The Craft Room > Crafts and Sewing

How much yarn?


I cannot believe it but due to watching a youtube video or two I have actually learned how to cast on and knit a few stitches - Woo Hoo!  My new question is does anyone know how to guestimate how much yarn it would take to knit a cotton dishcloth?

Thank you for those of you who suggested the videos - they certainly did the trick :)

One dishcloth takes slightly less than one of the small balls of cotton yarn found at Hobby Lobby, Wal-Mart, JoAnnes, etc.  When I knit them, I usually have some odds and ends left over - then I make some multicolor ones.  One of the Large cones of cotton yarn will make multiple dishcloths.

Thank you so much for the info - just what I need.


Andrea G:
WTG Ellen. But be forewarned, knitting dishcloths can be addictive!  ;D :P

he, he, he, I've already found that to be true.  As I was working with my fifth grader this morning I was secretly thinking, "hmmm, maybe I could fit in a few minutes of knitting before lunchtime."


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