Author Topic: Monday, January 22, 2018  (Read 1040 times)

Offline Alice

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Monday, January 22, 2018
« on: January 22, 2018, 11:04:43 AM »
Hello, is anyone there?

It's a very rainy, stormy, thundery, lightening kind of day here in West Michigan. Wow! That first boom on thunder just about made me fall out of my chair. It was so loud! 

We had a pretty mild weekend with not terribly cold temps. I didn't have a lot on my to-do list other than recycling and a few fresh groceries. Near the recycle center is Horrock's and often on Sat. mornings they mark down stuff and I was on the lookout for milk at a reduced price. I can't afford regular prices right now as we're on a no-shop month. I was lucky and found some quarts for 50 cents. I think I got 5 of them and put a couple of them in the freezer for the next couple of weeks. We also found some colored peppers on the discount rack. Total groceries for the week was only $5.50.

I did a little more cleaning of my spices and a cupboard that had a lot of paper products like cups, paper plates, napkins, etc. I figured they would be better in a storage bin in the basement than taking up precious cupboard space. We have officially run out of a lot of things like cereal, thyme, celery seed, lettuce, salad dressing and croutons, bread, leftovers and a whole lot more.

For Sunday dinner, I made a three meat meatloaf only because I had a little of three kinds of ground meat. It does make a good meatloaf though when using different kinds of ground meat. I started to make a tortellini soup for another day but decided to put some leftover rice in that and made it our side dish. No complaints there. We had the last of the lettuce for a small salad but now all of that is completely gone. Tonight we'll have what's left from yesterdays dinner. There are plenty of things to create a meal with in the house so we will have meals but I just don't know today what tomorrow's supper will be. I saw a small porterhouse steak in the freezer so I think we'll have that this week divided three ways. I have about 6 potatoes left and about 6 onions and two dozen eggs. Oh, I also made a big pot of potato soup on Saturday and we have leftovers from that. I also have cooked turkey meat in the freezer from Christmas so I should use that up somehow. Not sure what to make from it. Turkey is not my favorite meal. I also have a whole turkey in my freezer. I suppose I should think about cooking that bad boy sometime.

MIL came for dinner and gave us a bag of those little oranges that are easy to peel. I like them but the bags are too large for my family so they go bad before we eat them. Same with her so she gave us half of what she bought. She gave me a nice pair of walking pants that I will really like when we get to walk outside again. I have a lot of trouble with waste bands rolling down on workout pants. It has a thick waste band that I hope won't roll down. She also had another pair of spandex pants that were too large for me but my daughter will like it. But since daughter is in Honduras it will be waiting for her when she comes home for the summer.

Not much else going on today. Pop in for a quick HELLO if you can.

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Monday, January 22, 2018
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2018, 11:45:54 AM »
Hi Alice and any others who roll in.

Glad the rain, thunder and lightning has subsided.  Today I'm just not feeling it.  I didn't sleep well, and I started my monthly (shouldn't these be over by my age???)  I usually have a really difficult day early in my monthly, and today seems to be that day.  I just feel really blah, and too tired to do anything.  I'm glad when that falls on a day that I don't HAVE to go anywhere, or really do anything.  Here it is 1:30, and I have gotten nothing accomplished really.  I am starting to feel a little more energized, so maybe I am on the upswing.

Asking for prayers:  one of my college girlfriend's grandbaby is in the hospital with the flu.  I think he about 6-8 weeks old.  They thought he was on the upswing, but now looks like he is on oxygen and fluids.  Praying that he will round the corner soon.  His name is Knox if you could lift him up.  I know that my friend and her daughter are a mess over it right now. 

Alice: sounds like you are really making the best of your no spend month.  It's surprising how creative we can get when we are forced to, isn't it?

Our weekend was pretty low key.  We ended up seeing 2 movies.  We saw 12 Strong on Friday.  I think I mentioned once that a friend of ours from up North wrote the book that the movie is based on.  It was a good movie, but pretty violent (war is violent).  The story was pretty amazing, though.  The other movie we saw was Phantom Thread.  It was ok. Not anything like the trailers led us to think it was about.  So, we left kind of confused.  Movies have kind of been our go to as of late.  Winter is long and pretty boring in Michigan! 
We did get a 2 mile walk in on Saturday before heading to the movie.  It felt good to be outside in the fresh air. 

Tonight I am making the turkey breast that I was planning on for Friday.  When we had bought it and brought it home, I had said to hubs "that turkey needs to go into the fridg in the garage so it can thaw" -- he said ok ... and put it in the freezer!   :D  He was so disappointed when I went to the fridg to get it and texted him "what did you do with the turkey?" and he realized what he had done!  It is ready to go now.  Will pop it in the oven in a little while.  He will be happy tonight anyway!

Hope all of you are having a great day!  If you see the sunshine, send it my way!!
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25