Author Topic: Sept. 24-28  (Read 1775 times)

Offline pamgonzo

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Sept. 24-28
« on: September 24, 2018, 02:36:28 PM »
Hi Ladies:

I thought maybe if we did one thread for the week it might be visited and used more?  Just an experiment, so if you think doing a week long thread is too much, someone can just start a new one tomorrow.

Congratulations Catherine on the new job!  Hope you enjoy it!  I'm sure it will be heaven to be smelling all those flowers when you are working!

We had a nice weekend.  Just as busy as ever!  Went to a wedding in South Bend.  Our middle son's buddy from college.  They played baseball together there. Our son was in the wedding.  It was a lovely event, and we really enjoyed ourselves.  Sunday we had found out that my HS friend was camping in a little campground that was on our way home, so we stopped by there to visit with her and her husband.  They had just bought a small travel trailer and were trying it out for  the first time.  We had a nice afternoon with them sitting around a little campfire and walking to the beach along Lake Michigan.  It was such a relaxing day.  When we got home, I had such a sense of calm.  Something I haven't felt in a long time. 

Hubs leaves again tomorrow for a few days.  I will drive up to the upper peninsula on Thursday to meet up with him.  Then we will head over to another city up there for the race we are taking part in.  He is doing the International run that goes across the International bridge into Canada.  The run just goes a little past the point of border without going into customs.  So he doesn't need a passport or anything.  I am doing the 5K walk, so I don't have to go onto the bridge.  I'm happy about that, because bridges like that are a bit of a phobia for me.  I am doing better with it, but walking across it might have rattled me a bit!
We will be home early Sunday, because he has a work appointment Sunday late afternoon.  He isn't too pleased with that, but it couldn't be avoided. Once this project is wrapped up, he will have some time off.  Or at least that is what he is planning on.

Today was spent on a couple of things hubs needed for me to research for him, and prepping for him being gone.  I think I have all the clothes pulled together that he will need, as well as the things for the weekend that I will bring along with me for him.
I feel like I have been busy all day.  Can't believe how the day had gotten away from me!

Hope everyone is having a great day!  Pop in when you can and let us know how and what you are doing.
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Sept. 24-28
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2018, 02:59:04 PM »

Pam, your weekend does sound very pleasant. Glad you felt that sense of calm. :)

Went for a hike this morning after getting the kids to school, not knowing what the next few weeks will bring with the new job, schedule-wise. We didn't intend it to be long, but a Longhorn bull began following us, bellowing loudly, less than five minutes in. So we did a much longer hike and around out of the way to avoid him on the way back. Not terribly long, but about 6 miles.

Morgan, now 12, is thinking of trying out for The Miracle Worker play at a local theater. So we need to either go to those auditions tonight or tomorrow at 6. Earl joined a Barbershop singing group last week and has practice at 7:30 tonight. I'm having a homemade iced Caramel Macchiato (sugar-free!) then will get to work on dinner, Chicken Black Bean tacos.

Also today, my hiking friend/acupuncturist who I hiked with, offered us her old car for Maddy. She just replaced her car a few weeks ago and said she would like to donate the old one, to us, or to someone else if we say no. I only briefly got to run it by Earl but I am pretty sure we'll be accepting. This is so kind of her. It's a 2000 Honda Accord, so not new, but well-cared-for, and a huge blessing to us. This will also allow us to take our time in replacing my old Honda van (a 2002), which we are planning for, and hopefully let us make a good deal with no rush.

Earl and I are 3 weeks into our joint weight-loss effort. Tomorrow morning, we'll weigh in (here at home, but for accountability). At last check, we'd each lost 7.5 lbs. We're roughly following Trim Healthy Mama, which for us means loosely about 3/4 of our  meals/snack are low-carb, and 1/4 is moderate low-glycemic carb but low-fat. Seems to be working for us so far. Allows a bit more variety than straight low-carb, as we can eat sweet potatoes, oatmeal, quinoa, etc..., just in moderation.

Well, better work on dinner. Hope you all have a great evening!

Offline Cheryl

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Re: Sept. 24-28
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2018, 06:36:47 AM »
Good morning, ladies.

