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Managing a Household / Wednesday, June 5, 2019
« Last post by Alice on June 05, 2019, 12:45:09 PM »
Good Afternoon!

After a wet morning we now have a beautiful bright afternoon! 

Not much going on for me.  That is pretty typical for the beginning of a new month. I began my purging last night and got rid of 6 sets of twin sized bedding and a big box of a 12 serving set of dishes. I have more walking around the house to do and I will find things that are not useful to me that I would like to purge. I am thinking of buying new towels for the entire house. We have a lot of towels but they are starting to ravel. They work just fine so I'm on the fence about it.

I have some throws I bought when the kids were little that we used to cuddle under or an extra bed on a cold night. I bought one for each of them and two extra for a total of 5. We still love them today for a nap on the couch or a little extra warmth after the removal of the heavy winter stuff. I count them a couple times per year to make sure they are all accounted for and last night I only counted four. I know the patterns on each of them so I went hunting around and I found the last one. I had put it in a drawer and forgot about it. I'm keeping those blankets. I remember getting them at Walmart for about $5 a piece and thought it was a good deal 20+ years ago.

On Saturday our community is having a festival day and they are closing my street off from 7:30 am to about 10:30 for a race and then a parade so we have to make sure not to plan something because we won't be able to get out or back in!

Tonight will be spaghetti or a spaghetti bake with mozzarella cheese. Sounds really good and I even made homemade spaghetti sauce. We have twinkie cake for dessert. My dad celebrated his 88th birthday on Monday so we took my parents out for pizza then back home for twinkie cake. I offered them the rest of the cake but they declined so we can handle eating it. It was/is very good.

Not much else for me.

Managing a Household / Re: Tuesday, June 4, 2019
« Last post by Alice on June 05, 2019, 06:17:13 AM »
It was a beautiful day! It is now Wed. and though I tried to write a note yesterday I just got bogged down with other things so it is now Wed. My hubby mowed our lawn yesterday and it looked so nice. We have a ton of those helicopters falling from the trees and we blew them off the driveway, out of the garage and off the patio.

We had leftovers for supper last night also though I did add ham pieces I had frozen and yesterday I pressure cooked it for 10 minutes.

I also donated a lot of twin sized bedding as well as a large box of dinnerware that I got from my parents that they got from a garage sale. I've never used it and I probably would never use it so I donated that. I have a tv stand I should donate. I have stuff that just needs to be gotten rid of and our church has a furniture ministry that we gather all of these things and then give them to people who are less fortunate and just can't afford even the most necessary things.

Managing a Household / Tuesday, June 4, 2019
« Last post by gaggleofseven on June 04, 2019, 04:24:14 PM »
Good afternoon! We had a beautiful, sunny day - so nice for a change! I took some photos outside, and they turned out well.

We are coming up on our anniversary soon, and DH is fishing for some gift ideas. After this many years, I really don't need anything. I'm not a "stuff" person. In fact, I'm trying to declutter and reduce things rather than add more. Maybe we'll just go to dinner with the kids.

Dinner tonight is chicken sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, and a vegetable.

Have a great evening!
Managing a Household / Re: Sat., June 1, 2019
« Last post by Alice on June 01, 2019, 03:32:56 PM »
Well, it's late afternoon now and t he day just flew by! We allowed ourselves to sleep in as long as we wanted and then had a later than normal breakfast. After that shopping for just a few things. Then I moved things around in one of my daughters' room. She live outside the country and is coming home for the summer in three weeks. I have her room nicely freshened up.

We made and ate a late lunch early supper around 3 pm because that is just the time I was able to get it ready. We'll be fine for the night. Got laundry done and all the dishes so we'll get to watch a movie.

I feel like we accomplished a lot even though it was slowly done all through the  day. I think we have freshened most of the house in the past week or so and that is nice feeling entering summer.

I told hubby we need a better meal plan for the week to run more smoothly. I at least am thinking of things to make this week so we'll see if I can follow through and actually follow it!

