Author Topic: Tuesday, November 4, 2014  (Read 1199 times)

Offline wrancher

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:59:53 AM »
Good Morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2014, 06:16:04 AM »
The day has finally come! Besides Election Day it is selling calves day.  Ross and kids are heading out in a bit to start chores and all our workers (neighbors) will be here at 9. Trucks come to load at noon. We are going to preg check some of the cows. Then our calves will probably sell around 2 or 3 or whenever that is when you sit in sale barn and get nervous.  You just hope they bring enough to pay for everything.  Our combiners were combining our corn and they broke our auger down.  We had to get a new one and they are delivering it this morning.  Our other one last over 20 yrs so I guess it was time. But man things are expensive. So very busy day.  I need to bake a pumpkin cake thing and last night I made these rolls with pastrami and cheese and roast beef and cheese stuuffed in the bun.  I made 7 dozen yes dozen and they are going through them already.  Won't have to worry about left overs.  Just to have enough. Ross and I have absentee voted as they changed our poling place to a small town 30 miles from us.  There is also a blood drive at our school today that if we have time for we will do.  We are just gonna be tired by tonight. The kids stay out of school to help.  Our football team just won another playoff game so 1 more to go and they make it to the dome. That would be so exciting.

Coffee on the run...

Offline MissMandy

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Re: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2014, 06:28:40 AM »

Woke up a bit early to get some things done before settling down to work, only to discover that Jean's check card had been skimmed and someone withdrew $1200 (across two transactions) from our checking account!  I've already filed the fraud report and we should get it all back, it's just not a super way to start the day.  I'm going to pretend that they took all $1200 of OUR cash and used it to buy food for their hungry kids or something ;D.

ANYWAY!  I'm up and dressed, and would like to get some breakfast and put a load of laundry in before starting work.  Pup has been out and been fed, and is now currently chewing on his toes (?? :o ??).  Dinner tonight is...something with ground turkey.  Will need to figure that out.

Have a wonderful day!

Mandy, wife to Jean, furmama to Irish Wolfhound Grimmauld (Grimm), living in the mountains of Virginia.  Childless by circumstance and loving it! ♥

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2014, 07:13:41 AM »
Good morning!

Finished breakfast and going to have some coffee.  Some insane part of me said "yes" yesterday when a young couple from church called and asked me to watch their three boys, 4, 2.5, and 1, from 8:15 to 7 today.  They are in the process of adopting a little girl through the state and have some classes today...apparently their sitter cancelled.  I am kind of dreading it, mainly because our house is no longer babyproof and we don't have toys for the younger ages.  Earl also has class till 10 so won't be home this evening.  But we will make it work.

On the bright side, we got rain last night and this morning, and have a good chance for more today!  Every drop is appreciated.  Things are so dry.  Even old-timers are saying they haven't seen the lakes this low.  We are hoping for lots of moisture this winter.

Well, better run get my coffee down before the kiddos arrive.  Then it will be time to take my next three to school.

Have a great day!

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2014, 07:16:47 AM »
Mandy, that's terrible about the checking account.  Hope they catch the person!


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Re: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2014, 12:09:33 PM »
Good morning, ladies.  (whats left of it  ;)  )

I got up and left the house early.  Had a mammogram and a 3D ultrasound to start my day, LOL.  Glad that is clear and all over for another year.  Came home, showered and got dinner in the crockpot and getting ready to go grocery shopping and to pick up the CSA box.  Once I get home and get everything put away, it will be about time to head to the gym.  The boys have scouts tonight and I think I will stay home and watch a girly movie.  I got the Love Comes Softly dvd from the library.

Dinner tonight is pork roast, quinoa and stir fry veggies.

Mandy - glad that you caught the skimming quickly and that the money will be put back.

Janice - praying all goes well at the sale today!

Catherine - lakes are so low here also... praying for rain for us all in drought stricken areas.

Offline Rooney

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Re: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2014, 01:09:03 PM »
Hi everyone.

Another "same ole, same ole" day around here.  Finishing school and laundry up for the day.  Will be putting some steaks in the oven here in a bit.  I don't care for steaks, but all the guys around here do. ;)  I am kinda sore today.  The kids got their skates out and we moved the rugs in the living room to make a mini rink.  Our living room used to be a 2 car garage, so plenty of room. ;)  Well, it had been a long time since I have skated, so I thought...why not?  The kids were whoopin' and hollerin' "Go Mom", I believe I even heard "Mom rocks!" ;D  Should've quit before I busted it on the floor.  That floor is hard!  The things we do to entertain our kids. ;) ;D 

The rest of the day I am going to be tidying a bit.  There was a roll of paper towels in the floor yesterday all wet and strung all over.  How do you tell a dog that they are being wasteful? ;D  Probably be easier than getting the kids to understand that. ;)LOL  Just finished watching The Great Gatsby last night, the old one with Robert Redford.  I love classics.  Need to find another to put on while I am cleaning today.

Janice, you must be biting your nails today.  Isn't this the day that you work hard all year to get to??  Hope it goes well.

Catherine, good luck with the three extra buddies today. ;)
