Author Topic: Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016  (Read 702 times)

Offline Alice

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Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016
« on: October 19, 2016, 07:23:46 AM »
Good Morning,

I took yesterday afternoon of the just goof around the house! The weather was mild in the upper 70's and though it was windy, I did some inside stuff. After the wind died down, I mowed the front lawn.

I didn't have a lot to do except I needed to make some jam from frozen berries. I made a strawberry rhubarb jam with some blueberries to fill in since I didn't have quite enough fruit.

I did a a double batch and they are now in the freezer. I made some rice/quinoi that I had a bit that needed to be cooked. I went through the last of the tomatoes and that is sad that Dad's garden is now done for the season. Good Bye fresh foods until next year!

There are more leaves on the tree than off the tree but the ground is full of leaves so I mowed the front but not the back. Maybe tonight after I get home from work. The problem is that is it very moist on the ground and nothing has dried up from Sunday's rain. We'll see what it looks like tonight. I do have to keep up on it or the leaves will be knee high and then getting them raked up will be more difficult.

Tonight I have a beef roast hubby picked up discounted. I have to do something with that and I really want some kind of burrito bowl with meat, rice, beans with a bit of spice.  I'll have to think on that one for a bit.

We're looking at cooler weather starting today so I'm thinking outside work will now require a jacket. The fresh air should be good for me though.

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2016, 10:37:12 AM »
Good morning!

I made good progress yesterday in getting things sorted and put away.  At least put in the room they belong in.  Little by little I'm getting there.  Yesterday also I had two guys working on my sprinkler system.  Our front yard sprinkler system hasn't worked for a few years now so I've just been watering with a hose and sprinkler.  We haven't been watering the back yard for 2 years because last year we planned to cut down the trees and I thought the grass would get all torn up from the heavy equipment that would be needed to cut down those behemoths.   Plus I was sure we had broken pipes or sprinkler heads from the tree roots.  So the two guys did what was needed to fix everything and they also winterized the system.  Phase 2 of the Great Yard Renovation is done! (Phase One was cutting down the trees).  Phase 3 will be fixing the fences.  That shouldn't be a big project because all we really have to do is tighten loose boards, reattach boards that have come off and reset a few sections.  Hopefully we can get that done before the ground freezes.  Then during the winter I'll make plans of what I want to do and we'll pick it up again in the spring.

Today's a short day at school because of fall break tomorrow and Friday.  Our varsity football team plays their final game tonight so I need to go over to the high school at 2 to get drinks and ice in the coolers so they'll be nice and cold for the game.  Although I can't imagine we're going to sell very many cold drinks--it's rather chilly today and it'll be COLD tonight after sunset.

Although Wednesdays are my shopping days, I don't really need anything so I'll do that another day.  I'll just continue working on my project list.
