Author Topic: Thursday, February 12, 2015  (Read 668 times)

Offline wrancher

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Thursday, February 12, 2015
« on: February 12, 2015, 06:42:46 AM »
Good morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Thursday, February 12, 2015
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2015, 06:53:29 AM »
Ashley had early morning practice so I am on school run.  I will leave off my suburban to have oil changed and bring her car home.  Tonight is lanes game at home and they cancelled Levi's game so just practice for him.  Ashley gets to go to the city with her landscaping class so she won't be back to town till 5:30.  I am on a major cleaning out of my house again. I got 1 1/2 boxes ready for consignment and 3 bags for goodwill.  That is a small start. I know I have to get rid of things to keep things manageable.  It doesn't seem like a person would have that much to get rid of until you start with an open mind.  Today is getting all the paperwork put away and just keep deep cleaning. 

Coffee time...

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Thursday, February 12, 2015
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2015, 10:13:58 AM »
Good morning!

It's a beautiful day today. 

Today is a short day at elementary school due to no school tomorrow.  Alex has his kindergarten Valentine party and I volunteered to help with that so I will be at school from 11:45 to 1:30.  Then I have to run and pick up a friend's kids and bring them back here.  I have the usual drop off and pick up today, along with a parent-teacher conference appointment at 2:50.

I'm running a load of laundry right now.  I'm working on some stuff in the kitchen.  I'm trying to clear out the refrigerator as much as I can so I can deep clean it, then tomorrow Christie and I are going food shopping.  She will be taking over cooking for the next two weeks. 

In between everything else I'll work on little projects here and there.  I've been working on my bedroom and have a whole load of stuff to bring downstairs and put away.  I've got another load of stuff that needs to be returned to various places and people.  Once all that stuff is out of the room, I'll be able to pull out the furniture and give the room a good dusting and vacuuming.  Then I'll return the furniture and dust it well.  And finally that project will be done. 

Hope you all have a great day!
