Author Topic: Monday, January 27, 2014  (Read 1377 times)

Offline wrancher

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Monday, January 27, 2014
« on: January 27, 2014, 06:28:54 AM »
Good Morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Monday, January 27, 2014
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2014, 06:49:12 AM »
Busy times indeed. Starting last thrus, fri- DS games (sprained his ankle bad and will just watch practice for a couple of days. He can walk fine but it is still swollen, just rest basically. I had a brace on hand so he can use that.) Saturday was DDs tourneys an they lost all games but mainly from girls attitudes. The coach sent me the nicest text thanking me for raising a nice respectful girl who doesn't talk back and is kind and just basically wants to play basketball. I just cant believe how some kids act and the parents support it. Sunday DS wrestled and got 5th out of 17.  That was good boost for him. Tonight is ds concert at 630. Just oldest son has practice but just sitting.  So today after chores DH and I will load calves to take to salebarn. They will sell tomorrow. The truck will make 2 loads. so just cold and time consuming. Well I am off to change clothes around and take kids to school. DD left for school already to study for test that she is retaking. So I am bus driver this morning. Better scoot

Coffee time again


Offline luv2bmom

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Re: Monday, January 27, 2014
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2014, 07:02:37 AM »
Good morning!

Hi Janice!! 

Boy this cold, windy, snowy winter has gone on tooo long!  I guess its making up for the past few mild winters....dh is considering buying a cord of wood, we have never ran out of wood but we have been burning through our supply like crazy!  We have about 1/4 left of what we put away in the fall...

Dh is volunteering this morning at Parent Aide where I also volunteer.  They are moving offices and there are some electrical issues he will fix, last week we met 3 retired men volunteering their services to Parent Aide, 2 were taking down walls and rebuilding and the other is a 88 yr old drywall pro who does amazing work, he just laughs and says "I move slow, my knees are bad and I can't raise my arms past my shoulders" but you would never know from his work! just made my heart so full seeing such kind men helping! 

Have a good day everyone!  take care!
Pixie, wife to Coby
mother to Megan, Amanda
and to our beloved late son Braden
Baboo to Mont, Ada, Brinly and Brielle
mil to Warren and Marcus

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Monday, January 27, 2014
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2014, 03:16:22 PM »
Good almost evening!

Didn't sleep well (or much) last night, then got up at 5:03 to work out.  Then I had a dental cleaning this morning at 8:45, so Earl came home to take the kids to co-op and I went there when I got done.  I am drained when I get home from there.  Haven't done much of anything around the house but will plan to tomorrow. 

Our temps dropped last night as the crazy winds blew in, so it is quite chilly here today.  I wouldn't care so much if we could have a little snow with it, lol.  But no, it's super dry here.

Dinner tonight is hamburger gravy with homemade rolls.  I have the dough in the bread machine and I think it's ready to shape into rolls.  Probably broccoli to go with it.  Earl has class which is why we're having this as it's not his favorite but the kids absolutely love it.

Have a good evening!
