Author Topic: Wednesday, April 29, 2014  (Read 1659 times)

Offline wrancher

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Wednesday, April 29, 2014
« on: April 30, 2014, 06:46:17 AM »
Good morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Wednesday, April 29, 2014
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2014, 06:58:20 AM »
Windy, chilly and muddy!  I think I will take kids in to school as Ashley went to a freshman impact program and had to leave by 530.  It will be real for our high school as they just lost their classmate in an auto accident.  The program is a day long event and at the end they have a mock car accident with jaws of life, ambulance ,etc. they show them the influence of alcohol can do to impact driving and not wearing seat belts,etc.  pretty scary some kids will leave crying.  I will check Ashley's chicks for her this morning she did a lot last night for them so they will be fine till she is home.  After chores that take way longer in the mud I will finish a little bookwork. Feeling good to catch up on this. I am trying to do 1 house project i have procrastinated on for ever.  Yesterday a broken drawer.  Today maybe check exhaust in down stairs bathroom. I think the hose is off going outside but need a ladder.

Time to leave for school , need more coffee


Offline Cheryl

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Re: Wednesday, April 29, 2014
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2014, 07:17:24 AM »
Good morning, Janice & everyone!

Whew!  I think the bad weather's over for our area.  It's been a stressful 2 days around here.  I dread tornado season every year because our little house has nowhere safe for us to go.  You always hear to go in a small, interior room away from windows near the center of the house, but that doesn't work out for us.  Our house is 62 years old and we have 2 closets, both in bedrooms on opposite ends of the house.  We have one tiny bathroom at the end of the house.  My daughter, 2 grandchildren, son-in-law, and the 3 of us rode out the storms here together.  That's a lot of people in my little house but it makes it easier to deal with the stress of the situation when you're surrounded by your loved ones. ;)

Today I will be tidying up the house and just generally catching up on everything that's been put aside for the past 2 days.  I have a mountain of laundry to do and I'll get that on the line if the clouds go away.  I have 3 flats of tomato plants I want to get in the ground sometime soon.  I feel like I'm behind with my gardening this year.  We've got a few tomatoes planted already, along with some zucchini, peppers, cabbage, chard, lettuce, and yellow squash. 

I love hearing about everyone's days.  I know mine are pretty much the same but I do enjoy reading about all of your activities.  I know we all get busy with life, but I miss hearing from the ones who haven't posted much and I hope they post again soon. :)

Have a great day!
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Wednesday, April 29, 2014
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2014, 07:27:32 AM »
Good morning!

It's a beautiful morning and promises to be a beautiful day.  It will be a tad chilly as we are only expected to get to low 60s but then we will warm up over the next few days.

Today is shopping day!  I have my menu and shopping list made up.  My brother is coming over at 10 for his haircut, then we'll head out.  We have to be back home by 12:30 to eat lunch before Alex goes to preschool so I may only have time to go to Costco (which is the farthest away) before school.  I'll go to the other stores after dropping off Alex.  Then I will be putting away stuff and reorganizing the fridge.  I will also balance the checkbook.  That is pretty much all I really have time for on Wednesdays. 

Tonight Christie and Jordan have soccer practice, then Christie has a school event (that I will be going to also), and Jordan may have Scouts (haven't heard on that one yet).  So supper will be early.  I'm thinking chicken fajitas and spanish rice because I can make that ahead of time.

Somewhere in all of that I have to make bread.  I've found I really like using my bread machine to mix, knead and rise, then take the dough out, shape it, put it in the pan, do second rise and then bake.  That way I don't have to be paying attention to it so much and still get a nice shaped loaf of bread without the hole in the middle. 

Tonight at 8, Steven (husband) and I will be going to the gym to work out.  We are in our third week of exercising every other day.  I started the Couch to 5K training program and am in the third week.  Right now we are working on the habit of exercising and getting ourselves a little more fit.  Another week and I'd like to start weight training on the days I don't run.  I'm not sure I've lost any weight yet but that's not my primary focus right now.  But I've noticed I'm sleeping better, I have more energy, and I feel better overall.  So that alone is motivation enough.  The weight loss will come in time.

