The Kitchen is the Heart of the Home > The Cook House

More food-harder to plan?

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Do you find that, with more food in the house, it is harder to plan your menus?  That feels backward but true for me.  Maybe in part because the fridge (or cupboard) is so full it's hard to tell what all is in there.  I know that's a great (and first world) problem to have, but I end up overwhelmed and losing things in there till they are too old to use.  Anybody have this problem or you did and have found a solution?  The one thing I AM doing already to try to combat it is to make a list of what all fruits and veggies are in there and consult that when menu planning.

hahahahaha funny you should say this - I was laying in bed thinking I need to empty out all the cupboards so I can see what's in there and put less back so I can see

too funny  ;D

I used to feel this way.  Every few months I'll empty out the pantry and freezers to see just exactly what and how much we have.  I write it down and keep the list in my pantry.  As an item is used, I mark it off the list.  The reason I do this every few months is to make sure my inventory list matches what's actually here because sometimes an item is removed and not marked off the list. 

that's a great idea Cheryl - I probably should take everything out and know exactly what I have in there  ;D

It's not something I look forward to, but it has to be done.  I guess I should do it today since I'm thinking about it.  It's okay doing the pantry but there's just something about emptying out that chest freezer that irks me. ;) 


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