Author Topic: Friday, December 13, 2013  (Read 1760 times)

Offline wrancher

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Friday, December 13, 2013
« on: December 13, 2013, 06:28:57 AM »
Good Morning

Well we survived the birthday sleepover so far, but we dont get rid of them til the game and we leave about 145, (3 extra girls but they are really nice) I will do the housework and bookwork and DH will take our kids and do chores. We got the traveling team schedule and it is a little intense but good also.We still have 3 more games to decide on with another team.  Some of the fruit and goodies came in so will deliver some to Rapid on Saturday. It so quiet in here all you can here is the coffee maker.LOVE IT!! Speaking of which I need my 1st cup....

Have a great day

Offline hen41500

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Re: Friday, December 13, 2013
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2013, 07:19:42 AM »
Happy Friday!!!!!       Our morning started off with a jump. Our eldest dog threw up on the floor, then while I was cleaning that up our littlest dog decided it was too cold to potty outside so she went on the carpet. When I was cleaning that up, she had jumped on the bed with my hubby and then she threw up on him and all over the sheets......YOU CANT MAKE THIS STUFF UP!  Anywhoodle, all is calm for now and I'm focusing on laughing instead of crying ;)   Today is Work Christmas party so lots of preps, then head over to the building to start setting up. Kiddos are getting ready to head out for school and I have an appt this morning but it will be short, Praise the Lord. Everyday we have been running and running, I'm pooped but I suppose 'Tis the season  ;D
Have a wonderful day ladies.


Offline Cheryl

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Re: Friday, December 13, 2013
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2013, 07:29:47 AM »
Good morning, Janice, Heather, and everyone!

Oh Heather, don't you love it when the animals throw up on you? :P :D  Living with cats, I'm always getting up in the night and stepping in hairballs that have strategically been thrown up right beside the bed.  I could swear that one cat does it on purpose just to see my reaction!

Not much going on around here today.  Soon I'll get Emily started on her school work and then I have never-ending laundry to wash and hang out.  Later I'll be getting the dough started for our pizza tonight.  I need to pick and wash more lettuce for our salads.  Oh well, that's about it.

Have a great day! :)
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Friday, December 13, 2013
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2013, 08:03:59 AM »
Good morning!

I made Cappuccino Chocolate muffins this morning as they have been a hit with the kids.  They are SO good!  Not really on my eating plan, but oh well, it's the Christmas season and I haven't had much in the way of cookies yet so we're even.

I have that funeral to sing at today.  I need to leave by 12:15 for the 1 PM practice, then the service is at 2 PM.  Practice went pretty well Wednesday night and both songs are ones I knew from being with this choir for 6 years plus.  We have a few Baptist choir members joining us for numbers, in this small town, that often happens so both choirs know each other's typical funeral songs.  Both are upbeat beautiful songs (River in Judea and Swing Low, Sweet Chariot in a "country rock" style).

My hubby's work had a get-together at Chili's last night because an inspector was in town.  Apparently, they traditionally go out to eat with the inspector her last night in town.  We weren't sure we could go (financially) but at the last minute, figured something out.  I had decided against making the soup yesterday and thawed ground beef, so I had Maddy make tacos with it for the kids.  It wasn't as fun as going out alone, but still nice to get out.  And Earl's boss's wife is considering taking Maddy on as a painting student, so maybe something good will come out of it.  I knew she painted but not that she taught out of her home, so when I asked her if she could recommend a class for Maddy, she said she'd think about having her join her class.  She does a lot of porcelain painting and said she loves to teach younger students in the hopes that some will keep the art going...apparently, there isn't a lot of interest these days.

Other than that, Mal and Morgan have dress rehearsal for the play they are in starting around 4-4:30 today.

Heather, what a morning for you!  Pets are part of the reason I no longer go barefoot, lol.


Offline MoWin

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Re: Friday, December 13, 2013
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2013, 09:03:34 AM »
Good morning ladies,

We have been in a whirl wind this morning. We have freezing rain turning to snow coming in any time now. So we made a quick trip to Oregon to visit MIL. They were just getting ready to take her to her arthritis doctor, so we just got to say hi and hug her. They are supposed to call us when they get her back to the care center. We filled the car with gas. Then we came home got all the animals taken care of and any other outside chores done. Kevin filled the kerosene heater in case we lose power. I cleaned the glass globe on our oil/kerosene lamp and made sure it burned ok. We got the trash burned. I cleaned the litter box. Just anything we needed to get done in case we do get lots of ice and lose power.  :-\ I am charging all my electronic gadgets just in case. Wouldn't have internet if we lose power, but I could read on my Kindle and listen to the radio on my Zune or Sony mp3 player. I can also play solitaire offline on my pad. So I should be good to go.   ;)
Kevin looked where his old home used to be when we went by, but didn't make any comments, then started a completely off the wall conversation, so I know that was his way of protecting himself. When we came back by, he didn't even glance that way.  :( So far, Fern knows nothing and we are hoping to keep it that way.

I bought the local paper, next town over paper and St. Joe  paper, so I have something to read in a bit. I imagine we will watch some Christmas movies this afternoon. We do have a small generator and a large one, plus an inverter if we need to use any of this. So we are hunkered down waiting on the winter storm. Radar looks like it is just on the south edge of St. Joe. We are 20 miles north of St. Joe, so probably won't get anything till afternoon. I am hoping we are far enough north to just get snow and no ice. I keep praying, no ice. I still remember the week we didn't have power in 2007 due to a horrible ice storm. It took years for our trees to recover to where they didn't look like they were in a hurricane.  :o

Cathy, glad you and Earl got to eat out last night.
Cheryl, hope the laundry goes quick.
Heather, I feel for you. My Callie always leave hairballs right at my side of the bed, or worse in my slippers.  ???
Janice, have a great day. Surviving 3 extra girls for a sleepover is a major accomplishment. LOL  :)

You all stay safe and have a great day. If I disappear, you will know that we have lost power. I will check back later if I can. We have gone through this many times before, so know how to take care of ourselves. Please don't worry about us.

Winona in northwest Missouri
Wife to Kevin
Mom to Carolyn, Cathryn, Isaiah, Hazel, and Jon
Grandma to Ashton, Ava, Noah, Izabella, and Maddison
Furbabies: Aeris, Buddy, and Callie