Author Topic: Monday October 7, 2013  (Read 3519 times)

Offline Rooney

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Monday October 7, 2013
« on: October 06, 2013, 11:53:40 PM »
Good Morning, as of about 30 minutes ago.  I thought I would go ahead and post since I still have to be up for a while.  We have had kind of a weird weekend.  Saturday morning DH went to run some errands like he does every Saturday.  He stopped by his office only to find police there.  Evidently overnight someone had tried to break into either his office or the one above him.  Dealing with that took up most of Saturday.  Nothing was missing.  Someone cut a hole in the roof and tried to get in through duct work, to no avail.  Then Saturday night we had storms that knocked power out until about 3:00 Sunday afternoon.  We had to hook up the generator to be able to at least cook.  Thankfully temperatures were mild. 

Then just about 3 hours ago, I was going down to the basement to work out and much to my surprise when I stepped up on the treadmill, up against the wall behind me was a SNAKE!!!!!  :o Yes there is a snake somewhere in my basement right now!  DH is down there moving everything up and outside until he finds it.  He thinks it may have somehow gotten flushed up through the sump pump.  He says he will not be going to bed until it is gone.  This could take all night, but a snake inside the house is SOOOO unacceptable.  I HATE snakes!!  Who doesn't right?  Well, I hate them more indoors. :P He is even pulling up the carpet.  It was getting replaced anyway, the new carpet was even down there waiting.  Only now cleaning out the basement has moved to the front burner.  DH asked me if there was really a snake or if this was just my way of getting him to get it cleaned up.  I told him if that were the case, I would have cried snake months ago and I wouldn't have waited until 10:00 at night to do it. ;)
« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 01:06:00 AM by Rooney »

Offline Cheryl

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2013, 05:26:06 AM »
Lindsay, I sure hope your husband finds that snake!  I can't stand the thought of one in my house! :o

I'm going to have my coffee and a little computer time, then I'll get Emily started on school work.  While she's working on that, I've got some apples I need to work up.  I want to make some apple pie filling, more applesauce, and can some apple juice.  Sometime today I need to find time to clean up my laundry area.  We've moved so much stuff around in there that it's a mess.

Have a great day! :)
Cheryl in Alabama
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Offline MissMandy

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2013, 06:28:26 AM »
Good Morning, and happy 'Clean Your Disgusting House' Day! Oh wait, just me celebrating this day?  :o ??? ::) :P ;)

It's been a long time since I've done, well, I'll be honest, much cleaning AT ALL.  Between travel and losing Graham, mom having foot surgery and commitments outside the house, I've really just been letting it slide. It's a rainy, stormy day here today, so I've got my massive to-do list written and I plan to spend the day inside deep cleaning.  I always enjoy a good Fall Cleaning rather than Spring Cleaning anyway!

That said, we had a lovely relaxing weekend around here (when I should have been cleaning!).  On Friday I went into the next 'big' town and just wandered through stores by myself.  Usually when I go I'm with Jean or my mom so I don't feel like I can really go slow if I want to.  Then on Saturday Jean and I slept in, then went out for lunch and drinks in the main street/historic part of our town.  After lunch we walked up the street to the local coffee shop and just chatted and enjoyed our coffee, then whiled away the rest of the afternoon wandering up and down the street, popping into all of the vintage and antique shops. 

Yesterday was church, then putting on our Sunday night 'Seed & Feed' dinner.  We didn't have very many people show up, so we had a LOT of leftovers, which actually thrills me.  Whenever we have a bunch of leftovers, Jean and I drive them over to our local men's shelter, 'House of Hope', and drop them off.  The men there are always so thankful for whatever we bring, so I was thrilled to deliver to them a HUGE pan of fried chicken (maybe 60 pieces!), coleslaw, and a coconut cake.

OK, OK...I've wasted enough time on the computer.  Off to get the chuck roast in the Crock*Pot and get cleaning!

Have a wonderful day, ladies!

Mandy :)
Mandy, wife to Jean, furmama to Irish Wolfhound Grimmauld (Grimm), living in the mountains of Virginia.  Childless by circumstance and loving it! ♥

Offline luv2bmom

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2013, 06:58:47 AM »
Good morning! 

It rained all night but the sun is out this morning!  I'm off to the grocery this morning, dh and I were on vacation last week and the kitchen is bare...

