Titus 2 Homemakers

The Hearth => Managing a Household => : wrancher January 07, 2015, 06:42:48 AM

: Wednesday, January 7, 2015
: wrancher January 07, 2015, 06:42:48 AM
Good morning
: Re: Wednesday, January 7, 2015
: Cheryl January 07, 2015, 07:21:21 AM
Good morning.

We're heading to the library in a bit for a homeschool meeting.  The kids will be learning the basics of sign language this month, so we're looking forward to that.  Afterwards I might run by the grocery store to see if I can find any deals.

We're supposed to be getting really cold weather this afternoon, tonight, and tomorrow.  I don't like cold at all so I plan on staying inside next to the wood stove as much as possible.

Supper tonight is chili.  I found 2 bags of leftover chili in the freezer so that's an easy fix on a cold night.  Hope you all have a great day and stay warm!
: Re: Wednesday, January 7, 2015
: wrancher January 07, 2015, 07:23:00 AM
Wow I just noticed I wrote 2014 on 2 of the dates this year and it is only the 7th. I am always hurrying to type and move on to next thing. Sorry just how I am.  Today is a home day I hope. Megan is still here but I think going home tomorrow or so.  We finally left off her car last night to get oil changed today.  I am hoping to get office stuff done today.  Our ""office" desk sits out in our main area of our house so everyone sees it when you walk in the house.  Someday we will have an office but that means kids move out so not ready for that.  So I need to organize this area better.  I am wanting to also make meals for freezer or at least get some extra things made up.  1 thing at a time.  My trip to city yesterday was a blustery one.  I probably wouldn't have went up if I had kids along.  It was cold and blowing snow.  I did get all my returns done.  And I did a SAMs club run.  I go again Friday for orthodontist so will get what ever I forgot.  I got a door handle and of course it doesn't fit.  Ugh.  Nothing exciting here. Cold.  I am so ready for above 0 temps. 

Coffee time....
: Re: Wednesday, January 7, 2015
: 4kidsmom January 07, 2015, 08:49:01 AM
Good morning!

Today's an at home day, which I need.  Monday I took Alex to the doctor because he had hurt his big toe over the weekend and the blood had built up so much under the nail that it was very painful.  The doctor decided to lance it, which was not a great experience for Alex. He has a low pain tolerance to begin with so he was rather traumatized during the process.  But his toe is feeling and looking much better so that's good.  Then yesterday I had a meeting with Jordan and his counselor to plan his 4 year high school classes.  Next year I will have 2 kids in high school!  That just seems impossible.

Today I have the twins so I have school drop off and I do need to run to the grocery store but that will only take an hour.  On the docket for today:  put away laundry, pick up entire house, collect and take out garbage and recycling, balance the checkbook, check/pay bills, work on the office, work on my bedroom.  I need to make bread and some other things.  It's really warm today so when Jordan gets home from school I will have him help me take down the outside Christmas lights.

Dinner tonight is Italian--spaghetti, green salad and garlic bread.

: Re: Wednesday, January 7, 2015
: MoWin January 07, 2015, 10:45:38 AM
Good morning ladies,
    BRRRR! It is frigid out there. It got down to around 0* last night, but with the howling wind and blowing snow it felt like many degrees below 0. We are staying in the house today. That is the best place to be.  ;) I have had my steel cut oats and cup of coffee. Wow! I must of slept in, because I just noticed that it is almost dinner time and I am not even hungry. LOL Oh well, I will eat when hungry. We have leftovers in the fridge.
   I did not sleep well last night. I talked to my friend who still works at the care center and she told me about my MIL's first cousin Marge. Marge has stage 4 lung cancer. They sent her to the hospital and the hospital sent her back as there is nothing more they can do for her. She is failing fast. I need to get up there and see her. I just kept thinking about Marge. So sad. She is such a sweet lady.  :'(
   Well, that is it for me today. You all have a good one and stay safe and warm in this polar invasion once again!