Author Topic: Thursday, October 9  (Read 1668 times)

Offline Cheryl

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Thursday, October 9
« on: October 09, 2014, 05:43:59 AM »
Good morning!

I've had the hardest time sleeping lately.  I have trouble falling asleep, then can't stay asleep so I'm up and down all night.

I've got the kitten' s bottle warming.  I'll feed him in a bit, then I want to have a big cup of coffee. :D

Today it's the usual - school work with Emily, general tidying up around here, and getting to those things I didn't do yesterday.  A local grocery store is having a 3 day sale.  That starts today so I might go check that out for any bargains.

Supper tonight is roasted chicken with something.  I need to check the menu.

Have a great day!
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline wrancher

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Re: Thursday, October 9
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2014, 06:40:12 AM »
Good Morning Cheryl and all

Well we got calves branded so that is great. We started with the 3 kids and just me. We had probably 10 done when a neighbor showed up then Ross came about halfway through. So good to have job over with as we need to move them around and 1 less project this weekend. We need to get cattle moved back home is the big thing. I will help Ross with calves and he got finished planting wheat . I will then go row bales or haul hay if he comes out.  Tomorrow I will gone for appts in the city. ugh  But I need to stockup. I basically buy groceries 1x a month or whenever I am by a sams. It is usualluy pretty painful but this time I shouldnt have to buy meat. Yes it is nice having my mom clean since I never have house time to do the deep stuff but I will just till you it is stressful too! I love her to death and it will look awesome when done but ugh there are times. But dont get me wrong I am grateful. She is very particular and over the top on some things. Sometimes it
coffee time

Offline luv2bmom

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Re: Thursday, October 9
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2014, 07:24:29 AM »
Hi ladies!

It's always refreshing to read about your days!!  Many of us are so busy at times!  I have had a busy past few months, lots of family visiting, gardening, a new granddaughter, soap and candle making too!  It's good to finally feel like the busy days are slowing down!

It's starting to get cool in Ohio, the leaves are changing and we have already built a fire in the woodstove!

My 3 hens are molting and i've not had eggs for several months.  Not sure when they will start laying again but i've doubled up on protein for them to help then along!

I need to some window cleaning and I want to shampoo my living room carpet.  I plan on doing this in the evening so it has all night to dry.

I have been soap making and I love it!  I have done tea tree oil goats milk soap, goats milk soap and lavender castille soap.  Everyone I give a bar to loves it!  I am also doing soy candles, I love candles and it's fun to do!  Not hard at all and it's nice I have a True Value Hardware store out in the Amish community who carries all the soap & candle making supplies for sale!

I hope everyone has a nice day, I joined Weight Watchers on Monday and I need to visit the grocery for several things.  Take care!!
Pixie, wife to Coby
mother to Megan, Amanda
and to our beloved late son Braden
Baboo to Mont, Ada, Brinly and Brielle
mil to Warren and Marcus

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Thursday, October 9
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 08:57:15 AM »
Good morning!

Beautiful day outside today. 

Today is housecleaning day.  So that means cleaning the bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming and mopping.  That'll pretty much take up my entire day!  I have the twins today and school runs.  Tonight Jordan has basketball practice.

Christie made her high school swim team!  So excited for her.  Fridays will be tough because she will have 5:30 a.m. practices. 

Hope you all have a great day!



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Re: Thursday, October 9
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 09:17:13 AM »
Good morning, ladies!

I agree with Pixie.. its always refreshing to read about your days!  I love seeing that so many women are caring for their homes and families in such lovely ways.

Today, I will be at home for most of the morning and getting school done with the boys.  I would like to take the dogs to the dog park to run around.  They need some exercise.  I also need to find someone to trim Sophie's nails or find a way to trim them myself.  I am worried about trying it.  Her nails are black and I am afraid I will hit the quick and hurt her.  I have general household chores to do and I need to decide what to make for dinner.  Thinking of making burgers and baked sweet potatoes and salad. 

Have a blessed day, everyone!

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Thursday, October 9
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2014, 09:30:53 AM »
Happy day ladies!

The sun is shining here, and I am going to enjoy it while it lasts!  Farmers are saying we will be having an even harsher winter than this past nightmare of a winter!  I am holding on to every last sunny day we have!

Cheryl: I totally get what you are saying about sleep!  I have been struggling with it too as of late.  I was able to sleep in a little this morning somehow, but now I am feeling behind, and wondering where the morning has gone!  Hope you can get some relief soon!

Janice: Hope you can get all of your never ending to-do list whittled down some!  I would be a wreck if my Mom came to clean at my house!  And, she would be all to happy to come clean and organize my house "the right" way!  It would be appreciated when it was done, but the process of it would probably drive me up a tree! (in a sweet & caring way!) :)

Pixie: So cool that you have been enjoying the soap & candle making!  I'll bet they are are just awesome!  Will be great gifts to have on hand this Holiday season!  Yay to you for joining weight watchers!  I have been a member for probably 7 years, and at lifetime for about 2 years.  If you are looking for direction or ideas, let me know!

Merilee: Congrats to Christie on swim team!  Looking forward to hearing how it goes!

Erica: Hope you find some help with the doggie pedicure.....or would it be manicure? ...Mani/pedi???  Enjoy your time at the park!