Not for sure what to have for supper, I hope to get inspired walking through Kroger. 

Yesterday I cleaned the chicken tractor coop real good, put loads of bedding down for the hens.  They are molting and we've not had  eggs in a few weeks and feathers are everywhere! 

I would like to run to Goodwill today so I best get myself up and going!  Have a nice day ladies...
Pixie, wife to Coby
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and to our beloved late son Braden
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Offline Andrea G

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2013, 07:33:28 AM »
Good morning!  It is raining pretty hard here too, so I will be celebrating Clean Your Disgusting House Day with Mandy.  :)

Pixie, our chickens are moulting too, so we aren't getting many eggs either.  The ducks started laying, so that helps.

Lindsay, you are very brave being in the house with a disgusting nasty snake.  I would have run out the door and not come back until it was gone!  I hope your DH gets it soon.

Cheryl, I bet it smells awesome in your house today.  Love the smell of apples!

I think we will have soup and sandwiches for dinner.  It just seems like a soup kind of day, and Julie has drama class this evening, so I need something quick.

Have a wonderful day everyone! :)
Loving life in southern Ontario
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Offline Shelly

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2013, 08:13:13 AM »
Good morning!

The guys left for their overnight (4 day) hunt last night.  I feel so much more relaxed knowing that Trev is not up on the mountains by himself.  He took his portable HAM radio with him as well.  They went to a completely different area.  Trevor had been stalking the elk on Buckley Mountain for a number of weeks and determined yesterday that they had moved off within the last week, so they moved on to a much more promising area.  It means he's a lot further away, but what can you do?

Since I'll be alone with the kiddos for a number of days, I've been getting up much earlier than I normally do so i can get the bulk of the housework done before they're up.  It's been kinda nice having a quiet house where I can focus on cleaning and cooking and not worry about burned toddler fingers and stepping on them.  Amazingly easier and faster to clean that way.  ;D

(edit: I mean stepping on the kids while moving around... not stepping on their burned fingers - rereading that, it sounds like I'm evil)  ;D

Anyway, I've gotten most of my list done this morning, but I still need to:

scrub out the sink
scrub stove top
I'd like to pick an area that's bugging me and take care of the stuff, but I have several and have yet to choose one  ;D
wash load of laundry and diapers

Dinner tonight will be *drumroll* leftovers
« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 08:15:27 AM by Shelly »
Wife to Trevor for 16 years and SAHM to Maisie (4) Liam (4) Aedric (1) Harold (1)

Offline MissMandy

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2013, 08:13:46 AM »
Good morning!  It is raining pretty hard here too, so I will be celebrating Clean Your Disgusting House Day with Mandy.  :)

Welcome, and Happy CYDH Day!  I'm cheering you on!  How's your progress?  So far I've tackled the kitchen, both bathrooms, and the basement pantry area (where we keep our emergency supplies, many of which had to be put away and organized), minus all of the floors, which I'll do as the very last task.  I've also put dinner in the Crock*Pot and done a little bit of NSA work.

Mandy, wife to Jean, furmama to Irish Wolfhound Grimmauld (Grimm), living in the mountains of Virginia.  Childless by circumstance and loving it! ♥

Offline MoWin

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2013, 08:27:31 AM »
Good morning dear ladies,

Wow! Our temps have changed. We had 90* on Friday and a high of 53* yesterday.  :o We literally turned the ac off and turned the heat on. LOL We are such wusses.  ::) It was 42* this morning, but the sun is shining and it is supposed to get into the 70s. We took the ac down and stored it for the winter, so I hope we don't have any more 90* days.  :P

I read about a drink to detox your body. Since it was all simple stuff that won't harm my body, I gave it a try today. Well, absolutely nasty. You take 1-2 tabl. apple cider vingegar, 1 tabl. lemon juice, 1 teas. cinnamon, and 1 packet of stevia and stir all this into a glass of water. A lot a people raved about how good this was, so I gave it a try. Maybe my taste buds are different than most, but yuck. I almost gagged getting it down and seriously doubt I will try that again.  :(

I delivered the little fall quilt to my SIL. She loved, loved it. That made me happy.  ;D I  had a good visit with her about weight loss. She has lost a lot of weight in the past couple of years. Probably over 100 lbs. She looks so great. She did it for the health issues in her family. She gave me some tips I am going to try. She has been acting kind of like my coach.  ;) Her number one tip, eat more protein and less carbs. Being a diabetic, I think that is a good start for me.  :)

MIL's birthday is tomorrow. She will be 84. I made her some fingerless gloved. Oh my, she loved them! I already have one made and started on the second one of another, heavier pair for her. Her hands were so cold when we got there, but had warmed right up by the time we left. The pair I am working on now are made with single crochet and heavier yarn. The first pair was made with baby weight yarn and shells.  I forgot my camera yesterday, of course, but I took a picture of one of them on me. I will try to post in a bit.

