Author Topic: Saturday, December 28, 2013  (Read 1738 times)

Offline wrancher

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Saturday, December 28, 2013
« on: December 28, 2013, 06:35:42 AM »
Good Morning

DD and I will be getting ready to leave for overnight for basketball tourney. Took DS yesterday to city for braces. Did some errands mainly a sams club run for milk, etc. Today we leave around 730 yesterday was 5. I have dishes and laundry going. Yesterday DH sends me a text ER with Ashley and I was thinking he was texting back HES with ashley as I had just texted him to find out about sons bball practice so I wasnt even concerned because I thought everything was fine. No she was cleaning shop and was bringing down a piece of tin and when it came down it cut her by the eye and  needed 4 stitches.ugh Poor girl. She is doing fine and doesnt look as bad as it sounds but still! So then they cleaned in house but it is like when I clean you cant really tell what I did but I was busy.  No real news here so time for more coffee....

Have a great day


Offline MissMandy

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Re: Saturday, December 28, 2013
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2013, 06:46:32 AM »
Morning Ladies!

Janice: Yikes!  Glad she's OK and it wasn't as bad as it sounds!

Things are getting back to normal around here.  I love my hubby dearly, but I was glad to see him driving up the driveway to go to work this morning ;D!  Between travel, holiday, and gigs/music stuff, he pretty much took all of December off. 

Today holds just 'normal' tasks I think - basic maintenance cleaning, some knitting, and NSA work.  Sounds wonderful to me!  My brother and SIL and their three young girls are still visiting my parents, but I'm not sure if I will see them today since Jean has our main car (his is OK, but we'd rather not drive it if we don't have to!).  They are driving my parents absolutely crazy, so I asked mom if she wanted to go do some shopping or just come over for a little while today, just so she can catch her breath! 

Dinner tonight is on my own, since Jean has a gig after he works, so I imagine it will be leftovers.

Have a wonderful day ladies!

Mandy :)
Mandy, wife to Jean, furmama to Irish Wolfhound Grimmauld (Grimm), living in the mountains of Virginia.  Childless by circumstance and loving it! ♥

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Saturday, December 28, 2013
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2013, 07:45:40 AM »
Good morning!

Up having my coffee and the last of the pumpkin bread.  Earl wasn't sleepy last night so he stayed up way too late and now he is sleeping in.  The kids are having some Amazon cartoons.

We have a huge iron sleigh bed frame that we bought when we moved to this house and bought our king-size mattress.  It's beautiful and I have loved having it, but a design flaw is that there is a huge gap between the top edge of the mattress and the headboard.  We stuffed kingsize pillows in the gap after losing our pillows into the "black hole" one too many times and have done that for several years.  Basically, the headboard and footboards cause us to lose at least a foot of space, probably more.  Plus it's a tall bed so we lose vertical space which doesn't affect our storage but makes the room look smaller (it's 11 x 11' so not huge to start).  So, the other night we discussed putting our oversized (super tall) mattresses on the floor for a normal height bed until we find something we like and can afford.  We're also thinking of rearranging the room today.  Regardless, I know I have canned potatoes under there, an extra box of our laminate flooring, and who knows what else?!?  We were going to tackle it last night but decided to do it today so it has time to clear out before we sleep.  This type of project tends to aggravate my asthma which is kicking up lately anyway.

I am in purging and cleaning mode, always a good thing.  Wanting to start a new semester of homeschool off with a clean house and better schoolwork organization.

Other than that, I got my Territorial Seed Company catalog yesterday, yay!  Another fun one to browse through, though I will most likely buy from Baker Creek again.  This year, I've been throwing out all the "regular" seed catalogs since I won't be ordering from anyone who hasn't signed the safe seed pledge (pledging not to knowingly sell genetically-modified seeds).  I really have plenty of most types of seeds, but need a few odds and ends (breen beans, etc...) and would like to try a couple exotic varieties as well.