As for me, I am washing bedding, and putting a new comforter on our bed that I bought quite a while ago.  (My procrastination skills are unparalleled sometimes!) 
Need to run to bed bath & beyond to pick up a few things.  We need a new shower curtain, but I want to change the colors in there, so maybe I will find some decor inspiration! 

Hubby is doing a 5K run tonight, so we will have a late dinner when he is done.  Using up some leftover chili & layering it with frozen hashbrowns & cheese to make a kind of casserole.  Side veggie & salad, and leftover biscuits.  Easy Peasy!

I will need to get out and walk in this pretty day at some point! 

Hope everyone has a blessed day!
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline Proudmama

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Re: Thursday, October 9
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2014, 09:54:03 AM »
Erica - our vet trims nails.  They only charged us $10.  If you have found a vet in the area, I would check with them.  I would never do Mindy's nails.  I have heard too many people say it is almost impossible not to accidentally get the quick and have a lot of bleeding.


Offline Rooney

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Re: Thursday, October 9
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2014, 12:07:42 PM »
Afternoon everyone!

The kids are finishing up lunch, so I get a little computer time.  Two loads of laundry washing along with dishwashers running.  Those two run most of the day anyway.  Gotta love those "servants"!  I am glad that today and tomorrow are at home days.  Maybe I can get caught up.  Don't know that much will get done though.  I have been dealing with severe upper back and neck pain over the last week and the time in the dentist chair yesterday sent the pain into orbit! :P  I was in a car accident at 19 years old, didn't think I was hurt at the time of the accident,  so didn't go to the hospital. You would have thought that I would have made sure, since the trunk of the car was in the backseat, but I was 19, what did I know?  Well, by the time we figured out I was injured, it was a year later (too late for insurance to cover it). So for the last 16 years, I have dealt with bouts of severe pain.   Our insurance doesn't cover chiropractic work, so it is something I have learned to manage on my own.  I have had some chiro work done over the years, but our chiro (who had been one for over 20 years) says I am one of the few people he cannot adjust. :P  Chiro visits are so expensive.  Zach had a swingset mishap and is having to go every week.  That is running about $200 a month right now.  Our chiro is a sweet guy and gives a major discount if you don't have insurance, otherwise it would be twice that much.  At least it isn't throbbing pain this time, I just can't look side to side or up.  It will go away, it always does after a week or two, hope its today! 

Other than finishing up school, I have a gigantic mountain of laundry to put away.  It will be even bigger with today's loads added in.  Shouldn't be too bad.  I fold and put into piles and then each child takes their pile and puts it away.  I want to clean up my room a bit if I get time later.

Pam, enjoy that weather!  It is kinda dreary here today.

Cheryl, maybe you should come over and hang out over at my house for a while.  By the end of the day, I am asleep before my head hits the pillow and then wish I could sleep till noon!  Hope you can get some restful sleep soon!

Erica, they sell something like that for trimming dogs nails without hitting the quick, but I cannot think of the name of it.  I'm thinking it is called PediPaws, but not sure.  If I remember it wasn't too expensive either.  Bella needs a good trim right now too.

Funny how it takes me an hour to make a post.  Dealt with 4 issues while typing this.  Duty calls again.  Off I go.


Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thursday, October 9
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2014, 01:13:55 PM »
Good afternoon!

Just had lunch and need to get to work.  Max and I went for our usual Thursday morning hike.  Fun times.  This time, there were no newbies today and we had an experienced hiker who knows the area well along with us so we did the return trip off-trail.  4 miles and not much climbing today but it's still a better workout than if I walked here in town.  Not to mention the fun of seeing wildlife and plants.

Maddy called and was having some breathing issues this morning.  I had her use her inhaler and breathe a certain way and warned her I would be out of area for cell phone coverage (out at the Refuge I can only get service in a few areas, mainly on mountain tops) so to call Earl if it didn't improve or worsened.  Had a message from him as we left the Refuge that he had taken her to the hospital.  I am hoping they will suggest something to treat this better for her.  Apparently, what we've done so far hasn't worked well enough (she has generic Singulair as well as a rescue inhaler).

Need to do my Bible study homework, put on sheets for the kids that I washed earlier, and do some straightening.  Cube steaks are for dinner; need to figure out sides.  I had a different dinner planned but Earl had thrown out the coleslaw mix and forgotten to tell me (said it was very liquidy) so we are on plan B.

Lindsay, sorry to hear about your back.  Praying it improves.

Merilee, congratulations on Christie making swim team!

Pam, good to hear from you.  Enjoy that new comforter!


Offline Rooney

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Re: Thursday, October 9
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2014, 01:51:46 PM »
Catherine, so sorry for Maddy! :(  That has got to be rough, especially for a kid.  Hope can you get figured out something that will work well for her.  Keep us posted how she is doing.

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thursday, October 9
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2014, 03:14:32 PM »
Catherine, so sorry for Maddy! :(  That has got to be rough, especially for a kid.  Hope can you get figured out something that will work well for her.  Keep us posted how she is doing.

Thanks, Lindsay.  Maddy was my kid for which I did things the "normal" way, being my first kid and not knowing better and having not researched the alternatives.  All vaccines on time, antibiotics immediately for ear infections, baby food starting with cereal, the whole nine yards.  Can't take it back, though, but I sure see the difference in her health.