Author Topic: Friday, June 1  (Read 1032 times)

Offline Cheryl

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Friday, June 1
« on: June 01, 2018, 06:53:44 AM »
Happy Friday and happy new month!

Hard to believe it’s already June.  It is true that the older I get, the faster time flies.

It’s too hot for coffee, so I am just sitting here listening to thunder rumbling in the distance. 
We’re supposed to have a rainy day again.  No garden work for me.  I went out to check on it earlier and have a few squash ready.  I guess I need to pick it before it starts raining.

I think I will attempt to make a list of our freezer foods just to see how many meals I can plan for the month.  I need to see which bills are due this week and also make a list of errands I need to run tomorrow. 

That’s about it for me.  Have a great day!
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Friday, June 1
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2018, 11:07:31 AM »

Sitting here finishing up a treat soda that I had with my lunch--I rarely drink soda but allow myself the splurge now and then for a Mt. Dew. You'd think with that on top of two cups of coffee I'd be climbing the walls but I'm sleepy instead. :P I was wide awake at 5 AM even though all my kids spent the nights with friends (aside from Maddy who is away at her camp job) and I could have slept in. Got some watering and weeding done in the garden and a bucket of coffee grounds added to the compost bin. Towels have been washed and dried and I have meat thawing for dinner and cream cheese coming to room temperature for a cheesecake I want to make. Intended to bake that earlier but went to watch Micah ref a basketball game. He's technically too young (at 10) but a friends of ours runs the referee camp and let Micah go this year. Then he pairs him with an adult referee so Micah can shadow him and learn to do it. In 4 years, he'll be able to ref middle school ball so I guess it doesn't hurt to learn. Along those lines, Mallory, 14, is going to to volleyball ref camp in a few weeks so that she can be a line judge for middle school volleyball next school year as a paid job.

Dinner tonight will be sloppy joes and I think I will get some eggs and potatoes going in the Instant Pot for potato salad as well. Sounds good with our high of 102 today. Looking forward to Sunday's potential "cooldown" when it should only be 89. Hope that happens. But we're supposed to be right back up to 95 Monday and 100's the rest of the week again. I feel like my body just handles the heat even more poorly this year than in the past. Trying to stay active early in the morning. Our church has started a once a week 'yoga and a devo' class. My abs have been sore after this weeks' class which had several sequences of holding a plank then going into downward dog, back to the plank, then back to the downward dog (maybe 5 times?). Really proud of the ladies for coming to it. My 80 year old hiking friend came this week, and some other older (but not 80) ladies have been going regularly as well.

Cheryl, hope your freezer inventory and meal planning went well!