Managing a Household / Re: Sat., June 1, 2019
« Last post by gaggleofseven on June 01, 2019, 08:14:39 AM »
Can you believe it's June 1? June is a happy month in our family, with our wedding anniversary, father's day, and a birthday. Lots of celebrating!

I started this morning by grabbing a quick shower and starting to clean our linen closet. It needs some serious decluttering and organizing. I gave DH the most worn hand towels to use for messy cleanups, and that opened up some space. I need some bins/baskets to hold the small things that get misplaced - dental floss, toothbrushes, etc. I'll start at the dollar store because I don't want to spend a lot.

DH and I watched "The Finest Hours" last night about the Coast Guard sea rescue in 1952. There was a bit of language, but otherwise it was very good. I pinned ideas for coffee bars on my Pinterest kitchen board while I watched. Now I'm inspired to fit a little coffee area in to the kitchen! I told DH to break out the tape measure! ;)

I'm off to scramble eggs for the kids and start the laundry. Have a great day!
Managing a Household / Sat., June 1, 2019
« Last post by gaggleofseven on June 01, 2019, 08:01:13 AM »
Good morning!
Managing a Household / Re: Friday, May 31
« Last post by gaggleofseven on May 31, 2019, 04:33:24 PM »
Hi everyone. Jumping on to say hello after a long day. I'm so glad it's finally Friday. This was even a short week, but it still was exhausting.

We've had sunshine all day! Hopefully things will dry out some, but we have so much standing water. Unfortunately, I'm starting to see more mosquitoes.

Dinner tonight is pot pies, a vegetable, and applesauce. Tomorrow I plan to try the crockpot chicken teriyaki recipe I found online. It looks delicious and simple to make - just my style!

Hi Catherine, enjoy your backpacking! Just the 275 mile one-way trip sounds tiring! ;)
Hi Cheryl and Alice - I hope you both have a great weekend!

Have a nice evening!
Managing a Household / Re: Friday, May 31
« Last post by greyhoundgirl on May 31, 2019, 11:03:40 AM »
Just saying "hi". Home on my lunch break from work having some leftovers. Heading out tonight after work to drive about 275 miles for a backpacking trip tomorrow. Will drive the remaining 2 hours tomorrow morning.

House is a mess and may continue to be for the forseeable future. I'm backpacking next weekend as well, lol.

Maddy took the younger 3 out to the camp where she has worked the past few years for the grand opening of their waterslide today. Mallory (15) is at work.

Dinner tonight for my crew is chicken potpie from Aldi. I'll eat something on the road.

Have a great weekend!
Managing a Household / Friday, May 31, 2019
« Last post by Alice on May 31, 2019, 07:05:22 AM »
Happy, happy, Friday, everyone!

Oh, it's good to see a Friday. It was a long week even though it was a short week. My husband has been very sick with a bad cold, bronchitis and a terrible cough for two weeks. He is started to feel better but the coughing bouts are still bad. He's been going in to work each day though he really should stay home.

I have exactly three items on my grocery list for the weekend but I did get a few items several days ago so maybe it was 7 items total for the week. That should be good on the budget. I thought I had a gallon of ice cream in my freezer but it's not there. My husband must have been eating more than I thought. I do remember him having ice cream quite a bit during the month of May but hadn't realized he was into the last gallon in the freezer. That's OK because he might as well eat it since it was there but I thought there still was a gallon in the freezer. We had it since April for my daughter's bridal shower.  We have some sherbet leftover that he can start on. With a sore throat, ice cream has felt so good on his throat. I might even buy him a quart!

Not much else going on in my world. Not sure what our meals will be this weekend but I do know it will come from the freezer. Nothing big or fancy and finishing up a few fresh items that need using in the fridge. I think I need to go through stuff and purge a bit more this weekend.

Managing a Household / Friday, May 31
« Last post by Cheryl on May 31, 2019, 07:02:58 AM »
Good morning!

Just getting us started.  I’m waiting on my oldest daughter to come over.  She’s coming to get Emily and they will spend the weekend together.

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