Author Topic: Tuesday, July 31  (Read 1411 times)

Offline Cheryl

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Tuesday, July 31
« on: July 31, 2018, 06:54:09 AM »
Good morning!

I overslept a little today.  I was up the first time around 4:00 but went back to bed.  It's cloudy out and I just wanted to rest.  I got up and made coffee, and now I am sitting here thinking about what I need to be doing.

Over the past few days I have cleaned my refrigerator and organized the freezer, tossing a few random items.  I cleaned, organized, and inventoried the chest freezer and freezer on the spare refrigerator.  Now that I know exactly what I have to work with, I am trying to come up with meal plans to use up those items.  I used to be able to plan a month's worth of meals at a time, but now I mostly sit and stare at my list.  I have the hardest time concentrating here lately.

If I ever get finished with my meal plan I have a large dish pan of tomatoes I need to work on.  Our tomatoes are long gone and the plants are pulled up, but these were given to us and I would hate for them to go to waste.  On Sunday we went to visit my parents.  I took them a basket of hot peppers and some okra since they didn't plant any this year.  We came home with the tomatoes, a basket of apples, and 2 dozen eggs.  I like trading our extras. 

Well, guess I have sat here long enough.  Time to get busy!  Have a great day!
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline Alice

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Re: Tuesday, July 31
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2018, 07:22:00 AM »
Oh, Cheryl,

I would give anything for those tomatoes!  My dad usually has a large garden but he got a late start on planting and the entire garden just did not do well this year. Sometimes that happens. I planted 6 tomato plants in large pots but the tomatoes are only a little larger than a cherry tomato and I only got one red one so far.

I would wash the tomatoes, blend them in my blender, skin and all, then freeze for the start of spaghetti sauce this winter. My husband can't digest the skins on tomatoes so this is how we always prepare our tomatoes. It looks like we'll be buying cans of tomatoes this year.

I do, however, have a lot of herbs in my container garden. Basil has been good and so has the oregano and rosemary. I've bot a ton of that being air-dried in my kitchen.  I made a meal of chicken parmesan this weekend and since I didn't have fresh tomato sauce I had to use a marinara sauce with fresh basil. It was a very good meal.

I really need to find a way to bring in my herbs for the winter and see how that goes. I don't exactly have a lot of sunny places but my daughters bedroom could work. She's not there anyway so I might just try it.

Last night I made two batches of peach jam. We went to a nearby orchard on Saturday and bought some really good peaches. They were so sweet and delicious. Around mid-August the cling free ones will be ready but the ones I got weren't too stubborn. I'm hoping the prices will be good because I might try to freeze some for winter.

Last night we feasted on a bunch of leftovers. Tonight we'll have dirty rice and beef enchiladas that my husband didn't eat while I was on vacation. I had frozen two meals worth of those so I pulled both of them out of the freezer for supper and lunches this week. I'm also going to cook a corned beef so I can make a corned beef casserole later this week.

There's a little laundry to do but I've asked my daughter to do that today. The house is pretty well cleaned up except the kitchen floor needs mopping. Hubby can do that tomorrow when he has a day off. Mostly everything else is in pretty good order.

I can't believe it's the last day of July today! Where has the summer gone? I've enjoyed it but it's going much too fast for me.

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats

Offline Rooney

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Re: Tuesday, July 31
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2018, 12:16:18 PM »
Alice, I got some peaches from an orchard in the bigger city by us last week, and YES, the peaches are incredible this year :o!  Think I will pick up some more this evening when we go grocery shopping.   I used to get them from the orchard across from us but they got rid of their peach trees last year.  Hope they decide to replant new ones.

Cheryl, my parents have tomatoes running out of their ears this year too and they only did some in planter boxes on their deck, but if I remember correctly, they did plant them rather early.

Nothing interesting here today, so I won't bore you with boring details.  Just getting ready to do my cardio and then it is back to school planning for me.  I am imagining I will run my printer out of ink today, since it said low ink last night, and will have to pick up more this evening to keep me moving.  Cheryl, I have never tried the Abeka Science (I will look at that when I get a chance). Last year I  tried the ACE PACES workbooks on an older child and they really liked it.   They come in packs of 12 different workbooks for a subject, so my kids like the idea of always having a "new" book to work in.  ;)


Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Tuesday, July 31
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2018, 07:04:13 PM »
Alice, I got some peaches from an orchard in the bigger city by us last week, and YES, the peaches are incredible this year :o!  Think I will pick up some more this evening when we go grocery shopping.   I used to get them from the orchard across from us but they got rid of their peach trees last year.  Hope they decide to replant new ones.

Cheryl, my parents have tomatoes running out of their ears this year too and they only did some in planter boxes on their deck, but if I remember correctly, they did plant them rather early.

Nothing interesting here today, so I won't bore you with boring details.  Just getting ready to do my cardio and then it is back to school planning for me.  I am imagining I will run my printer out of ink today, since it said low ink last night, and will have to pick up more this evening to keep me moving.  Cheryl, I have never tried the Abeka Science (I will look at that when I get a chance). Last year I  tried the ACE PACES workbooks on an older child and they really liked it.   They come in packs of 12 different workbooks for a subject, so my kids like the idea of always having a "new" book to work in.  ;)


Funny! I did PACES from 1st grade till I finished high school. I liked them overall. They weren't great in high school science (things like Chemistry and Physics, which I found out the hard way in college) but I feel like I learned pretty well generally.

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Tuesday, July 31
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2018, 07:10:47 PM »

It has been a very full day so I'm here late. I slept late for me (almost 6:30) after going to sleep early  (9:30) so I'm figuring it was needed.

Today is the first day I actually feel like my back is better. So thankful! I have gone to the chiro 5 times in the past 2 weeks. Was supposed to go today but forgot.

Had to have Morgan and Micah to church by a little after 8 for a trip to OKC. Then Mallory had JROTC at 8:30 (it was her first day and she loved it). Max and I Had breakfast at Chick Fil A, then went to Sam's. $278 later, we went home and unloaded then picked up Mallory. After bringing her home to change, we went to W-mart so I could get a haircut and Mal could shop for a few items. I also bought a couple things after my haircut, then we headed to Target. Yeah. But Mallory was meeting friends for coffee at the Starbucks there as one of her friends is moving to Virginia. So Max and I did a bit of shopping there and at TJ Maxx in the same strip mall. After dinner, I headed to pick up Mallory from book club at the library (she took the bus to get there), then we stopped at Aldi for the rest of the grocery items we needed.

Heading kayaking early tomorrow. A friend from church is joining a couple of us so that should be fun.

Hope you all have a nice evening!