Hope you all have a great day and for those of you who are in tornado alleys, stay safe!


Offline MissMandy

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Re: Wednesday, April 29, 2014
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2014, 08:15:06 AM »
Morning Ladies!

Still rainy here, but at least a little less chilly today.  I've gotten a couple of loads of laundry in the works and I've cleaned the floors, but I still need to make the bed (once the pillow cases come out of the laundry). 

It also just hit me last night that all of the house guests we have coming in May will be here SOON!  We've got our good friends, their baby, and two small dogs coming the 8th-10th (though they are staying with other friends the night of the 9th).  We invited another friend of ours to stay on Friday night after his local gig (he's touring from Nashville).  We offered to host the next Worship Arts Planning Team meeting at our house instead of the church, so we can have a meal and a couple of drinks with the small group, and that is taking place next Tuesday.  Then at the end of the month we've got our friends and their 2-year old coming from Scotland for three days.  Whew! 

Most of the planning I need to do revolves around cleaning (keeping up on the guest room and bathroom, moving myself out of the guest bathroom and into the master bathroom) and meal planning, but I will also need to plan the days for our Scotland friends.  We are thinking wineries on one day, Shenandoah National Park/Skyline Drive one day, and hanging at home, grilling on the deck and maybe visiting the neighborhood lake on their 2-year old's birthday.  I feel better just having written it all out!

We've got choir tonight, so it's an easy dinner - chicken tacos in the Crock*Pot.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Mandy, wife to Jean, furmama to Irish Wolfhound Grimmauld (Grimm), living in the mountains of Virginia.  Childless by circumstance and loving it! ♥

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Wednesday, April 29, 2014
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2014, 01:39:50 PM »
Good afternoon!

I'm sitting here cold and being lazy for the moment.  Need to get motivated and get a few things done.  My throat isn't hurting so badly but feels swollen inside so I'm not sure what is up with that.  This morning, I ran to pick up some homeschool curriculum I had purchased from an acquaintance (for almost half off), in like-new condition aside from two weeks' worth of worksheets for language arts being done (in pencil).  I can erase those to save almost $200.  Then I went to the commissary for groceries, and then to Supercuts for a cut and eyebrow wax.  I also do my own color aside from once or twice a year.

Tonight is church for the kids so I will find something to eat or pick up something inexpensive.  Earl still has class.

To do: fold a load of laundry, work on putting bills into a payoff calculator, maybe meal plan.

Cheryl, Lily the cat is beautiful!  She has such big round eyes like our Sassy girl.



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Re: Wednesday, April 30, 2014
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2014, 02:32:12 PM »
Good afternoon, ladies! 

Its a beautiful day here!  I have exercised, taken Sophie for a walk (coyote on the trail made us change our path), school is done and I am making some chicken for salads for dinner tonight.  We are all going in different directions this evening so this seemed to be the easiest and best idea for dinners for us.

I started my new blog and have been working on it.  Trying to figure out what to post next, LOL.  I'm excited about it though.

Hope everyone is having a great day!  Love reading about your days!
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 02:33:18 PM by shedrinkzcoffee »

Offline Rooney

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Re: Wednesday, April 29, 2014
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2014, 05:04:51 PM »
Pretty blog Erica!! :)  Of course, I liked your other one too. :)  I like the picture on it.  Did you have to join an image site (like shutterstock)  to get that?  I haven't been able to find one that doesn't cost money, so I guess I'll just wait until we get a family photo done this summer.

Offline Cheryl

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Re: Wednesday, April 29, 2014
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2014, 09:33:42 PM »
[quote author=greyhoundgirl link=topic=689.msg7207#msg7207 date=13988867

Cheryl, Lily the cat is beautiful!  She has such big round eyes like our Sassy girl.


Don't be fooled by her looks.  Lily is a little stinker!  She shreds toilet paper, paper towels, and anything else she can get her little paws on! ;D.  She was orphaned at 9 days old and we bottle fed her and her brother.  They are spoiled rotten.
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn