Author Topic: Wednesday, June 5, 2019  (Read 1697 times)

Offline Alice

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Wednesday, June 5, 2019
« on: June 05, 2019, 12:45:09 PM »
Good Afternoon!

After a wet morning we now have a beautiful bright afternoon! 

Not much going on for me.  That is pretty typical for the beginning of a new month. I began my purging last night and got rid of 6 sets of twin sized bedding and a big box of a 12 serving set of dishes. I have more walking around the house to do and I will find things that are not useful to me that I would like to purge. I am thinking of buying new towels for the entire house. We have a lot of towels but they are starting to ravel. They work just fine so I'm on the fence about it.

I have some throws I bought when the kids were little that we used to cuddle under or an extra bed on a cold night. I bought one for each of them and two extra for a total of 5. We still love them today for a nap on the couch or a little extra warmth after the removal of the heavy winter stuff. I count them a couple times per year to make sure they are all accounted for and last night I only counted four. I know the patterns on each of them so I went hunting around and I found the last one. I had put it in a drawer and forgot about it. I'm keeping those blankets. I remember getting them at Walmart for about $5 a piece and thought it was a good deal 20+ years ago.

On Saturday our community is having a festival day and they are closing my street off from 7:30 am to about 10:30 for a race and then a parade so we have to make sure not to plan something because we won't be able to get out or back in!

Tonight will be spaghetti or a spaghetti bake with mozzarella cheese. Sounds really good and I even made homemade spaghetti sauce. We have twinkie cake for dessert. My dad celebrated his 88th birthday on Monday so we took my parents out for pizza then back home for twinkie cake. I offered them the rest of the cake but they declined so we can handle eating it. It was/is very good.

Not much else for me.

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats