frankly expecting it to be a 1.5 hour labor, and mostly Chris is hoping he doesn't have to catch. My midwife lives an hour away, and it takes her about 30 minutes to pull everything together. I've given Chris full permission to call Mary when HE thinks I might be in labor, since I spent half of Caleb's labor and half of Logan's labor thinking it wasn't the real thing.

I'll PM you with more details about the essential oils. :)
Short labors are great except waiting on the midwife and knowing when the contractions are real..  My last 4 labors have been 1 hour and 45 minutes from the first contraction.  I am only in bad pain the last 20 minutes or so too.  This never has given time for a water birth. I still have an unopened pool 5 years after buying it. :D  Oh and your right, hubby always knows first.  ;)