Titus 2 Homemakers

The Hearth => Managing a Household => : bobbie78 October 18, 2013, 05:38:47 AM

: bobbie78 October 18, 2013, 05:38:47 AM
Hello ladies!
I've been up for a few hours already. Had my breakfast.  I've got to clean the kitchen and get caught up on laundry. I also need to straighten my bedroom.

Yesterday someone gave me 35 red and green bell peppers, a bag of onions, some carrots, about 6 granny smith apples and 16 honey crisp apples.  Also a case of yoplait yogurt parfaits. I am so grateful! God is good!

Well you ladies have a nice day!!!
: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: Cheryl October 18, 2013, 06:15:53 AM
Good morning!

I have so much I need/want to get done today.  I got up at 4 am and started a load of laundry so I could get a jump-start on that.  I fed the chickens and let them out and fed the cats.  Now I'm sitting here enjoying a cup of coffee.

I want to finish deep-cleaning my bedroom and start on the closet.  I'd also like to rearrange things in my biggest freezer to get ready for our pork order.  I've got to make sure there's room for all of that.  Sometime today I'd like to work in the laundry room and make it look more presentable. 

I hope everyone has a great day! :)
: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: Alice October 18, 2013, 07:08:42 AM
Happy Friday!

Bobbie, I read your post about all your goodies and I already have a plan for all of it. I would dice up all the peppers and flash freeze them, I would make an apple crisp from the grannie smiths and keep all the honey crisp for lunches along with the yogurt. How easy was that?

I actually have a hard time using all the diced peppers I freeze each year but I tried a new recipe from Pioneer Woman--Ree Drummond called sloppy joes. She uses diced green peppers and usually my kids don't love peppers hidden in their food but this recipe was so good! My youngest gobbled her dinner and said it was delicious. Ree suggests using buns that she grilled to make them crispy but I threw them in the oven to crisp up and that really was the difference.  We liked that way better than eating sloppy joes on a soft bun.

Lots of changes going on in our household AGAIN. Hubby retired last December and then we moved this summer so now hubby got a job just minutes from home.  The downside is that he has to work the 11 pm to 7 am shift for now but in the future there is the possibility of moving to the 7 am - 3 pm shift.  At least we get to see him at dinner time for a while. Thankfully the kids are all grown up (20, 19, 17) and really don't need dad's help with homework so much (17 yo still does once in a while).  We hope we can settle in a routine now and I'm actually beginning to feel a bit more calm than what I have been for several years.

I roasted a chicken last night so tonight will be something using the chicken. I have to cook differently now that hubby works later. He might prefer to eat a bigger meal at noon and a lighter supper so he doesn't get so tired toward evening. I will try to have something ready to heat in the frig. so he has food all day long while the rest of us are at school or work. 

My goal for the winter is to eat through our freezer until it's empty. We have tons of veggies in there and very little meat.  It will be fun to have more veggies than meat because we all could lose a little weight anyway.  I've already seen myself losing a tiny bit because with only three people per meal we use very little meat and lots more veggies and that was because my hubby didn't have a job and we cut way down on our groceries. Hopefully we can keep up this routine and stay healthier. Having such a big cut in income has really made us aware of all the bad habits and I guess I'm truly happy that our budget is tighter.

I guess I'm just having a reflective day. Thinking back and thinking foward. Re-evaluating and making changes.  God never let us down and never will.  All is good.

: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: bobbie78 October 18, 2013, 07:21:04 AM
Alice, we must think alike! I've already gotten all 35 peppers diced and in freezer bags in the freezer. I got 5 quart size bags out of them all. That makes me feel content. I am always throwing diced peppers in chili, meatloaf, spaghetti, etc. I had seen where Aldi had their peppers for .69 a pack last week. I wanted to get out there and get some to replenish my stock but didnt really have the funds. God does provide! And I do plan to make apple crisp with the granny smith. LOVE apple crisp. And oh am I enjoying those honey crisp apples and the yogurt.

Me and my family could stand to lose some weight also, so, we are trying to serve more veggies at every meal as well.  Meat is just so hard on the budget these days.  But I am very thankful for receiving what I did yesterday!
: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: hen41500 October 18, 2013, 07:55:21 AM
For goodness sakes, I had a wonderful post then POOF.....I hit something and its gone. We hope to stay home all day but we'll see. We had 2 extra boys spend the night last night so not a lot of sleep for any of us 8)   The 2 older boys are going across the street to help a widow neighbor set up for a garage sale. The laundry needs to be done and the floors certainly need some TLC, however there are 6 boys here so..........we'll see what actually gets done ;) Have a lovely day ladies!