Also, Maddy will get packed up for the Winter Retreat she leaves for tomorrow.  She is so excited about this!  We started going to a different church a couple of months back and found that the people who own and run the campground now attend there.  They are also a homeschooling family with five kids (though theirs are 14-23 and one is now married with a child of his own) and people we feel very comfortable leaving Maddy with.  In fact, Brian, the dad, pulled her first tooth when she was there for camp in 2007.  They will do laser tag, archery, go-karts, a maze, swing dancing lessons on New Year's Eve (taught by another friend of mine), and just have a blast.  There topic is about "comfortable" sins...the things we are lulled into forgetting are sin, which seems very appropriate.

Janice, glad your daughter is doing okay!
Mandy, enjoy your alone time.  ;)

Have a great weekend!

Offline mooremama

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Re: Saturday, December 28, 2013
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2013, 11:55:13 AM »
Good afternoon friends.

I have been busy in the kitchen today.  I am having a HUGE issue with mental chaos/"static"  that comes with clutter so I have been purging and cleaning in the kitchen.  I think if my kitchen is minimalistic and sparse, it will help me deal with the clutter that comes with 7 people living in a very small space.  I have gone through my "seasonal cabinet" and gotten rid of all the silk flowers, kitschy plaques and plates, extra vases from floral arrangements, doo-dads, etc.  I've also removed a lot of stuff from my counter tops and only have out what is used on a daily basis.  I've put all extra canisters, pitchers, cooking utensils, trivets, etc. away and I love the look of my counter tops now. least they're not screaming at me anymore.  :D 

The rest of the afternoon will be spent putting the final touches on the kitchen, ironing and starting spaghetti sauce for our supper.  I'll need to cut up a salad too. 

Gotta scoot.  Sam has Lainey and Holden outside on the trampoline and Evan is sleeping so I've got to take advantage of prime time to iron without worrying about Holden jerking the iron off the board or tripping over the cord.  ::)

Beth in western NC
Wife of Sam for 27 years,
Mother of Aaron (26) and Caylon (24)
MIL to Bo
Nan to Lainey Beth (7), Stephen Holden (3) and Samuel Evan (2)
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Barnyard Mama to 2 goats, 3 turkeys and oodles of chickens.

Offline sbdriver

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Re: Saturday, December 28, 2013
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2013, 03:59:46 PM »
Afternoon ladies. Been awhile since I posted but time has just gotten away.

I brought my tree to the recycling place today. Would have been up a bit longer but since it decided to break the fishing line that was for extra security and fall over the day after Christmas it was put away early. Quite the crash and flood on my wood floor but not a broken ornament so don't know how that happened lol.

I'm ready for some purging and cleaning myself Beth. I hate "stuff" sitting around and always like to relook at items and decide if I really need them anymore. Start the New Year off right.

Hope you are all having a great day!

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Offline artsyone

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Re: Saturday, December 28, 2013
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2013, 08:34:01 PM »
Hello everyone it has been way too long since I have been on or even read anything. Life has been interesting to say the least. I had surgery on my nose for cancer and then plastic surgery to reconstruct in late October. I have done very well and am cancer  free. After a routine visit to the Dr in late Nov I found out I have diabetes. I am dealing with that with a strict diet and a little pill, hope that is all I need to control it. I will be tested again in mid Jan to make sure everything is well. My daughter has been home for a few weeks from college for Christmas break and it has been so good to have my family all together. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and hope all of you have a blessed New Year!


Offline Andrea G

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Re: Saturday, December 28, 2013
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2013, 08:27:21 AM »
Good to see you posting Gail. I have been wondering how you have been. Glad that the surgery went well, but sorry to hear about the diabetes. Praying that diet and the pill will be enough. My MIL was diagnosed over 10 years ago now and has been able to control it that way, and I hope that works for you too.

I will keep you in my prayers! :)
Loving life in southern Ontario
Wife to David, Mom to Kate, Paul, Matt and Julianne