Author Topic: 2019 Gardens  (Read 2399 times)

Offline Rooney

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2019 Gardens
« on: June 05, 2019, 03:52:50 PM »
We got our first salad out of the garden yesterday!  It was so good that I ate another one for lunch this afternoon.  I guess we got lucky and planted it at just the right time.  It was hard to gauge when that might be with all the rain.  I would love to post pics, but this forum doesn't let my pics go through anymore. :P  The lettuce and kale was almost too pretty to pick!  ALMOST! :)

Tomatoes already have tiny red tomatoes on them.  The cuke plants are getting big enough to have to trellis.  I planted lettuce and kale starts for eating at the beginning of summer and some from seeds that will be ready to eat later in July and after.  The pepper plants seem to be growing slower that I had hoped, but will probably catch up once the heat kicks in.  The corn is about 1 and a half feet tall.  The beans, radishes, carrots, cantelope, broccoli, cauliflour, watermelon and snap peas are growing right along.  Only thing that didn't seem to come up was celery and I haven't ever had much luck with that. 

I also made two herb gardens on each side of the outside of our greenhouse.  Let's see....basil, oregano, cilantro, thyme, mint, chocolate mint, chives,  and some marigolds (just because I love yellow).

Other than some marigolds around the flagpole at the end of the driveway,  that is it for my planting this year.

Oh.. I did plant a hybrid peach tree (actually 2, but one didn't fare well in shipping) that should bear fruit year after next.  Think I will plant several more next year.

Offline Alice

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Re: 2019 Gardens
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2019, 07:07:20 AM »
Oh, awesome on the garden!

In our previous home we were huge gardeners and had a ton of veggies and an herb garden. When we moved into this house 6  years ago, there were lots of things to prevent us from having a garden. Smaller space, the kids mostly all left and I didn't need as much, there is way too much shade, the lawn is where I could put a garden but it is one with underground sprinkling and I don't know where the lines are and there really is no good place for one in the lawn. I am happy with a small herb garden in pots and my dad (88 yrs. old!) still has a big garden and gives me more than I need. I treasure what he gives me because, well, he is 88 years old and I'm not sure how many more years he will be able to do this!

But there is nothing better than looking at a beautiful and large garden. I would love to have seen a pic of your garden. I have a pic of my dad's garden and even some of my old garden that I will keep forever.

Married to Henry
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Offline Rooney

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Re: 2019 Gardens
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2019, 09:46:25 AM »
I tried to post 8 pictures, even from a different camera.  It must just be this forum.  I can post pics everywhere else with no problem.  Weird. 

This garden is about a quarter acre, but my dad said if the older boys are able to keep it weeded (and they are) that we can double, triple, or quadruple size next year (meaning he will disk up and prep a much bigger area for next year). 

Alice, do you have any sunny areas at all?  Maybe you could do some concrete block beds. They are cheap and also portable if you change your mind.  We get our dirt for beds in the greenhouse off the farm, so not real sure where to get dirt, maybe use the vegetable planting soil in bags at Home Depot.  I did that for my herb gardens and they are flourishing.  Basil is already 2 ft high.  Some of our beds are cedar (expensive) but some are block and we can change the shape of the block beds if need be, and have several times.

Aggravating about the pics not working. :P