Lindsay, I sure hope your hubby found that snake. Snakes just freak me out. Several years ago while we were still over at the old house and I was still milking goats, we had a tiny copperhead get on our sink and wrap around the milk jars that were draining. I almost lost it. Copperheads are so dangerous. Kevin put on heavy gloves and used my tongs to get it. He told me to go upstairs till he had it out, but I just stood on the stairs and peaked around the wall. I had to see for myself that it was no longer in my house. To this day, I still look around cautiously when I enter the old house. I hate snakes.

Leah, hope you are enjoying your little girl. Josie is such a pretty name.

Cheryl, Mandy, Pixie, and Andrea, I hope you all have  a wonderful and productive Monday.

Winona in northwest Missouri
Wife to Kevin
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Offline wrancher

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2013, 08:40:36 AM »

Not necessarily a good morning but could be worse. We have power as of last night.  The storm was as horrible as the reports say if not worse. There are 1000's of head of livestock dead. Neighbors that lost 80-100 head, others that only owned 30 and lost 28.  Staggering numbers. This is really gonna hurt our area. Where my sister lives 2 ft of snow, more sown power poles than are up.  People will be without power for a week on top of cattle losses. It is not good.  So say a little prayer for our area of the country. I am heading out with DH in a little bit to do some more checking with a neighbors ranger he left last night. A lot of his cattle are in with ours.  We put 50 of his back yesterday. Off to change loads of clothes around since we have power now and have coffee which a lot of our friends cant.  Makes me feel guilty. So far we have lost around 6 cows and 3 calves not too bad considering the other totals we have heard.


Offline Andrea G

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2013, 09:25:42 AM »
Wow Janice that is awful!  Praying for you and your neighbours.

Mandy, you are way ahead of me.  I have cleaned the kitchen but still need to mop the floor. I canned a lot of salsa last week and yesterday when I was cleaning an egg it slipped out of my hand and broke on the floor.  I don't think I got it all when I wiped it up. That floor is beyond disgusting.  ::)
Loving life in southern Ontario
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Offline mooremama

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2013, 09:36:57 AM »
Good morning.  :D

We've had an eventful morning.  We woke up to "big rain" as Lainey says.  It was absolutely pouring.  I had just gotten back from taking Lainey to school and heard a big BOOM in front of my house.  Evidently one car hydroplaned and rear ended another.  It was two cars full of high school students.  Thank heavens no one was hurt but we had a mess of traffic.  The road I live on is the road that goes to the middle school and I live right at a fork in the road.  The wreck happened about 7:45 so school traffic was crazy. There was traffic EVERYWHERE.  I was scared to death that there was going to be more wrecks.  And of course there were more carloads of high school students pulling over to check on their friends.  People, flashing lights, fire trucks, ambulances, wreckers, first responders, police, dogs barking...craziness.  Whew.  There was also another wreck in my county...a school bus turned over and 10 children and the driver was transported to the hospital.  I haven't heard an update on that wreck yet. 

I have managed to get a lot of stuff picked up and put up.  The weekend just tends to clutter up everything.  There was stuff everywhere.  I've got the kitchen looking halfway decent, just in time to start lunch.  :P  I've also been working on getting all the woodstove stuff out and getting the front porch rearranged so we can put our wood wagon there.  It's about time to start thinking about small fires, especially at night. 

Time to get up and get busy again. 

Supper tonight is an oatmeal buffet bar and toast. 


Beth in western NC
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Offline Shelly

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Re: Monday October 7, 2013
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2013, 09:47:01 AM »
Janice - Oh how awful!  Your area will be in my prayers!

Beth - Oh no!  Those poor kids must have been so frightened.  :(
Wife to Trevor for 16 years and SAHM to Maisie (4) Liam (4) Aedric (1) Harold (1)