Author Topic: Tuesday, August 21  (Read 1633 times)

Offline Cheryl

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Tuesday, August 21
« on: August 21, 2018, 08:06:51 AM »
Good morning!

I remembered to check in here before lunch! :D

It's overcast and I really wanted to stay in bed a while longer, but I made myself get up at 6:00.  I had coffee and breakfast, started laundry, made sure Emily was up, swept and dusted the living room, and now I'm taking a little break to check Emily's math.

I'm caught up with the garden just because all that's left are peppers and okra.  We had talked about planting a fall garden, but I am not sure I even want to fool with it.  I might just plant some lettuce and chard and let that be it.

Supper tonight is hotdogs, but I am out of buns and don't want to make any, so looks like we will have them on leftover hamburger buns.  We will see how this goes over with Tony and Emily. :)

Talk to you all later!
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Tuesday, August 21
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2018, 08:50:39 AM »
Good Morning Cheryl and any others who might follow!

Had a busy day yesterday.  Went up to visit my parents.  Just a quick visit, but with driving it basically took up all of the day.

Stopped at a roadside stand on the way home and got some sweet corn, and cukes for pickles.  Prepped corn so just need to bag it for the freezer. Today I need to run to the store and get some wide mouth jars for the pickles.  Will do those this afternoon.

Hubs is out of town for work.  Will be home either tomorrow night, or Thursday morning.

Lindsay: I sure hope the sickies are on the way out of your house.  That is no fun at all!

We got a little rain overnight.  I was hoping for rain all day today since it has been so dry for most of the summer.  We could use a long wet day.  But, I guess it looks like it is clearing up already.

Not much else is happening around my world.  Just need to make my shopping list, and get going!

Hope all of you are having a great day!
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Tuesday, August 21
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2018, 08:51:51 AM »
Good morning, Cheryl and all after!

Sitting here taking a little break and cooling off after mowing the grass. Just heard the washer chime go off so will switch that in a minute. The 3 younger kids have their dental cleanings this afternoon, and I really need to go shelve at the library, so am thinking of what else I need to get done around here first. I also need to work out.

We had a slightly cooler weekend and were hoping the bad heat was done for the summer (as some weather forecasters had predicted), but I see we're supposed to be right back up into the 100's by the end of this week. So ready for fall--or at least real fall temperatures, lol. Actually, we could move right on to winter and that would be fine by me. :P

Better get moving and make the next 3 hours at home count. Hope you all have a great day!


Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Tuesday, August 21
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2018, 08:53:13 AM »
Hi, Pam! We must have been posting at the same time.

Offline Rooney

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Re: Tuesday, August 21
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2018, 11:37:12 AM »
Hello all. :)

Trying to get back to some sort of normal today.  We are all feeling a bit better, but still not over whatever this is.  Kids are having lunch right now and afternoon will be filled with school.  Hopefully tomorrow will be an actual full normal day with everyone well.  Hubby was talking to some clients at work and they said whatever this is, it is making its way through the school system in our area.

So, other than school, I will try to catch up on laundry and ironing, get in as much of a workout as I can handle.  Can you believe I have not skipped a single workout with this illness?  Being the workout junkie I am, I can't seem to make myself set it out, even when I know it would be best to do so. :P 

It is cooling off around here too.  Highs later this week in the 70's according to my "weatherman" teenager.  We still have so much to do to prepare for winter! :o  Get more firewood and the chimney fixed on the greenhouse, for starters.  Need to get several big loads of gravel delivered in the driveway.  Also need to finish cleaning out the greenhouse and getting stuff ready to start in the fall (which is right around the corner).  Have some outdoor painting that needs to be finished up also.  Also several new rentals to get up and running.  We like to go through the winter with all the rentals filled, if possible.  Don't want those extra utility bills! :P  So please, winter, hold off a while longer!  We aren't ready for you!!

Oh, also to add something else into the mix.  We had an unexpected leak in our kitchen.  So hubby has the whole side with the sinks ripped out replacing everything.  This is an inconvenience the next few days, but on the plus side, it will be the first time in years that I will have three dishwashers all functioning at once.  That really will make things quicker.

We have a birthday here in a little over a week.  I got some of the gifts ordered last night, but would like to make a order for her as well.  I am HOOKED on this website for the kids clothes.  They are used, but they don't get holes in them quickly like the new clothes I was buying.  I am able to get better brands that hold up this way and they are CHEEEAAAAPPP! ;D ;D  Catherine, you might want to check it out if you have never ordered from there, with all your kiddos.   I couldn't be more impressed with the quality and even the way they package it and how quickly it arrives.  All of the clothes look like they have never been worn.

Anyway, enough jabbering from me.  I hear the kids finishing with lunch.  Off I go.  Lots of learning to do.