I feel so out of the loop.  I will have to go back, do some reading, and try to catch up with everyone.

I am happy to report that I finished canning my pears yesterday.  I lost count of how many I put up, but made sliced pears in a light syrup (pints and quarts), pear sauce, and pear butter.  My hands are so sore from all that peeling.

Today I am finishing up my huge batch of pizza sauce.  Once all of that is canned I will take a little break.  That’s about it for me.  Talk to you all later.
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline Alice

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Re: Sept. 24-28
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2018, 06:59:33 AM »
YES, I'm here but just so busy and no time to write! I'll try to get on more regularly.

I really like to daily threads because they serve as an "attention getter" as we know someone is there every day (well, not lately). 

We have kids' adjustment issues, another kid's new vehicle, visiting sick people from church on their last days, helping to take care of those folks, family issues, rental car alleged damage issues. So much going on and the days and weeks just seem to fly by.

The season here in West Michigan is changing quickly. It gets dark earlier and stays dark longer in the morning. Getting meals ready after work has been quite interesting because it's still coming from freezer and pantry. Only absolute essentials are being purchased. We're doing it but with no quick and easy packaged or boxed items it does take a lot longer. I'm OK with the extra work as I feel it is healthier.

Well, that's my life.  I'll try to get on more often.

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Sept. 24-28
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2018, 11:42:06 AM »
Good Afternoon Ladies!

Nice to see you all.  My day has been rather quiet. 
My project for the day is that I started on my college son's bedroom.  It has been driving me crazy.  Even with the door being kept closed, I knew what a disaster it was behind it!  When he finished his baseball season, and moved the next day, he just brought a ton of "stuff" home, and dropped it in his room.  Including a queen mattress that was propped up in the middle of the room.  I had hubs help me move some of the big stuff to another spare room (which is now the disaster!), and I have gone through and sorted most of the random stuff.   
It will take a bit more work, but I really wanted to have his room organized and put together so when he does come home on Christmas break it will be ready for him.  It will be an ongoing project.

So, I guess my oldest who lives in VA is going to be moving soon.  When we were visiting them, they told us they are expecting!!!  She is due April 20.  We are so excited for them, and to be adding Grandparent to our resume's!  Anyway, they want to settle permanently a little closer to her family.  And, they want to do it sooner than later.  Son has a phone interview at a college in the Charlotte NC area.  His interview is tomorrow, so if you could lift him up in prayer if you think of it, it would be appreciated.  They went down this past weekend, and have found a place they would like to move in to, so hopefully this job comes through for him so they can get that place that they felt was perfect for them. 

Not much else happening here in my world.  It is super muggy and raining here.  We are in for a big cool down in the next few days.
Not so much today.  I made chicken noodle soup for dinner anyway.  I have been kind of craving it as of late.  It's not a favorite of hubby's, so since he is on the road, I figured it was a good day to go ahead and make it. 

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Catherine, glad you able to outsmart that bull!  What a nice gesture of your friend to offer the car.  Hope the play works out for Morgan.

Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Sept. 24-28
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2018, 05:19:13 AM »
Pam, how exciting for you all! Charlotte, NC, seems like it would be a nice place to live. I just said a prayer for the interview to go well.

First day of work went okay yesterday. I work again today 12-5 and the same on Friday. Not sure of next week's schedule yet. We have a full day of rain blowing in and it sounds rather blustery at the moment. Supposed to cool off to the 60's today, woo-hoo!

Morgan and Micah did both audition, but there was a second night of auditions last night so nothing has been posted yet. I have mixed feelings. Rehearsals will be pretty much M-F 6:30-9:30 for the next two months (end of November is when the performances are), so it's a big commitment and I kind hate to mess with it for a bit part. So we'll see what happens.

Thinking I will head out to Sam's and Aldi this morning. Need to figure out today's dinner. I actually have an idea for the kids but need to think of something for Earl and me. Usually, we eat the same things as the kids and maybe change a side or two if needed (to be lower-carb) but this meal won't work for that so I'll see.

This format of a weekly thread reminds me of the "circle" letters I've read about in Amish literature. They would write a letter, send it to the next person who reads and adds some, then sends it to another person, and so on. :)

Have a great Wednesday!