: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: Andrea G October 18, 2013, 07:58:06 AM
Good morning!  Everyone is up so early this morning. 

Bobbie, what an awesome blessing.  It is so nice to have diced peppers ready to use in the freezer.  I love hearing how God provides!   :D

Cheryl, up at 4?  I bet you'll get a lot done today.  I should try that!  :D

Alice, I will have to look up Ree's recipe.  I never thought of toasting the buns, I bet we'd like sloppy joes much more that way.  We don't have sloppy joes often, it's just not a favourite here.  Thank you for sharing that.

Heather, six boys?  How fun!  That is so sweet that they are helping your neighbour.

Today I need to get busy and clean the kitchen.  I think I say that every day, but it just keeps getting dirty. Must be all that food preparation.  ::)
I also have laundry, of course.  I would like to go to the grocery store and pick up a few things at some point.  And I still have some tomatoes to work up, I will roast them if I have enough, and if not I will just freeze them.

Have a wonderful day, everyone! :)
: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: Shelly October 18, 2013, 10:02:53 AM
Good morning!

We leave for IL tomorrow for 2 weeks, so I'm busy busy busy.  I've got 2 more loads of laundry to do this morning and I need to get everything packed up and into the car.  One of tires decided to blow out a couple days ago (thankfully NOT during the trip) and so we need to get it replaced today.  We decided to go ahead and replace all 4.  $800 I wasn't planning on spending! YIKES!  At least these are fantastic tires and will be great in the snow in the mountains.  Since the next elk hunt is in january, we figured it would be a good idea.

On my list today:

pack 2 suitcases
pay bills
get new tires
cut fleece for booster covers
pack pile of stuff into truck  ;D
clean out fridge and wipe out
clean 3 litter boxes
wash cat fountain
and probably more...

No idea what dinner will be yet, probably last of the leftovers

: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: MoWin October 18, 2013, 10:31:06 AM
Good morning,

It is cool this morning. We had 39* when I got up. This is another slow struggle day for me. I decided to quit using Bailey coffee creamer in my coffee. Tried with half and half and liquid stevia. Ehhh, decided I didn't really like taste of the coffee.  ??? So I guess I have been drinking it just for the creamer. And at 12 carbs and 80 calories for 2 tablespoons a day.....well, it adds up. So I am trying to quit the coffee and just stick with green tea. I do enjoy that and don't even add a sweetener.  ;) Ok, this is day 3. So far no headache.  :P I have noticed I am really sleepy, though. When I cut down or try to quit using caffeine, I get really sleepy. I will just struggle with this for the time being. I think switching to green tea is the right choice for me. If I can get through 2 weeks without coffee, I will take the coffee pot off my counter and have some free space.  ;D

Been rethinking the 'not making anything else for the grandkids speech.  ::) I figured I would when the time to make stuff got here.  :-[ Anyway, looks like I will be almost doubling the grandkids. Jonny's Kim has 4 kids, so I guess I now have 9 instead of 5 grandkids to provide for. LOL Kevin's job has cut out all overtime, but at least his time hasn't bee cut.  :) That does mean that we will have very little extra money for Christmas this year. So, whether they like it or not, they will all be getting gifts made from things I already have on hand. I will have 5 girls and 4 boys to make stuff for. I thought about crocheting scarves for all of them. Asked Haze for her honest opinion. She said she doubted her kids would ever use them. They are definitely not country kids.  :( I loved a homemade scarf when I was a girl. I wore what my grandma made for me every day to school, but I am getting off the subject.  :-X Haze suggested a little purse for Izzie. Ok, with 5 girls and lots of fabric, that sounds like a plan.  ;) Now for the 4 boys (who all love electronic gadgets, by the way) I am thinking about kind of a messenger bag with a long strap for them to carry their gameboys, Kindles, whatever. I would make them out of denim and possible sew their name or initials on them. What do you think? Do you think boys from 6-11 would like these?

Well, just watched a program on knitting and crocheting on PBS. Now I'm in the mood for working with yarn. LOL I need to get Kevin around for work, so talk to you later. You all have a great day.

