Author Topic: 79 days  (Read 7997 times)

Offline bobbie78

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Re: 79 days
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2014, 11:44:25 PM »
I am almost done with all of my Christmas shopping! I started realllllly early! And I've been creative with making some gifts as well! I need to purchase 1 or 2 more for Chad then some stocking stuffers for him and that is it. As for the goodies, I am watching ads and picking up what I can afford when i find a rock bottom price! To be honest, though, now that I pretty much have the gifts out of the way, it will be easier to focus on the baking and dinners, etc. I will have more wiggle room with the gifts done. I like to make fudge, cookies, pumpkin rolls, hard tack candy and chocolate covered pretzels for Christmas goodie tins. I'm finding pumpkin for .89 a 15 oz. can. Thats a good deal here, so I am trying to stock up on that.
~Bobbie from southern Ohio. Living life with my partner, Chad and two furbabies Punkin and Jade.

Offline Cathie

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Re: 79 days
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2014, 04:25:35 AM »
I have 11 birthdays between the 23rd of this month and the beginning of December... eeeeekkkkk!

oh I wasn't counting others --- 3 in this house, out of 5  :P ;)

that includes 3 of the 4 of us here.. its madness

hahahahahhaha glad to know it's not just my house  ;)

Offline Proudmama

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Re: 79 days
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2014, 06:38:20 AM »
 I ignored this post yesterday.  😄

Being laid up in bed for so long has given me the opportunity to do some online shopping.  I have at least one gift for each child as well as a few for Doug and his aunt, nieces and a close friend.  Finances are tight so there won't be a whole lot of gifts this year.  I have gotten some good deals and hope to continue to do so.


Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: 79 days
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2014, 09:26:36 AM »
Being in decluttering/minimizing mode, Earl and I were discussing this the other night when we walked alone.  We're planning to do an experience gift for the kids but are not sure yet what that will be.  And whether it will be one trip/experience for the whole family or individual ones.  I have asked my mom various times for no more toys ( I always get lectured after she visits about my kids having too much stuff and they really don't have all that much) but she says that kids should get toys.  So, if she won't stop giving them, I will.  :)  I find with them being in school, they need even less because they have less time to play with them and get bored. 

For my parents, unless they ask for something specific, I will probably do gift cards as well.  They travel a lot and always can use restaurant cards.  My dad might want some hiking gear so we'll see.

Still have some teacher gifts to finish up but have a start on those, at least.

Offline Rooney

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Re: 79 days
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2014, 01:10:19 PM »
Catherine, my parents do the, toys and more toys.  The thought is nice, but the littler ones get overwhelmed and don't take care of them (they get broken or pieces missing).  The toys aren't made that well nowadays anyway and don't hold up.  Example, year before last they bought an air hockey table (a so called "good" one) and 6 months afterwards the motor went bad.  Motor cost as much as a new table.  Last year they got indoor basketball (like in arcades) and same thing happened, the electronics went out.  Not to mention all the toys that have lots of pieces.  They get mixed up......and who knows after that. :P  I think they should get a few things they want and will take care of instead, but mark my words, Christmas Eve will roll around and they will back up the toy truck. ;D  I really don't mind, if that is what they want to do, but I do mind when they are upset when the toys break or get lost. :P

Offline mooremama

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Re: 79 days
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2014, 03:04:44 PM »
I agree with yall. I had kind of gotten out of the "toy thing" since my kids are grown but then the grandkids started appearing and up until July, they all lived here and the toys were out of control. I much prefer "experience gifts" over toys.

Last year Sam and I got the grandkids a trampoline for Christmas. It is a gift that they all share and it is NOT IN MY HOUSE. 😃

My sister got my three little ones a membership to a science center that Caylon and Lainey have used many, many times. Holden and Evan have gone also but with Lainey being older and able to read there is more there for her to enjoy. Matter of fact Lainey is having her birthday party there on Saturday and Caylon got a significant discount on the party because of the membership.

Sam and I have discussed a swing set or fort type jungle gym for Lainey and Evan at their new house. I saw one in someone's front yard for sale the other day but by the time Sam and I could get back by the house it was gone. 😩. We will just have to see how it all plays out at yard sales or people's front yards. 😀


Beth in western NC
Wife of Sam for 27 years,
Mother of Aaron (26) and Caylon (24)
MIL to Bo
Nan to Lainey Beth (7), Stephen Holden (3) and Samuel Evan (2)
Furmama to Bonnie and Jake
Barnyard Mama to 2 goats, 3 turkeys and oodles of chickens.

Offline Alice

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Re: 79 days
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2014, 07:41:22 AM »
We're going to do what we have done in the past couple of years and give nothing to our kids.  They are all college kids yet so by helping them pay for that is a huge gift. They understand that.

We have never had extended family gift giving Christmases except for the pass-around gift game. My kids buy their own pass-around gift and that pretty much is it for us.

Kind of sad in a way but with no extra money this has to be the way it is. Even hubby and I don't give each other gifts anymore.

When the kids are done with college and find their mates and have kids, I think that will change but for now we don't have that so we just get through the season with music, lights, and just being together.

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats

Offline Cheryl

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Re: 79 days
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2014, 07:48:28 AM »
Alice, we pretty much do the same as you.  We buy for Emily (she's 10) and for the grandchildren.  That's about it.  My husband and I don't exchange gifts but will sometimes buy something we need for the house.  Besides, the being together is the best part of Christmas to me.
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn


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Re: 79 days
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2014, 12:36:12 PM »
Beth (and anyone with boys in their families) - Have you seen the JM Cremps Adventure Catalog for Boys?

They have very cool things.  There may be some fun things for your grandsons.   :D