The Kitchen Table Visiting Corner > Anything Goes!

Logging out--when not wanted

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Trev said it sounds like a cookie issue.  Do you have your browser deleting cookies frequently?

I'm not sure but will ask Earl to check.  Things like fb or the Homemakers Homestead forum keep me signed in...this is the only one where I've had trouble.

Well, I figured this out, sort of.  When I come to the page, it shows me as not signed in, but if I click on a post or user, it switches to showing me as signed in without me signing in.  Makes no sense but at least it works!  :)

Wow, that's really weird.  Glad it works for you, though.

So I updated our iPad to the new iOS version or whatever it is and now I don't stay logged in on here or Facebook.  Grrr!  I have been trying to figure out what the bug is and how to fix it but haven't found anything yet.



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