The Barn and Fields > Animals and Homesteading

my cat

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I am wondering if anyone has an answer for me on this problem.

My indoor cat really doesn't have outdoor privileges but she does try to sneak out when the door is open so she has been outside on a limited basis. My other cat is an outdoor cat but with indoor privileges. When we moved to our house the bathroom window had no screen in it so it was just open to the garage. The indoor cat decided to begin moaning during the night and meow really strangely. Finally, we got sick of it and put her in the garage but she found the open window and let herself in the house. Now she thinks going in and out is just fine but we have since placed a screen in the window. She continues to moan and meow every single night which is really scary to hear. We close the bathroom doors so she has no access to the window. Do you think it is a desire to go out to the garage or is there a night critter (mouse) out there that she wants. I don't get what all the moaning is all about.


Is your cat spayed? I'm wondering if she's trying to call for a mate. My friend wasn't planning to fix his cat, but every night for 3 weeks she kept yowling. Once she was spayed, that put an end to it.

Yes, she's spayed. I should add she's a torti and they are notorious for being unhappy cats, and even mean.  But we've had her for about 6 years already and she's never done the moaning before. She has a ball of yarn that she's carries around like she's captured something and throws it around making all kinds of noise as if she was on this great hunt and got her prey. We hide that in the closet now because all this hunting goes on at night but now it's at the bathroom window where she moans. She is just possessed!


My cats moan when they want something.  They sound like this cat here at about 1:26 into this video, but more drawn out and a little bit of a deeper sound, like they're mouth is held slightly more open.

All my cats are fixed, so they're not in heat or anything, but they still make that sound.  Usually they do it at night in the hall outside our room.  Quigon will sometimes do it in front of the door to outside when he wants out.  They're all indoor cats only, but they do sneak out on occasion. 

How long did she have access to the open window and how long has it been since you closed it off?  My cat Oreo used to yowl when he wanted the bathtub water turned on for a drink.  It used to leak and he could drink when he wanted.  When we fixed it, he got mad and would yowl.  It took about 2 months before he would stop. 

Andrea G:
Alice, you just moved, right?  Maybe she is having a hard time adjusting. If so, she may settle down over time.  That night time moaning has to be frustrating though.


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