Titus 2 Homemakers

The Hearth => Managing a Household => : wrancher December 30, 2013, 06:54:55 AM

: Monday, December 30, 2013
: wrancher December 30, 2013, 06:54:55 AM
Good Morning
: Re: Monday, December 30, 2013
: wrancher December 30, 2013, 07:18:26 AM
DD lost the 3 games at tourney but that is all part of it. The had compeition. DH and sons went to neighbors for ice skating party and DH hurt his shoulder. So I am taking him in to clinic today to check on it. So need to get kids started on chores. I am thinking of taking my laptop as I might be gone awhile and I need to do books so I may try that. So it looks cold outside although it says it feels like 23. We had light snow last night. If I am home it will be housework and bookwork. Enjoying the kids home to take care of outside chores!! Gonna miss that later. Well better get more laundry going I have a feeling I will be in clinic a long time with DH

Have a great day

: Re: Monday, December 30, 2013
: greyhoundgirl December 30, 2013, 08:17:42 AM
Good morning!

Had an awful time going to sleep last night.  I think because of eating a bunch of sugar before bed...bad idea.  :P  My heart races after I do that.  I had made scratch chocolate lava cakes and we had them with ice cream, then I had about 6-8 oz of wine while watching a show with dh.  Won't be doing that again (having both of those)! 

Anyway, a bit tired this morning but Maddy is gone on her retreat so I am up and at 'em.  It's freezing.  :P  17 before counting wind chill.  Can't seem to keep my feet warm these days and that's with my wool socks on pretty much every day.  Should get back to the 40's by late today, though.

Apparently, the rabbit is loose in the back yard.  I fed her last night but I put the concrete block back over the area where we thought she was getting out.  So I'm not sure how she's out. 

So far this morning, I have put in one load of laundry and paid bills.  Kids have been eating yogurt and I need to find something to eat.  Probably not a protein shake as I need something WARM.  Along with coffee.

Have a great week!