The Craft Room > Christmas Club

Advent Calendars

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We have an Advent calendar that I made a few years ago and now that my boys are older the little pockets get filled with different things then they used to.  That said, I am drawing a blank on ideas.  My oldest is almost 14 and I want things that he will enjoy too.  A day that says bake cookies with mom isn't as exciting as it used to be, LOL.

I am thinking fun things such as going to a movie or a play or going sledding but I want to add some things in that will help them to serve others this year.  Maybe like a bake cookies and take them to a neighbor. Does that sound ok?

Any other ideas? 

Sounds like a good plan to me.


maybe you can use some ideas from all of these   ;)

When I was about that age, I would have enjoyed coming up with some ideas of my own.  Maybe have a day that say's, "think of something fun to do for someone else."

He might choose to buy a toy for a kid, bake cookies for a neighbor, take a gingerbread house to an old lady, or any number of things.  Coming up with ideas is part of the fun IMO.

This advent idea is a good one.  We always had the cardboard ones with chocolate when I was growing up.  Maybe I will start doing it this way for my kids.

Cathie - thank you!!!

Shelly - great ideas too!  I can show you a pic of my advent calendar that I made.  If I made it, anyone can because craftiness is not my forte!   ;D


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