: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: Alice October 18, 2013, 10:44:53 AM
Hi Winona,

You're in a tough spot with the ages of the kids right now. Just do what you have to and I like your idea!  As for doubling grandkids--they still belong so I'm glad to hear they get to participate in the family Christmas! Kudos to you for making such lovely things for them. I only wish I knew how to knit, sew, crochet. I have read instructions and I just don't get all the abbreviations. Here's an example:

Cast on 3 stitches (needle size 5.5 mm).
Row 1: Knit in front and back, K1, Knit in front and back (5 st)
Row 2: Knit
Row 3: K1, Knit in front and back, K till last 2 stitches, Knit in
front and back, K1
Row 4: Knit
Repeat row 3 and 4 till you have 31 stitches.

Whoa! "knit in front and back" wow that blows me away--have no idea what that means. Anyway, I won't be knitting that's for sure!

I'm sticking to my original plan of no presents to my kids (I have no grands nor others little kids in my life). The big reason is we pay big bucks in college tuition so that is still their gift. I honestly don't think they care either--meaning that they know they are getting the biggest gift of all--their education!

: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: hen41500 October 18, 2013, 11:11:56 AM
  I agree with the creamer issue. When I am needing a switch up, I use coconut milk from the can. It certainly isn't Baileys or the like but it does make the coffee creamy and rich tasting I think. And, as an added bonus, if you don't really care for the taste is was only around 89 cents for the can ;)

: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: allison5273 October 18, 2013, 11:14:31 AM
I wanted to reply to Winona. What about knitted slippers or slipper socks? Also on the bags my kids all use those drawstring bags (kind of a pillowcase shape w/ a drawstring and two straps out of cord that go over the shoulders. Thirty one has a lot of them if you need to see one to know what I am talking about. I have a 4, 8, and 17 year old girl at home and a 14 year old boy. They would all use a bag like that for sleepovers or to carry a water bottle and sports items to practice.  I love the idea of putting there name or initials (for safety reasons if they would be taking out of the house) on the bags!
blessings, Allison
: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: Alice October 18, 2013, 11:22:29 AM
I agree with Allison, yes Winona do those kinds of bags! I had completely forgotten about them but even my college kids use them! ALL...THE...TIME...! They are so easy to make but I don't have the pattern. 


P.S. If anyone finds a pattern, please post. I also remember that you should put the drawstring in first before sewing the bag.  Something about making it easier to put together.
: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: calicogirl October 18, 2013, 11:32:29 AM
I think the bags and purses are a great idea,
 Winona. Lulu, Bri and Josh use the little totes you made them all the time.

: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: Cheryl October 18, 2013, 11:45:00 AM
  I agree with the creamer issue. When I am needing a switch up, I use coconut milk from the can. It certainly isn't Baileys or the like but it does make the coffee creamy and rich tasting I think. And, as an added bonus, if you don't really care for the taste is was only around 89 cents for the can ;)


Thanks for this idea!  I've got a can of coconut milk sitting in my pantry that I bought for some recipe I never made and now can't even remember what recipe it was for.  Maybe now I can put it to good use! ;)
: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: pamgonzo October 19, 2013, 07:46:37 AM
Winona;  I found a tutorial on the drawstring backpack idea the ladies mentioned.  It is a great idea!


at least this would give you an idea, and you can go from there!  Glad your Grands are getting homemade gifts! They will be full of love!
Happy giftmaking!!
: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: gaggleofseven October 19, 2013, 09:57:33 AM
I really like that bag tutorial, Pam. Thanks for sharing the link! It would be fun to make these for kids and fill them with art or craft supplies, books, etc.

: Re: FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013
: MoWin October 19, 2013, 07:12:38 PM
I am so excited. Thank you so much ladies, especially Allison and Pam for suggesting these drawstring backpacks. I can so make these for every one of them, even the boys, only their's will be out of denim or more a boy color. I am going to get some grommets and cording next time I am in town. I have lots of fabric to pick from. I even have quite a bit of denim. (That stuff cost me $14 a yard last year.  :o I ended up using a coupon and bought twice what I needed. I knew it would come in handy some day. LOL)  Oh, these should sew up quickly too. I never thought about security when I was planning to put their names on them. In today's world, that would not be a good idea.  :( I may still embroider their name on the inside of them, not visible, but where it feels more personal to them.  ;D My Christmas list just got easier. Thank you ladies again. I don't have littles anymore, so don't really keep up with what is hip.  ;)

It may be next week before I get any done, but I will post pictures.  ;D
