The Barn and Fields > Gardening

2016 Gardening

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Wow, can't believe we made it till April without starting this thread!

Last fall, I planted and overwintered, new for me.  I planted garlic, kale, spinach, beets, sugar snaps, and leeks, and left the chard growing.  Right now I'm harvesting loads of kale and spinach, the beets (didn't grow a whole lot, but they're ready), and sugar snaps (enough to snack on in garden).

Growing still are the garlic, leeks, radishes (planted by Morgan a few weeks ago), and carrots.  Volunteer tomatoes are up and I have many other plants started under lights inside.  The chard is going bolting and going to seed, which I'll collect because it does so well here.  Hoping to also have volunteer plants of it come up.  Oh, and I also have lettuce planted outside and doing well.

Need to get my green beans in this week, and replant summer squashes.  I have planted the squashes a couple times already and am not sure why, but they have not come up.  Maybe too cool still, though I usually plant them quite early.

So what's going on in your gardens or inside?

Wow, sounds like you never even quit for the winter!

We are still going, but just not spending near as much time as we should be with it.  Right now have lots of kale, lettuce, tomatoes, all at a constant harvest state.  Peppers and cucumbers planted, but not ready yet.  Not sure what all else just got planted cause I didn't help with it.  Tilapia on the aquaponics side are about as big as they are gonna get, so we could start eating those anytime I guess. 

Working on making sure the compost tumblers are full and doing their thing inside.  We keep forgetting to add moisture.  Hubs talked to a gardener friend who told us to make sure we added some of the dirt from the beds to them, so hope that helps.

Well, we didn't quit for the winter per se, but there were probably 3 months or so where those planted things were simply slowly growing under the frost blanket.  The plants were still tiny when we took it off, but quickly shot up as the weather warmed.

Well, we had snow all day on Saturday so not much gardening going on here!  😊 Our generally "safe" planting time is after Mother's Day so we often don't put much in until then.  We do have a few lettuce plants in the ground.  They seem ok after the snow, but aren't growing very quickly.  We have had an odd winter and spring.  We had 70 degree temperatures in December and off and on all winter long.  The fluctuation in temperatures has been wild.  It will be 80 on a Monday and be in the 40s by the end of the week.  Some orchards nearby lost their entire peach crop because of the frost last week. I hope the cold is finished and the growing season can recover.


I got my garden in last week and we got the blueberry bush and orange tree planted.  I am starting to get a few sprouts coming up in the rows.. the weeds grow great in between the rows, of course!  LOL

Its been raining here so that has been nice.

I have Meyer lemon seeds sprouting and hope to get a couple trees started.


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